
Jenifer Y (jeni2510) Quotes & Sayings:
Jenifer Y

Jenifer Y

Location:Thiruvallur, India
Occupation:Quote Writer.
Experience on Earth:23 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 3 Years 10 Months
Short Bio: Prefer to writing quotes.

Jenifer Y Quotes

1-50 of total 135 Quotes
Hope in heart: 
It Hope in heart:  It's worth taking the crooked path to find the right path...!..

Hope Inspirational Life Philosophy Short

Everyone exited. However, nevertheless the inner soul needs solitude..! Everyone exited. However, nevertheless the inner soul needs solitude..!..

Inspirational Life Love Short soul

Not every situation is acceptable. But, we are forced to accept the situation. Not every situation is acceptable. But, we are forced to accept the situation...

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth heart break

Getting anguish without expectations..! Getting anguish without expectations..!..

Life Short Truth One liners heart break

A person loves you more,that same person hurts you more..! A person loves you more,that same person hurts you more..!..

Love Short One liners

A person loves you more,that same person hurts you more..! A person loves you more,that same person hurts you more..!..

Love Short One liners

Some times getting hurts.
Some moments really breaks the heart...! Some times getting hurts. Some moments really breaks the heart...!..

Life Love Philosophy Short Time

Just grow in between of struggle like how roses blossom in between of thorns..! Just grow in between of struggle like how roses blossom in between of thorns..!..

Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth One liners

Inner beauty glows day by day..! Inner beauty glows day by day..!..

Beauty Life Love Short

Never become donor of everything. Never become donor of everything...

Philosophy Short Truth One liners

Standing up from where i fall. Standing up from where i fall...

Inspirational Life Short Success One liners

Being loneliness is life.
-Jenifer Y

Life Loneliness Short Truth One liners

The greatest achievement of life is learn everything in loneliness. The greatest achievement of life is learn everything in loneliness...

Life Loneliness Short One liners

Life is worst when I miss my passion. Life is worst when I miss my passion...

Life Short One liners

I I'm full of broken. But still I facing failures...

Failure Life Philosophy Short One liners

Life is beautiful when great friend we have. Life is beautiful when great friend we have...

Life Short Friends One liners

Untrustworthy people in everywhere.
Couldn Untrustworthy people in everywhere. Couldn't believe anyone...

Life Short Trust heart break

Life goes like tears with smile. Life goes like tears with smile...

Life Short One liners smile

Sacrifice is greatest thing like my dad Sacrifice is greatest thing like my dad's sacrifices...

Life Love Relationship Short One liners

Love is very expensive like my mom Love is very expensive like my mom's love...

Life Love Philosophy Relationship Short

Crying overloudly in dark. Crying overloudly in dark...

Life Short Truth One liners

Breaking the fact is not easy one. Breaking the fact is not easy one...

Short One liners heart break

One key is enough to know many histories. One key is enough to know many histories...

Inspirational Philosophy Short Truth One liners

Lots of Painful moments in my life. Lots of Painful moments in my life...

Life Short One liners pain

In some places,
I In some places, I'm a white colour pencil because it never use for white sheet...

Philosophy Short One liners

Tears wins words fails. Sometimes, Tears wins words fails...

Failure Short One liners

Unstable is stable in life. Unstable is stable in life...

Life Short One liners

Only thought build life. Only thought build life...

Life Short One liners thought

Having enemies in life is like having peaceless in life. Having enemies in life is like having peaceless in life...

Life Short One liners

People never accept the reality. Sometimes, People never accept the reality...

Life Philosophy Short Truth reality

Life gives pain and fear. Life gives pain and fear...

Life Short Fear One liners pain

Thousands of pain in one heart. Thousands of pain in one heart...

Heart Short One liners pain

The awesome happiness is the melting of chocolates in mouth. The awesome happiness is the melting of chocolates in mouth...

Happiness Philosophy Short One liners

Missing friends is hardly bad. Missing friends is hardly bad...

Short Friends One liners

Calm until you prove as success. Calm until you prove as success...

Short Success One liners

It It's diamond day. Be spark...

Inspirational Life Short Success

Get knowledge in everywhere and everybody. Get knowledge in everywhere and everybody...

Philosophy Short One liners knowledge

Calm air gives remembrance of memories. Calm air gives remembrance of memories...

Love Short One liners

Loving a person, who presence.
Missing a person, who absence. Loving a person, who presence. Missing a person, who absence...

Love Philosophy Relationship Short Success

Never loss yourself. Never loss yourself...

Short One liners

Silence is weapon for self. Sometimes, Silence is weapon for self...


Gazing a beautiful nature is feast for eyes. Gazing a beautiful nature is feast for eyes...

Nature Short One liners

You can change anything.
You can You can change anything. But, You can't change your spoke words...

Change Philosophy Short

Living a simple life is awesome than luxury life. Living a simple life is awesome than luxury life...

Life Short One liners

We can We can't solve a problem by running away from problem...

Short One liners problems

Showing attitude is much good than taking revenge. Showing attitude is much good than taking revenge...

Short One liners

Imagine a life in dream is awesome. Imagine a life in dream is awesome...

Dreams Life Short One liners

Some opportunity gives a new life. Some opportunity gives a new life...

Life Opportunity Short One liners

People can change.
Memories never change. People can change. But, Memories never change...

Change Short

Everybody unlike caterpillar.
Everybody like butterfly.
No one knows that "caterpillar Everybody unlike caterpillar. But, Everybody like butterfly. No one knows that "caterpillar..

Life Love Philosophy Short One liners
