Life Success Quotes Pictures

It doesn't matter what you were, it matters what you aspire to be..
Inspirational Love Philosophy Wisdom
Let's smile, not because we don't have problems but because we are stronger than the problems...
Inspirational Relationship problems falling in love smile
Always put your coat on before answering your front door. If you like your visitor tell them you..Door
Top 10 Life Success Quotes
Life is three groups of hits: that you strike, that you receive, and that you avoid.- mohdmustafa99
Clarity is wisdom's oil. Contemplation is its comb. Compromise is its hairstyler. Composure is its gel. Temperance is its conditioner.- Pasithea
It's about living your life with others, not for others!- jaime moncho
A tree whose roots are deeply grounded fears no gale.- Christan Mitewu
Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions- Mubeen Kherro
When you lose - never get stressed & when you win - never get comfortable- G Swiss
You can either keep making excuses or start making moves - G Swiss
If you appetite is for success, happiness & a better you - you will never starve for attention!- G Swiss
In life, you don't have to go through an experience to learn your lesson, just make the right decision.- moises santa
All Life Success Quotes ⇑
Never think highly of yourself ; life will always throw you from your pedestal.- Michiel Bester
The storm of life may seem darker and longer than you want, but don't give up because you are your own ship and without you Lighthouses would have nothing to shine Upon - Nick Meraglio
You have to make the choice. Either get up once more and try again, or stop moving forward and become the person you never wanted to be- Marcela Dulong
You gotta get tuned up to success lest your brain reverses the great focus.- Murungi Nathaniel Muthomi
For you to succeed in Life, Divorce your Ego- Atayero Rotimi Johnson
A restless mind can take you places, but a well rested mind takes you where you want to go.- Raihan Hadi
Don't ever let anyone direct an episode of your life- Clairvoyan
Success is what you achieve, and beauty what you inherit. So it's up to you, you give importance to inheritance or success. Beauty you lose with time but success you can get more with time.- Anuj Tiwari
Life is like a puzzle. Only if you fit the pieces to the right places, you will see the beauty of it.- Dave Nahar
If you are happy with your life, that's the definition of a successful man, no matter where & how are you.- Muhammad Tehseen
Whenever you are hit by lightning and break your ears with its loud thunder , always find a way to go behind the clouds - Jimmel Bandojo Ibo
You will always fall somewhere along the way to success.. but you can always get back up.. and learn from your failures.. just keep moving forward .. Those who are do not stop are the ones who Succeed - Rena Martinez
The best driver isn't always the one in the first place, but the one having the most fun- Ford Mustang
Its only when you believe that you achieve.. !- Akshay Kishor Varma
You don't stop when you get tired, you stop when you reach your destination.- Jack Danger
The only journey in life, is the life you choose to be your journey- Madelyne
Great things happen when we stop dreaming about what could be, and start working for what we want to see. Destiny is the reward of dreamers who become doers- TODERICK R MILLER
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.- Rebecca Ann Totten
Not everyone can be successful, but anyone can be successful- Brayne Matshotshi
Durable solutions can be often achieved through many consistent small steps- Lokesh giri
Find hope not only in yourself, but find more for others- Josh Darosa
Winning and Losing are just perspectives, they can even be the same things- Josh Darosa
Moving forward after a mistake, a wrong decision or a personal disaster can make you a better person or it can make you a bitter person.. One letter in one word could make the difference in your life..- John Bonds
When you think the last leaf from the tree of your life has fallen, plant a new tree.- bob
Promise me tomorrow. I shall waste today- Kevin Jonathan KP
Never give up; keep your head up till you turn your dreams in to reality.- Righteous Sikiti
Thrive by giving! The more we give the more we receive and we have more to give that we think!- Adrian McGinn
Greet the day! Do not judge the day, it has not happened yet!- Adrian McGinn
We may be imperfect and impermanent but we can be impeccable and impactful!- Adrian McGinn
Serving life with dignity, decency, dedication, and discernment is being true to life!- Adrian McGinn
Instead of complaining and making excuses, wake up and start doing something.- Joshua Muasa
The lazy won't make it in life.- Joshua Muasa
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Success without failures is often a near impossibility - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
An unexpected act of kindness is the best. Surprise them!- Sibel Terhaar
Many people think they finished school, but school actually finished them- Pistis Balu
Never dance with someone's shoes because they do not fit on your feet.- Righteous Sikiti
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues- Kabir Khivan Singh
Your mind can be your worst enemy. Control and train it wisely.- asokha
In war, honesty is the first docility- Samuel Adu
You can be the most intelligent person of the world. Only thing you have to do is to defeat yourself.- Jasleen kaur
Success is a measure decided by others, Satisfaction is a measure decided by yourself.- Nazra Nishat
We may think it is a necklace, a bangle or a ring. No! It's not - there is Gold in Everything- AiR
If the worst phase in your life doesn't bother your generosity, it complies you are familiar with art of living- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Live life you feel good living.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Lead with integrity, honesty and humility- Rev. Patrick Ellapen
Change doesn't happen, till You Change- Mark A Gardner
Life is short, See a Vision and Paint your Canvas well.- Mark A Gardner
You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline.- Mac McGovern
If you are ringed by ecstatic ppl's, you can be truly ecstatic.- NaGa RaJ D
Not being self-aware is like being the lion who attacked his own reflection.- Tahir Danish
Be the game rather than the spectator- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one; Than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.- Michelle Caldwell
You can keep on judging and condescending while I keep moving forward- Liz Kassim
You can always get what you want out of life only if you believe- ease berry
Great motivations aren't in sweet words.- Oladipo silas
Besides God, there would be no life without a woman.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Your inner strength will help you form the steps to make your plan come together. Put your plan in writing. That's the first step.- Ms P Quotes
There is no excuse in America for anyone to tolerate mediocrity as a life reality.- Rodney Pierre
You should be the editor of your life-book.- Neha S Parihar
When you are determined, prepared, intentional, and have clear goals, it becomes difficult to get distracted.- Germany Kent
A healthy mind leads to a beautiful life.- Germany Kent
Some people watch. Some people do. Which one are you?- Rodney Pierre
The only time you fail is when you stop trying- Oorlog Mphanya
If reality is the mirror of our essence, we better start smiling at it.- Daniela Ismerio
We all have a brain, don't worry about that. The difference is, some of us actually exercise it.- Allen Lazar
Those who try to impress everyone, usually end up impressing no one- the curious person
Life is what you make it. Your imagination is the only thing that will place you at a better stage or otherwise.- Previledge Tafadzwa Makaza
To every finishing line there is a starting point. Don't ignore the days of your little beginning, because without them the success story is never complete.- Sunday Okorie
A crack in the ground can represent a puzzle of your imperfections, misunderstandings, and even your life. Never threaten your ability to grow. Eventually you'll find the missing pieces - Alyssa Tillmon
Life is a open world game.- Md Razaullah
One voice can make a huge difference- Sunday Okorie
Life is being Flexibly, adjust with what you are having at the moment.- Malik Ahsan Ali
A failure will always blame the world. A winner will ways blame his failed decisions and correct them.- Allen Lazar
You need to maintain a balance between your number of successes and your number of failures, because life is incomplete and tasteless without the presence of either of them.- Nayanshree Sonowal
In order for me to live in peace, I must be true to myself and my own heart.- Amelia Goode
I'd rather die, after failing a hundred times in life than live one day wondering why I never tried.- Allen Lazar
You're the strongest when you're at the lowest point in your life. If still alive, you're gonna get up eventually.- Allen Lazar
Neutralize fears or fears will neutralize you.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
The light of the day determines the success of the day's activities. Hold on to the appearences of life and things will be better!- B. Samford M. Blah
Never give room for success killers- Abasiofon Fidelis
Life is all about enduring bad and delivering good - Malik Ahsan Ali
Your Character is formed in the middle of a storm!- Scott A Kimble
Life is not a cherry blossom road, it's full of nuts & bolts, those who are willing to puncture their tires and fix them, are on the right track to success.- Juhi Purswani
It pays to be obedient, you pay if you don't.- KRISHNAMURTY
Glory be to God in the highest for the new day i'm grateful for the grace to be living in existence of brightness morning dated Sun 23 Apr in your infinity mercy Lord have mercy on me and do new thing in my life this week that would proclaim your name in my life..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
You must be able to stand up to the devil inside of you and say 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH' for positive change to take preeminence- NDI DEREK GIYOH
RELIGION: Religion is created to reform lives, not to take revenge with one another- KRISHNAMURTY
LEARNING: Learning is a continuous journey, not the destination- KRISHNAMURTY
Neglect everything, except failure. - mohdmustafa99
We don't have time to lose time.- rawaf
Success starts in the womb and ends in the tomb.- Robert Dalton Adams
Your patience may be the secret of your successful life.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Life is not the way only ; it's both the way and the hindrances.- mohdmustafa99
In one way or another we are all dreamers of a better future. Yet, how many of us actually chase our dreams? Make your dreams become a reality!- Javier Contreras
Hair on head its not verification you are still Young. It's about how much your brain working. If your brain going well you don't need to worried about how old are you. '- Anshan Ahemd Nizamani
Stars play their games, you play yours :)- Devesh Aviral Devrani
He who sweats now will not be among those sweating tomorrow.- Matshona Dhliwayo
I can't change you and you can't change me, but we can work together and change the world.- Germany Kent
People love goats and sheeps but from lion they are inspired and feared. Sharjeel Khan- Sharjeel Khan
No gold before you dig deep.- mohdmustafa99
Be mindful of each and every moment and make sure that it becomes the memory you will want to live with for the rest of your life- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success- David Figueroa
There is always a story behind the glory.- Paddick Van Zyl
When one door shuts on you, be thankful as the Universe has a greater plan to open higher doors where your talent and heart will be valued and treasured.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
If you are traveling along the path to success and you fall in a mud puddle, you decide how long you are going to roll around in it before you get back up and move.- El Haji Nero
Dreams are one of the few things in life that we shouldn't risk for others- Nancy Almeida
Success is the result of multiple failures.- shiza shahid
Give your best to be the best..- Criz Jordan
Do something with your life now, so it can benefit your future- Leonardo barauna
Each man is the architect of his own fate.- Eric Scott Tolman Jr
Destiny does not go knocking on your door. You have to knock on destiny's door.- Eric Scott Tolman Jr
After every winding road, a straight road ahead- Abeer Al Jammal
Life is filled with so many inaccuracies, it's up to you to take aim and shoot for what you want!- Eddie Keith
Passion.. the driving force that morphs itself into all kinds of power- Josh Darosa
Clear your mind, it will become your greatest asset in being able to understand- Josh Darosa
Its painful when someone gives you a new identity and they kill it before the world could know- Farhad Dastoor
Why go chasing movement if you have gravity on your side.- ashley ortiz
It is not until we are on the edge of losing control do we find out what we are made of- Kevin R Woodard
In order to gain true understanding of things, one must start with themselves.- Gerald Abad
Don't let fear stop you from growing, Don't let the past hold you in a cage of regret, Yesterday was the lesson, Today is the reward - Nancy Thompson Mahler
It's never the right time to do the wrong thing.- Bill Gibbs
The only person who can make you sad, is yourself.- Joshua Wu
You know you have accomplished something in life, when you leave memories for someone else.- Loretta Avery
Believe we can and we relieve ourselves of the greatest obstacle!- Adrian McGinn
Do not let our pride stop us from consistently telling those whom are proud of exactly this!- Adrian McGinn
None of us is a better or worse human being than anyone else, if so it is our mind playing tricks on us!- Adrian McGinn
Be our beautiful butterfly, leave the past, rise to the occasion, and embellish life!- Adrian McGinn
Only people who really love you can hate you for a small thing you do unintentionally.- Marie Yolande Pierre
I stopped expecting things from people who have nothing for themselves.- Marie Yolande Pierre
You can't expect anything from someone who has nothing to give.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Human thinking creates the virtual barrier between possible and impossible.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Beyond the boundary of possible lies impossible. Remove the boundary and you convert impossible to possible.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Emotions can make you or break you.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Persistence is performance irrespective of your feelings.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Don't give up on your dreams. Keep dreaming, Keep believing, Keep trying- Joshua Muasa
Don't spend more than you earn, invest for retirement.- Joshua Muasa
If you don't work hard like them, you will be calling them; illuminati and cartels.- Joshua Muasa
Wake Up and Work Hard. stop calling successful people; Devil Worshippers, Cartels.- Joshua Muasa
Consistency over time increases the gap, competition cannot close. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
I am who I am because of what I have been through. If you want to know who I am and why I am the way I am, do not judge me from afar come close and you will understand who I am and why I am the way I am.- Dr. Patricia Ghann
Embrace persistence, for it will pay great dividends- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Use your mind-power for your dream-power- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Magnified thinking augments resistance, minimizes performance.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Kindness has massive power, only smart people get it. Think about it.- Sibel Terhaar
I don't believe in revenge; I forgive and heal quietly. But I never let the same person fool me again.- Sibel Terhaar
Death is a physical loss but a spiritual gain- Kabir Khivan Singh
Death is a physical loss but a spiritual gain- Kabir Khivan Singh
A magician might mentor his follower to full capacity, but he'll always keep 1 or 2 secrets to himself- Pistis Balu
Discipline breaks the chains of limitations and liberates you to your freedom.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Let your circles be limited to those who would do everything to raise you up and not those who would frown at your success.- ojingiri hannah
Magnetize your thoughts by repetition and attract whatever you want into your life.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
We are not the Bodies that we Wear. We are the ones that Wear the Body.- AiR
I flew because I imagined success, you fell because you imagined failure- Albara almerf
Who stops us from Realizing God? Our Mind is the Enemy. It hides from us, Our Lord !- AiR
Be genuine because xerox can never be original- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
My Ego is only my Identity. My Ego is not 'Me'. Because I live in Ignorance, who 'I' truly am, I cannot see.- AiR
Don't be a DREAMER, be a ACHIEVER who always DREAMS- Lokesh Bachu
You do not need INSPIRATION to open a business; you'll need MONEY.- Berny CG
The best path of your life journey was Started from your dream So just follow your dream- jagdish jangid
AI is a paradigm shift. Hope we embrace it vs on the mercy of others. It is automation raise to the power infinity and much more..- Sandeep Aggarwal
It Burns like Hell, but then I stole the fire. Now it's Lit. ~Attitude Matters!- Kentren R Yeh
Appreciate the sunset before the sun rises.- AJ Makhoba
You are Born with a Name, But you Need to Create a Name. Who You are is more important Than Who You Were.- Ritesh Ranjan
The bees count not days but moments, and have time enough.- Prof Salam Al Shereida
Not to have problem at all, is like being brain dead- Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
There's no such a thing as impossible dreams, neither is dreaming the impossible. All are just dreams, and they are as possible as you dream them to be.- Lucas Tverds
Mark your plans in number system and not alphabets. You'll have more alternatives then.- Ritesh Ranjan
I wanted my life to Change, so I made the Choice, I knew it wouldn't happen just by chance.- Allen Lazar
The only thing that keeps us going everyday, is our dreams. Dream big, you will go longer.- Allen Lazar
If your life is filled with darkness, just go somewhere there is light. The darkness will slowly fade away.- Allen Lazar
If something is not good for me, it doesn't mean it's not good for somebody else. Often what doesn't work for me works out fine for someone else. Don't hold your breath, let it go and breathe.- Marie Yolande Pierre
My Problems, Create My Path- Satyam Kumar
To accomplish something in life! Give it time. I mean spend all your time in it, don't rush it, be patient with it and don't questioning it. Sometimes you might feel like you're forcing to make it right and confused. Don't stop. Remember no one is going to see any of it until you succeed.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Keep fighting, the better day might come, else it might never come.- ease berry
If who you are inconveniences your people, Then they are not your people. If who you are inconveniences your partner then that's not your partner. If who you are inconveniences your family then that's not your family. If who you are is celebrated by people, then you have found your people- Tina Fransman-Sell
Education is one of the most difficult thing in life but the easiest way to success.- Amoako Theophilus
I think about things that can elevate me, not things that can break me down.- ease berry
Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success in life, more than you ever imagine- ease berry
Look at others and learn.- Sipho P Nkosi
If you really want to fall in love with the most promising person then fall in love with yourself and experience it.- swati somal
Develop positive from negative and prove yourself- swati somal
Whenever you found yourself around problematic people, don't get disturbed.. have patience, back to your roots and say to yourself.. 'NO, I won't give up, I will stand and fight for me.. I will raise my words and take my step against violence.. i will spread my words to encourage'- swati somal
The worse the winter the better the spring.- Leanne Tarrab
Let's enjoy the life we're creating for ourselves. That's the only thing I'm in control of. What I do is my business. What you and someone else do is your business. Let's learn to live with our mistakes.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Everyone is busy in changing their DP, but I'm busy changing my life- Samiya Ammar
It's an everyday wish list, until you actually do it to make it your everyday life experience.- Wayne Chirisa
Hard work, efforts and sacrifices have to flow into the blood, for the formation of a character.- Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
A favorable public image is no accident.- Germany Kent
If you're not using your gift and platform to reach people and help whenever you can, sadly, you are not rising to the level of excellence and purpose through your potential to enjoy a full abundant life.- Germany Kent
The bird that sings Christmas songs during December is always there throughout the year just that it sings differently and it does not make a mistake- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
Life is like a gamble, You WIN, you LOSE, It depends on how you play the game- Dsistersdiaries
If you want to get success in life Simple rules Follow universal facts and keep learning from them.- Tadu chada
B - Be your Best.. E - Evoke your Best.. S - Summon your Best.. T - Top your Best..- Rodney Pierre
Art is rich, but artists are poor!- Halil Xhafa
World allows to commit crimes today, to judge tomorrow in the name of justice.- Halil Xhafa
My art probably does not touch everyone, but it's important to touch the right people!- Halil Xhafa
If I was given an opportunity to choose how to live my life, I would choose suffering. I'm who you see in me, because I suffered..- Mr vybs live
Where there is pain, there is strength.- Priyanka Sarode
Embedded aspirations only blossom once you understand that your visions are bigger than your fears, but until then, they remain buried under the veil of fear.- Wayne Chirisa
When life lifts you high, beware, for you need to choose between the booming rocket that finally crumbles down, or the slow growing mountain, that gradually touches the sky- the curious person
When life lifts you high, beware, for you need to choose between booming rocket that finally crumbles down, or the slow growing mountain, that gradually touches the sky.- the curious person
If you see the dark side of your life then only you can find the right way.- Nihar Ranjan Bhattacharya
Chemistry of life.. Add excess amount of happiness to your life and shake it well. Let it settle for some moments. Later, you will observe all the sorrows precipitating at the bottom of your life and colourful fumes of success evolving from it.- Upashana Talukdar
The more you believe in yourself, the higher the chances for people to believe that you are different from them- Mr vybs live
The success we knew was only by achieving. But girls, today you celebrate success by being achieved..- Mr vybs live
When facing a problem in life that you think is complicated apply the logic that we use with fractions.. reduce it down to its common denominator. Once simplified it is much easier to determine how to solve it.. so why not simplify our lives & not damn ourselves to living only a fraction of it?- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Sometimes we lost within ourselves and we're fighting somebody else to find us. What happens often is that we end up get buried inside.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Experience life in all potential ways.- NaGa RaJ D
At times you need to keep a small social circle, it's socially healthy.- Previledge Tafadzwa Makaza
You are the Inventor of your imagination. Your own thoughts will lift you or break you. You choose! Think it, Imagine it, Dream it, Believe it, Live it, Receive it!- Mar Torosian
Leaders are born to do their own things. Leaders don't wait on anyone to do things for them. They are all always busy doing their own things and they always ready to help and teach anyone who can follow and learn. It's hard for them to watch people wasting their talent and being lazy about anything.- Marie Yolande Pierre
You can get it if you want it. You'll have it if you need it.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Life does not promise that we will not go through trials, hardships, and testing of our own personal understanding of faith. What it does promise, is that if you persistently change your inner perspective to a positive one, those trials, hardships, and testings, will become void of pain.- Amelia Goode
I am sad when I want to go to bed because I can never have the oppurtunity that I have in the day- oluwagbenga segun
We can't tell how far we will go in life: but let's fight for what is meant for us- oluwagbenga segun
Change yourself from person to personality, that is what I call as development.- BILAL SHEIKH AHMAD
Many have the words to lure you, others the ability to persuade you but only few have the will to push you.- Sunny Godswill akpan
To know that I have done everything possible to be true to myself, that I have survived immense opposition from others, that I have persevered through the darkest of times to be true to my own heart, even when I was plagued with judgement and ridicule; I know that I am authentically living.- Amelia Goode
The only job worth doing is a good one. I would not recommend taking tips on winning from a loser, or taking tips on staying sober from a drunkard.- Sundaresh
Life is a school with many grades. The more you progress the harder it gets. Your humanity will determine your success.- Thando Mdluli
What is a goal without effort? What is a goal without growth? What is a goal without standards?- Amelia Goode
There are things in life that nothing nor no-one can fix, only your attitude- Allen Lazar
Stay strong, stay true, be bold- Kayla Weir
Excellence is not having too many skills, but only a very deep skill.- mohdmustafa99
One must be extraordinary , not just an individual of the population.- mohdmustafa99
One must always have defeatable enemies to enjoy victories..- mohdmustafa99
If in some point of your life you get stuck and there is 79% chance of failure and 21% chance of success, don't think about that failure think about the 21% success. It's just like nitrogen and Oxygen, there is 79% of Nitrogen and 21% of oxygen still we are surviving. Look life from a different angle you will always succeed- Karan Mali
Life, goals, and success is a journey with a visual destination, lacking it leaves you roaming blindly.- Patricio Antonio Lira
Do not let situations change your fate, you decide on the fate of those situations.- k.r.chandrasekhar
Experiences always explore the strength- MANOB DAS
Always do your job which is your passion not profession- Rizwan Ali
Your dreams don't have a expiration date but your time here is limited- crystal howard
Life has many ways to live, but don't hope all the ways will take you reach the destination.- Vishal Vemul
I'm going to be gone for a while, I need to get my life together and find myself. A ribbon presented itself to me while I was in the abyss, upon my despair to relish in it's complete darkness. I sensed the ribbon will take me to my true self, so I'm grabbing onto it, and I'll see whatever destination it may be, do not fret, it seems artless and only promising.- Scxio
Failure is a myth, and having fear of myth is just a waste of time.- Bibek Das
Focus on the path, de-focus from destination. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
You can take my phone, my car, my money, and I will be fine. You can take away my house, my future, all of my personal possessions, even my family's approval, and I will still be fine. However, if you dare take away my ambition, my passion, and my drive/motivation, I will be nothing. For then, and ONLY then, is when a man hits rock bottom - Liam Kiley
Action: your action quotient is directly proportionate to the quantum of your awareness.- KRISHNAMURTY
If you don't have true passion for it - you will lose interest in it..- G Swiss
Dreams are ONLY dreams if you never catch them!- G Swiss
Live, learn, play, win, inspire- Repeat- Ritesh Ranjan
Win to lose or lose to win, the choice is yours!- Ritesh Ranjan
REFLECTION: At every moment you are nothing but the true reflection of your own awareness- KRISHNAMURTY
YOUR FUTURE: Your decision makes your future Your mind decides your decision, Ultimately it is your awareness which guides your mind- KRISHNAMURTY
Think straight like a believer and uphold it with faith then there would be a miracle in accomplishment..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
ONLY AWARENESS, Your total success in each and every field is directly proportional to your quantum of awareness- KRISHNAMURTY
Awareness is one's invisible miraculous brain's softwear- KRISHNAMURTY
Focus is a catalyst for reality - Mabrig Korie
Basic root of religion is 'help if you can, but do not harm'- KRISHNAMURTY
It starts in my soul. It grows in my heart. It flows through my blood and it becomes a vision in my head, Success!- Christian Santelli
Each day wake up and ask yourself what will make you feel most alive that day.- Jaymin Shah
If you are born cruel, that is not your mistake; due to ignorance if you die cruel, that is definitely your mistake- KRISHNAMURTY
We are celebrating a victory without knowing there is a disaster coming.- Alexandru Bulai
Success is all about separating insights from plain ideas.- Ranjit George
To make it impossible for people to grow, you deprive yourself of the same.- Michael Eric Jones
Triumph doesn't spoil me, I've always been insufferable - Kyree Irving
Life is a stage so perform your own- Roha Sadaphule
If you Don't have any work to do, prepare for yourself.. Be Fit.- Nikhil Bhadviya
A puzzled piece like you should be where it belongs, not where it doesn't fit in, said a lot of people in my life.- Dakota Ace Hardin
Negative thoughts are the biggest threat to human kind- Shrikrishna Deore
There are billions of seconds in your lifetime, and it only takes one to completely alter the significance of your life.- Christian Andrew Stites
If you want to be a lion, you must train with the lions.- Karanveer Singh Kamra
Life does allow you to think but to learn the fact and act- sanele
Your career is your business.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Every move you make is a gamble, for best results go all in.- Ammar Samkough
Don't use discipline to move people, move people towards discipline - Michael Eric Jones
When beauty is all you see, how can life NOT be good?- Melia Gullotti
Succeed on what you can't, because when you can, that's when you succeed.- Janet luna
When you view success as synonym to luck then you're in for a big surprise. Success requires a great deal of hard work and stress. Sometimes instead of immersing yourself with your goal there will be a point where you want to get out and be freed from any responsibilities. And if you did get successful after the entire rocky road, success is indeed sweeter. This applies not only to business people but to anybody who's gone through a series of life disappointments and pain.- Gladys Gallentes
Always expect the worst to get the best out of this World.- Baqar Abidi
Some are born with silver spoons in their mouth, some are born with bank accounts waiting for them to use, some are born with ready-made life for them, but some had to work from zero to hero to live the life they are living today.. make your own living, let your sweat serve to water the seeds of your success.- Piet Ntema
Today, having a good salary doesn't depend on what you work, but on where you work.- mohdmustafa99
Perception Believed is Reality Achieved - ANDREW AUGUST
The only bible most people read is life, therefore, let mistakes be a lesson and success be an example to people around you.- Ermitha Gracia
Everyone utilizes their time to earn money and spend it on things they need and things which makes them happy. Their effort on earning more and more for the purpose of having more and more happiness. I utilize my time to serve the ignored people of my society which eventually brings happiness in their life and bringing smile on their face motivates me to work more and more for them. And as a result, it brings happiness in my life even though I am not earning any money. NO ONE CAN DENY, helping others does make us proud. In one line: VOLUNTEERISM IS OUR EARNING, we buy happiness by serving.- Syed Mohammad Mujtaba
How come it is the ones that try the hardest, are always the ones that feel the least accomplished?- Raygan Tinea Woodward
Everyday I see people giving up but I always say if you give up you're always going to give up and when you give up you're a failure.- Mya Shatira Clarke
Character must first be developed on the inside before it will manifest on the outside..- Paddick Van Zyl
Not everyone is living the kind of life you want to emulate. You also do not need to impose your own criteria for successful living on others. They might have different priorities that don't necessary match your own.- El Haji Nero
Everybody sees the world in a different way..- Hamdan Zefa Banda
Filled with endless regret, I find happiness in the fact that in another dimension, I have made all the right decisions.- Jordan J Koloski
I am determined to be successful, not to prove others wrong but to prove myself right- Alyx Martinez
The real problem with communication is the illusion of it- Dennis James Deegan CTM
Style is not determined by the high volumes of brands that you possess but it is determined by how well-rounded you are in your personal endeavors.- Glenn Mckeva Wiggins
You don't need friends to succeed in life ; All you need is your family & to work hard & stick to what you want to be, because you will be shocked when you make it- rhys blake
Reasons are not reasons, they are excuses. Dare not tolerate those excuses for neglecting one's heart. To follow the feeling in one's bones can be exactly what one needs. Acknowledge the hunches and obliterate the exasperating silence. To resist one's impulse is a bowl of anguish. Preservation is a limited convention. The more we attempt to prevent ourselves from falling, the closer we become to the fall. The innocent shall never win. The vulnerable shall never prosper Nonetheless the courageous are those who acknowledge the struggle that entails living. The pretentious are those who dare to breathe. And the ingenious are those who dare to love. There is no right and wrong. Whatever brings us stability and gets us through the day is always the sanest thing to do. A second of what you want can be worth a day of what you don't.- Camilla
A moving man will lose energy but will always overtake the standing..- sudheer keshetty
To keep an idea in your head, it'll either stop you from achieving something or it'll give you the push to achieve it.. It depends whether the thought was negative or positive- Daleen Irshaid
Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best.- Darab Imteyaz
Action and ambition should go hand in hand- Rizwan Jamil
Sometimes, the key to solve the problem is waiting in the future- Josh Darosa
The term hardwork is meaningless to these that are abase- Josh Darosa
Wisdom has the potential to manifest early, from not giving up- Josh Darosa
Friends and Families share a unique bond with you, they build on you filling in those empty spaces in you- Josh Darosa
Exhaustion is the point where you have two choices: win or lose- Josh Darosa
These that are disabled, are disabled from giving up- Josh Darosa
Some people live to whine and tell, and others live to prove them wrong- Josh Darosa
People that take advice are wise, people that don't take it and do it their own way are even wiser- Josh Darosa
Puzzles are incomplete games, why? Because they don't finish by themselves- Josh Darosa
There are shortcuts in life but not hard work- Josh Darosa
Corruption is not the most important thing in my life. Progress is.- Dhruva Mathur
Disappointment is only possible if the expectation is realistic.- Theophilus
When you don't take a chance in a situation you'll always wonder what if I did, but when you take the chance you never wonder what would have happened if you did nothing- Matt Allen Jones
There is a great relation between Proximity.. Money.. Satisfaction.. & Promotion. We want all, but in practical all are inversely proportional with reference to time. Need for one, may lead to devastation of others.- Pramod PJ
The problems you are now experiencing will continue for the rest of your life.- Obed Ceballos
I know what I know & I know what I don't know!- Maria Turner-Heuer
Smile because you can, Laugh because it makes you feel good! Think positive because things will get better- Gabby Ramos
People who make big in life are those who actually recognize their talents on right time.- Sohaib Ali Babar
Don't follow your life, lead it.- Ruben Castro-Medina
You can live life like a chess game or like a tic tac toe game. Either way there can only be one winner.- Christopher Reaves
If you want to make it in life stop pretending to be someone else, just be who you are- Albert Tshifulwe
They say it's good to have regrets in life that's how we learn from our mistakes.. Now if you had regrets but haven't learnt anything from it then I suggest you go see a shrink.- Max
Every success that we achieved during our life, will remind us the starting point of it- SYED ANWAR AL\'EDRUS BIN WAN MUSTAPHA
Success is like a ladder, you have to climb it in order to reach it- jessica
There are too many things to keep up with nowadays and it's all too much of a struggle, but if there is anything worse than doing too much, it's not doing anything at all.- Meagan Lynn Gervais