
Karolina (karolina) Quotes & Sayings:


Experience on Earth:34 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 13 Years 11 Months
Short Bio: I love to write about feelings, that's just it...

Karolina Quotes

1-8 of total 8 Quotes
You should never give everything to someone because when it ends and when you can You should never give everything to someone because when it ends and when you can't give no more,..


When you create new problems you forget that there are old problems remaining, even though you When you create new problems you forget that there are old problems remaining, even though you..

Think Forget
There is nothing that is impossible, everything is possible. You just have to sacrifice what you There is nothing that is impossible, everything is possible. You just have to sacrifice what you..

Faith Life

Love Impossible Possible
When your heart is overloaded with regrets, anger and sadness, you cry out all the pain, When your heart is overloaded with joy, freedom and love,

Anger Happiness Hate Heart Life

Love Time Heart Mind Feel
Find peace in your heart and you will find yourself. Find peace in your heart and you will find yourself...

Change Forgiveness Heart Love Peace

Heart Peace Find
Great people always leave deep scars. Never take anything for granted and don Great people always leave deep scars. Never take anything for granted and don't rush into things,..

Forgiveness Hope Sad Truth

People Place Deep Expect
The end is just a beginning of something new. The end is just a beginning of something new...

Change Hope

You are like a rose. Beautiful inside and out but over time deteriorate, you and your fine You are like a rose. Beautiful inside and out but over time deteriorate, you and your fine..

Anger Loneliness Sad Truth

Time Beautiful