Graduation Quotes Pictures
Qualification comes from dedication. Dedication comes from determination. Determination comes from..
Creativity Imagination Inspirational Philosophy Success
Imagination DeterminationPublic health is an adventure between health for all and all for health!..
Education Goal Life Patriotism
ForgetThe older I get, the less I care what other people think of me. Therefore the older I get the more I..
Change Courage Education Happiness Love
Life People Think Care EnjoyOnly towards the end of my graduation I got to know 'I am getting jailed myself'. And now trying to..Know Trying
Apathy will always take you somewhere you don't want to be...
Desire Education Forgiveness Witty
WantIf you are not destined for greatness then life is easy....
Dreams Faith Goal Inspirational Leadership
LifeThe graduate who uses is graduation day to go around breaking other peoples plates and..
Funny Inspirational Life Philosophy Relationship
LifeEffort sowed; success reaped. Now, venture forth fearlessly, for the world eagerly awaits your..Life
Excuses are many, Reasons are few, and Successes are fewer..
Change Goal Short Success Truth
Matter Knowledge HideJack spent years in writing his dissertation which concludes that water is essential for living...Living Water
These are the days I will never forget ! They will run wild in my soul like the first light that..Soul Light Forget Run
It's the uncertainties in life that create change.. you can either accept it and grow from it, or..
Change History Life Nature Politics
Life Change Grow AcceptYou are my best-friend but I'd say you are my hero! You saved me from everything that happened to..
Forgiveness Freedom Hate Love Short
FriendKnowledge is infinity.. no matter how much a person gains it.. it is never enough....Matter Knowledge
Never let people bring you down always believe in who you are and what you believe in just be..Love Life People Find Believe
Top 10 Graduation Quotes
The choice is yours.. You can live your life dreaming or you can live the life you dreamed of, either way you can choose to be happy- Donna Letterio-Garofolo
The Flowers only bloom once, don't let them escape you- Josh Darosa
Even in our last moments together we feel like it is the end of the road together but like all roads they do eventually intersect- Josh Darosa
The only way you can find happiness is if you look for it.- Brian Emmerson
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