Miss Quotes Pictures

Life is like a light bulb, each bulb works differently and some last longer than others, but all..
Philosophy Truth Wisdom Work reality
Life Is Like
When people tell me to 'shoot for the moon and even if I miss I'll land on the stars' I take it as..
Desire Imagination Positive Attitude
Tell Me
Don't miss the greatest opportunity of your life holding on to the bitterness that was caused by..
Business Leadership Life Truth
Your Life
May be I'm wrong but I will do write someday. may be I'm careless but you will miss me one day. may..One Day

I hold on to the hope that you'll miss me, I pray for the day you call, I desire the sound of you..
Desire Heart Loneliness Love Poems
My Heart Without You
The same way I could live when I didnt know you, I can live without you after letting you go, But..Without You

I miss you, I miss your smile And I still shed a tear Every once in a while And even though it's..My Heart
My Loving husband You are my love, my true soul mate, my best and closest friend. You are my rock, my strength, my protector and Man of integrity. Y..
-Shaila Touchton My Love
-Shaila Touchton My Love
Top 10 miss Quotes
If there is no love, there is no revenge. If there is no faith, there is no god. If there is no dumb, there is no wisdom. If there is no events, there is no forgiveness. If there is no heart, there is no romance. If there is no prison, there is no freedom. If there is no impatience, there is no patience. If there is no decisions, we know what will happen. If there is no difference, there is no jealousy. If there is no parents, there is no chance of learning love right after you are born. If there is no wrong, there is no right. If there is no sadness, there is no happiness. If there is no failure, there is no goal. If there is no death, there is no life. If there is no war, there is no peace. If there is no lies, there is no truth. If there are no effect, there is no cause. If there is no darkness, there is no light. If there is no imagination, there is no fear. If there is nothing scary, there is no courage. If there's no life, there is no world. If there is one person, just one, miss- Karen Kuran