
Moises Santa (latinwind) Quotes & Sayings:

Moises Santa

Location:United States Of America
Experience on OwnQuotes: 7 Years 9 Months

Moises Santa Quotes

1-13 of total 13 Quotes
Desperation leads to temptation, which is  a product of self manipulation. Desperation leads to temptation, which is a product of self manipulation...


Prejudice! is like a decomposed body, the smell is undeniable when it presents itself. Prejudice! is like a decomposed body, the smell is undeniable when it presents itself...


Acceptance is love ! Acceptance is love !..


When you can When you can't seem to trust anyone else, learn how to trust yourself...

Life Trust

Learn Trust
Why ask someone to participate and give actions of love, respect and loyalty, when you are not Why ask someone to participate and give actions of love, respect and loyalty, when you are not..


Love Give Self Respect Gift
Ignorance is about not knowing, while the true ignorance, is when you don Ignorance is about not knowing, while the true ignorance, is when you don't want to know...

Failure Short

Know Want Knowing Ignorance
Little pleasures you seek today, can make you pay tomorrow. Little pleasures you seek today, can make you pay tomorrow...


Today Tomorrow Seek Pay
What you wish you had now, you had then. What you wish you had now, you had then...


No matter what happens, shed your skin and fly that plane, so you can live again. No matter what happens, shed your skin and fly that plane, so you can live again...


Matter Fly
When two wrongs don When two wrongs don't make a right, then ask yourself, who or what made it wrong to begin with...

Life Wisdom

People are always looking towards GOD to create miracles for them, when they should learn how to People are always looking towards GOD to create miracles for them, when they should learn how to..


People God Learn Looking
Negative indulgence of any kind, will disturb the order of your life, peace and destiny. Negative indulgence of any kind, will disturb the order of your life, peace and destiny...


Life Peace Order Destiny
In life, you don In life, you don't have to go through an experience to learn your lesson, just make the right..

Life Success Witty

Life Learn Experience Decision