Fake Quotes Pictures

Being Fake is just a beautiful and easiest way to hide your pain and problems from the world, where..

Long distance relationships are hard, sometimes Impossible, but it is not fake love if you make it..

So you try to fake a smile and it'll probably work for the first time, But till when could it cover..
What happens when your heart becomes cold? What happens when your eyes run out of tears? What happens when your smile becomes fake? What happens when..
-Rena Eepling Your Heart One Day Your Eyes Wake Up
-Rena Eepling Your Heart One Day Your Eyes Wake Up
Top 10 fake Quotes
'the more you show your love to people openly.. the more they think it's fake.. ' fix this kARMA!- Aditya Gupta
Yes, I smile but that is fake. You think it is all real, but did you know something.. it's not. You want me to be perfect, but you know what? I'm not. I have flaws like everyone else does. I'm not the perfect child like my 'AMAZING' brother. If I'm in a bad mood, I get yelled at! If he is in a bad mood, I get told that I need to shut up and that everyone gets into their moods. Guess I'm not perfect.- hey guys.
My intelligence had always been above par with most people around me. For their sake, I used to hold myself back.. Stooping down to their level of intellect, so that they could understand me, be comfortable around me. I lived in this fake world and I don't know when, I also started changing from all this pretending.. Losing my brilliance.. Becoming one of them.. But then I met you. I assumed you to be one of them and tried the same approach, but you didn't waste time, trashing my assumption. You were always there to understand my quick jokes, sarcasm and hidden meanings behind my cryptic messages. You understood me like no one else.. Maybe, even better than myself.. You were unpredictable. It's not that I failed to understand you.. It's just that you were too fun to be around. You always made me wish nervously, that you act as I hope you do.. And you never failed my expectations.. You brought colours to my boring life.. There's never been one like you and never will be..- Zero Tyson