
EBINEZAR GNANASEKARAN (e_sekar) Quotes & Sayings:


Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 9 Months


1-21 of total 21 Quotes
Great people - "Give it the best shot."
Average people - "Give it a try."
Small people - "Call it Great people - "Give it the best shot." Average people - "Give it a try." Small people - "Call it..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Success Truth

If the relationship is full of expectation and exploitation, it would end up with expulsion and If the relationship is full of expectation and exploitation, it would end up with expulsion and..


Do not drift to deviate in life for tears, instead steer with the right gear of clarity, focus, and Do not drift to deviate in life for tears, instead steer with the right gear of clarity, focus, and..


Teachers are the solid foundation, strongest pillars, and long-lasting concrete for other Teachers are the solid foundation, strongest pillars, and long-lasting concrete for other..


Nothing that can deterrent for a determined.A tenacious person flys against all on odds, sails in a Nothing that can deterrent for a determined.A tenacious person flys against all on odds, sails in a..

Inspirational Success

Social media is supersonic, Flickering Light, double-edged, and wireless transmission to a massive population across the globe. It will fight for

People are in stingy to appreciate the good works but generous in gossiping, criticism, spreading rumors, and WhatsApp forwards. Hence, The most

The problem among the families lies because of the term in-law, that's why women are arguing among themselves. The change is needed indeed, instead

Change Women problems

Do not mind when others started criticizing you for the sake of promoting themselves. The purpose you have is more important than criticism. Be laser-

Goal setting dispels the darkness, provides the direction, and finally brings the light for a Goal setting dispels the darkness, provides the direction, and finally brings the light for a..

Goal Success

Though We are literate of the 21st century, still we are illiterate when it comes to financial literacy. Financial literacy is the only way to enjoy

Success money

Life Way Enjoy Action
People are longing for happiness. You would not crave for happiness. As you and I know, it is a state of mind not in material possessions. If you are


People Know Mind Happy Happiness
Expecting success without hard work is anticipating the returns without any investment. Expecting success without hard work is anticipating the returns without any investment...

Success hardwork

Stop daydreaming about success and start preparing yourself both mentally and physically to be Stop daydreaming about success and start preparing yourself both mentally and physically to be..


Success Stop Successful
Success is not only in having or being in a dream. It is in doing. Success is not only in having or being in a dream. It is in doing...


Being Success Dream
Successful people are the change agent, they know how to turn the stumbling blocks to stepping- Successful people are the change agent, they know how to turn the stumbling blocks to stepping-..


People Know Change Successful
Every successful person in the world got rejected in the beginning, which forced them to fear, but Every successful person in the world got rejected in the beginning, which forced them to fear, but..

World Fear Strength Successful Courage
Money does not matter; integrity, ethical and moral practice is of paramount importance than Money does not matter; integrity, ethical and moral practice is of paramount importance than..

World Matter Money
No one is born with success. God shapes trials, tribulations, and frustrations to make you succeed. No one is born with success. God shapes trials, tribulations, and frustrations to make you succeed...


God Success Born
Success is not only measured by the profit you earned but the impact you gained by sharing with Success is not only measured by the profit you earned but the impact you gained by sharing with..


Awareness of wellness about you will throw away the ignorance of illness. Awareness of wellness about you will throw away the ignorance of illness...
