
Allen Lazar (allen85) Quotes & Sayings:
Allen Lazar

Allen Lazar

Location:Melbourne, Australia
Occupation:Real Estate Agent
Experience on OwnQuotes: 5 Years 11 Months
Short Bio: my quotes, are usually about the real life bullshit i see everyday.

Allen Lazar Quotes

1-50 of total 132 Quotes
Finding success is easy,  Finding successful people is hard. Finding success is easy, Finding successful people is hard...

Business Life Relationship Short Success

We live in a society where the good look bad and the bad look normal. We live in a society where the good look bad and the bad look normal...

Life Truth Wisdom

Trust your enemies and question your friends, your enemies remain the same but you friends always Trust your enemies and question your friends, your enemies remain the same but you friends always..

Change Inspirational Life Love Philosophy

Love your enemies and watch your friends, your enemies remain the same your friends always change. Love your enemies and watch your friends, your enemies remain the same your friends always change...

Change Life Love Truth Wisdom

Before you ask me if I Before you ask me if I'm Christian or Muslim, ask me if I'm hungry or need help. Practise that R..

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Religion

Before you ask me if I Before you ask me if I'm Christan or Muslim, ask me if i have eaten or need help. That is the best R..

Life Love Philosophy Religion Truth

The fear of achieving great success in life, is the reason we don The fear of achieving great success in life, is the reason we don't succeed...

Failure Inspirational Life Success Truth

The main reason for failure is the fear of success. The main reason for failure is the fear of success...

Failure Success Truth Fear

Success is guaranteed, once self belief is achieved. Success is guaranteed, once self belief is achieved...

Inspirational Success Truth Belief

In order to achieve, you must first self belief. In order to achieve, you must first self belief...

Inspirational Success Truth Belief mind

It It's great that you share your opinion of me and gossip behind my back to your friends.. I..

Truth Friends

No man is your Friend. No man is your ENEMY. Everyman is your Teacher.  

Always learn. No man is your Friend. No man is your ENEMY. Everyman is your Teacher. Always learn...

Life Love Philosophy Fear Friends

If any opportunity knocks, I don If any opportunity knocks, I don't wait to enter, I will break the fuckin door down...

Life Opportunity

I I'm not a fortune teller, but if you show me your friends, I will read your future. Free of charge..

Failure Success Truth Friends

Future Read
If you don If you don't think your table will always be full, you might not need to get all the chairs that..

Friendship Life Relationship Truth Trust

If the table is full, you will obviously need more seats. If the table is full, you will obviously need more seats...

Relationship Truth Friends

Carry those who crawled with you during your darkest hours. Carry those who crawled with you during your darkest hours...

Friendship Philosophy Truth Friends

During earthquakes and tsunamis are when buildings collapse. The few that will stand, will be your During earthquakes and tsunamis are when buildings collapse. The few that will stand, will be your..

Family Life Truth lie reality

You will always recover from your loses, as long as you don You will always recover from your loses, as long as you don't lose self belief..

Life Truth

Losing everything you have is not the end of life, losing yourself is. Losing everything you have is not the end of life, losing yourself is...

Life money

Many people dare to dream, but how many people actually dare to try. Many people dare to dream, but how many people actually dare to try...

Dreams Success Truth action

Your value is based on your knowledge. He who lacks knowledge, lacks value. Your value is based on your knowledge. He who lacks knowledge, lacks value...

Success Truth knowledge

Lions and sharks are both kings of their own habitat, but are no match for a little bird in the Lions and sharks are both kings of their own habitat, but are no match for a little bird in the..

Life Truth

When listening to both sides of the story, you always try to find the hidden truth. Reality is that When listening to both sides of the story, you always try to find the hidden truth. Reality is that'..

Life Truth Trust reality

When someone is telling you how much of a bad person I am , they must know me well. Ask them how many times I was a good person to them, that made
-Allen Lazar

Life Sad Truth Trust reality

There is never a wrong time to do the right thing, There is never the right time to do the wrong There is never a wrong time to do the right thing, There is never the right time to do the wrong..

Time Truth Trust lie

Your confidence is your biggest asset in life. Your confidence is your biggest asset in life...

Confidence Life Success Truth

Our mothers and the local police have one thing in common.  
They will both accept you for who you Our mothers and the local police have one thing in common. They will both accept you for who you..

Love Truth

Less talk-More work. Less talk-More work...

Success hardwork

Instead of buying milk with longest expiry date, enjoy the bottle that has 1 day left, you never Instead of buying milk with longest expiry date, enjoy the bottle that has 1 day left, you never..

Death Life Relationship Wisdom reality

We always make sure we finish all the milk before the expiry date. Make sure you live life before We always make sure we finish all the milk before the expiry date. Make sure you live life before..

Life Love Peace

I don I don't have time to think about failing. flying is not easy, requires my full attention...

Life Success Truth Positive

Taking Life as a journey, means lots of friends, laughter and love. 
Living life as  competition, Taking Life as a journey, means lots of friends, laughter and love. Living life as competition,..

Hate Life Love Relationship Success

How can you even think you can insult me, when I don How can you even think you can insult me, when I don't even value your opinion?..

Failure Truth heart break

Standing with the crowd makes you a number, standing alone makes you an individual with an identity. Standing with the crowd makes you a number, standing alone makes you an individual with an identity...

Success Truth

Lack of faith is due to lack of practice. Lack of faith is due to lack of practice...

Faith God Belief

The tallest building in world, was still built one level at a time. The tallest building in world, was still built one level at a time...

Inspirational Life Success Truth Wisdom

Don Don't look up and stare at the building, go one level at a time...

Goal Patience Success Time

Time Look
Don Don't willingly give your personal freedom by simply being a faceless body in the crowd. Be..

Faith Freedom Life Truth Belief

Anyone can stand with the crowd, Only few can stand alone Anyone can stand with the crowd, Only few can stand alone..

Inspirational Truth

Political Correctness. Have you ever asked yourself the old age question, if you constantly find Political Correctness. Have you ever asked yourself the old age question, if you constantly find..

Life Truth lie

Dear Lord, 
Please forgive me for not telling the truth, I Dear Lord, Please forgive me for not telling the truth, I'm just trying to be a good person and..

God Life Truth lie feeling

Dear Lord,
Please forgive me for not telling the truth, I Dear Lord, Please forgive me for not telling the truth, I'm just trying to be a good and not hurt..

Funny God Truth lie reality

Vision is biggest asset human has. We all have eyes, not all have sight. Vision is biggest asset human has. We all have eyes, not all have sight...

Success Truth

I I'd rather be the poorest man in heaven than richest man in hell...

God Life Success Truth

When I was younger There was a middle aged man with lots of money, he was always nice to me. Now his much older and not as rich, I'm much older and
-Allen Lazar

Change Life Success Truth Wisdom

The main ingredients of disappointment is expectation. The main ingredients of disappointment is expectation...

Philosophy Truth

The moment you stop trusting, is the moment you start living. The moment you stop trusting, is the moment you start living...

Truth Trust feeling

Trust and trees have one thing in common, both takes years to grow but minute to burn down. Trust and trees have one thing in common, both takes years to grow but minute to burn down...

Life Truth Trust reality


Life Truth reality
