Short Happiness Quotes Pictures

The key to your happiness is in your hand, so stop giving it to others....Happiness Stop Hand Giving

Happiness is when you don't have anything you don't want; and don't want anything you don't have....Want Happiness

If you appetite is for success, happiness & a better you - you will never starve for attention!..Success Happiness

Pain isn't optional but happiness is. Choose to be happy. It will make the pain easier to bear...Happy Happiness Pain

The best driver isn't always the one in the first place, but the one having the most fun..
Hope Inspirational Life Success
Place Fun
The road to happiness is the road you build yourself...
Change Desire Dreams Imagination Inspirational
Happiness Build Road
Kids, Here is an advice you must listen to in order to keep happiness : Don't grow up!..Keep Happiness Grow Listen Order

Happiness is purely a state of mind, it can be achieved without the external stimulus, if you know..Know Mind Happiness State

All those who are laughing aren't happy, laughter is universally mistaken for happiness...Happy Happiness

Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues..
Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Relationship
Life HappinessTop 10 Short Happiness Quotes
Never Be that person whose absence makes others cheerful.- mohdmustafa99
Thoughts on happiness are written by those who were not happy at all.- mohdmustafa99
Anxiety is like happiness in one aspect at least; both increase if you share with others- mohdmustafa99
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.- Yakin Diwan
Nothing will never change for you - until you change- G Swiss
The pain won't last forever but the memories will.- piyush kamboj
The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do - Juniblaze
We are the factorys of shit- harish vashdev
No matter how loud the other noises are, Let your heart always hear its own voice.- Zoya Kazi
Your happiness is determined by something you do, not something you know.- vikrant
All Short Happiness Quotes ⇑
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success- David Figueroa
You know it is wrong when you did it without happiness.- Brandon McCulloch
If we had short term memory, we would have been able to laugh at the same joke many times as if it's new.- Lokesh giri
Length of time depends on happiness and pain- mohdmustafa99
We want happiness to go along the way , but it always goes across.- mohdmustafa99
Lucky are the deaf; they don't hear words that we dislike to hear- mohdmustafa99
Expecting nothing is a good expectation.- mohdmustafa99
Everyone deserves to be happy. No ONE has the right to make others unhappy in their process.- Laila Hakim
Recognize your light, then seek the light in others.- Danielle Kukich
It's unfair to dwell on the past, because everyone remembers it differently- Cassandra Fine
Eliminate energy-zappers and replace them with energy-boosters - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
The best time is yet to be. - mohdmustafa99
Happiness is the exception that proves the rule. - mohdmustafa99
Always carry a backup plan in the back of your mind- Adheesh vats
A man's heart cannot stand by itself, it needs a woman to hold it.- joey the poet
Never let pain be the result of happiness- Michael
The best part of travel is, people!- SHIBIN
Love is a open door we just need to find the right person to walk through it with us- Myauna Cummings
You can only truly be thankful once you have experienced having nothing- Emmanuel Erhabor
You just follow your heart and never be afraid, because your heart knows the way.- kittygirl583
If you love someone, you should fight for him no matter what.- Meg Perez
When beauty is all you see, how can life NOT be good?- Melia Gullotti
Hearts do not buy and sell. They deal only with gifts.- mohdmustafa99
I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday.- The One And Only
The life path is easier with someone by your side- Miguel Filipe Santiago Pereira
Your fun is not dependent on anyone else, but the right person can amplify it- Gregory K. Paragh
If you give a s**t, you get hurt- Jihan Heenkenda
You're not losing everything you want. You're realizing you are better than what was wanted!- Zac Farkosh
Life's like a movie, just be the director- Jérôme W.
I believe it's a Beautiful Struggle, not an Ugly Life- Alanah M Freedman
It's life, you gotta take the good with the bad and make the best of what you got- James Eaton
By doing only one thing can you stay happy for your whole life and that is 'MOVE ON'- Varun Batra
I do count my earnings but I never count my spending because I spend only from my earnings.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
Who says that you can't be yourself? Trust me.. It's much more satisfying.- Muze
If one can't be happy with himself, I doubt if he can ever be happy with somebody else.- Lokesh giri
As I have figured out, the best way to be happy is to live without fear.- Lokesh giri