
Sipho P Nkosi (sipho) Quotes & Sayings: 3
Sipho P Nkosi

Sipho P Nkosi

Location:South Africa
Experience on Earth:40 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 8 Years 4 Months

Sipho P Nkosi Quotes

1-50 of total 246 Quotes
We may only forget and truly let go, if we expunge some memories. We may only forget and truly let go, if we expunge some memories...

Loneliness Love Peace Relationship Sad

No matter how strong we are. Memories can make us burst into tears. No matter how strong we are. Memories can make us burst into tears...

Age Loneliness Relationship Sad Truth

We may be strong, but not in memories. We may be strong, but not in memories...

Loneliness Love Relationship Sad Poverty

Most relationships fail not because of fights, but because of egos. Most relationships fail not because of fights, but because of egos...

Forgiveness Love Marriage Relationship Sad

When the heart loves, it loves genuinely only for the ego to ruin everything. When the heart loves, it loves genuinely only for the ego to ruin everything...

Heart Loneliness Love Marriage Relationship

The heart can be broken by many, but it only takes one person to mend it. The heart can be broken by many, but it only takes one person to mend it...

Heart Hope Love Marriage Relationship

Plant the seed of love and water it with respect. Plant the seed of love and water it with respect...

Family Love Marriage Peace Relationship

Each and every failure needs corrective action. Each and every failure needs corrective action...

Business Failure Inspirational Patience Wisdom

Strive to win or learn in spite of competition. Strive to win or learn in spite of competition...

Business Inspirational Sports Success Wisdom

Never worry about disappointments, they are just life lessons. Never worry about disappointments, they are just life lessons...

Business Friendship Inspirational Loneliness Relationship

We simply love, but love is hardly reciprocated. We simply love, but love is hardly reciprocated...

Happiness Loneliness Love Relationship Sad

From rejection we always gain more strength and see the light. From rejection we always gain more strength and see the light...

Faith Hope Inspirational Relationship Wisdom

The relationship that applies the law of push and pull is the one that most survive. The relationship that applies the law of push and pull is the one that most survive...

Forgiveness Inspirational Love Marriage Relationship

Seek wisdom wherever you are, seek wisdom even in your dreams. Seek wisdom wherever you are, seek wisdom even in your dreams...

Inspirational Success Wisdom Youth Poverty

Push until your critics speaks in tongues. Push until your critics speaks in tongues...

Business Dreams Education Inspirational Youth

Always leave the critics with the word Always leave the critics with the word "How" on their lips...

Confidence Education Goal Inspirational Success

Picture the world with no bombs and guns. Picture the world with no bombs and guns...

Imagination Peace Politics War Fear

Face challenges with strong legs and an open mind. Face challenges with strong legs and an open mind...

Confidence Hope Inspirational Life Philosophy

Work hard so you can roll in the dreams of those who never made an effort. Work hard so you can roll in the dreams of those who never made an effort...

Dreams Education Goal Inspirational Success

The more you spend time with fools, the more you adapt to their mindset and the more you stay close The more you spend time with fools, the more you adapt to their mindset and the more you stay close..

Change Friendship Time Wisdom Youth

Wake up every morning with a smile, spend a day with hope and go to bed with faith. Wake up every morning with a smile, spend a day with hope and go to bed with faith...

Faith Hope Inspirational Success

One thing i've realised with rivers, even if they go up hill the water won't flow back. One thing i've realised with rivers, even if they go up hill the water won't flow back...

Faith Hope Imagination Inspirational Nature

Build courage and let go of something that troubles you and you'll have inner peace. Build courage and let go of something that troubles you and you'll have inner peace...

Confidence Courage Happiness Peace Relationship

We all like the idea of freedom of speech, but nobody likes to be confronted by the truth. We all like the idea of freedom of speech, but nobody likes to be confronted by the truth...

Freedom Leadership Politics Relationship Truth

Sleeping alone and having the bed to yourself is nice, but sleeping close to the one you love is Sleeping alone and having the bed to yourself is nice, but sleeping close to the one you love is..

Loneliness Love Poems Relationship Romantic

Never waste your time trying to prove them that you were not wrong, they know the truth. Never waste your time trying to prove them that you were not wrong, they know the truth...

Family Forgiveness Friendship Time Truth

If you are lazy to do it for yourself, then lift others. If you are lazy to do it for yourself, then lift others...

Courage Opportunity Success Wisdom

Tell the truth about how you feel and you'll be a memory to those you were once close to. Tell the truth about how you feel and you'll be a memory to those you were once close to...

Family Friendship Loneliness Relationship Truth

We are turn out to be disliked by many, if we tell the truth. We are turn out to be disliked by many, if we tell the truth...

Family Hate Life Truth

Yesterday we failed, today we practice and tomorrow we will master. Yesterday we failed, today we practice and tomorrow we will master...

Failure Inspirational Patience Success Time

With exercising we keep our bodies healthy and with reading we exercise our brains. With exercising we keep our bodies healthy and with reading we exercise our brains...

Education Imagination Inspirational Philosophy Wisdom

Make an effort to make others happy, then happiness will follow you. Make an effort to make others happy, then happiness will follow you...

Change Happiness Inspirational Leadership Relationship

Nothing can heal a broken heart like a smile. Nothing can heal a broken heart like a smile...

Forgiveness Heart Inspirational Life Sad

Our pride will lead us to perish, but our politeness keeps us alive. Our pride will lead us to perish, but our politeness keeps us alive...

Age Beauty Inspirational Peace Success

We had the 1st and 2nd world war, but if we gonna have the 3rd then God never gave wisdom to humans. We had the 1st and 2nd world war, but if we gonna have the 3rd then God never gave wisdom to humans...

God History Philosophy War Wisdom

We get lost first before we find the direction to our destiny. We get lost first before we find the direction to our destiny...

Courage Inspirational Life Success Truth

This world can still be a better place if only we restore a subject of humanity. This world can still be a better place if only we restore a subject of humanity...

Change Education History Leadership Religion

The powerful and super rich have tears too. The powerful and super rich have tears too...

Leadership Peace Philosophy Poems War

Life can give us so many chances, but never in death. Life can give us so many chances, but never in death...

Death Life Nature Poems

One of most the greatest moment in life, is when you notice light when you are in the dark. One of most the greatest moment in life, is when you notice light when you are in the dark...

Happiness Hope Life Loneliness Time

We only get to be known by many when we walk out of the jungle. We only get to be known by many when we walk out of the jungle...

Friendship Life Love Nature Success

Hoping without trying, it's like walking backward while facing forward. Hoping without trying, it's like walking backward while facing forward...

Desire Dreams Failure Hope Fear

The only moment you waste time, is when you try nothing. The only moment you waste time, is when you try nothing...

Business Relationship Success Time Fear

Through good listening skills, comes success. Through good listening skills, comes success...

Business Education Leadership Success Wisdom

Behind every sweet word, there's love. Behind every sweet word, there's love...

Happiness Love Marriage Relationship Romantic

Behind every sweet words, there's love. Behind every sweet words, there's love...

Family Happiness Love Marriage Relationship

Look at what the Clock is doing, then never wait for tomorrow. Look at what the Clock is doing, then never wait for tomorrow...

Change Goal Opportunity Success Time

We don't achieve all what we planned by planning right, but by doing right. We don't achieve all what we planned by planning right, but by doing right...

Business Creativity Opportunity Success Wisdom

The heart that resembles the shade of the tree, is the most to get hurt. The heart that resembles the shade of the tree, is the most to get hurt...

Family Friendship Heart Loneliness Sad

Luck never goes alone, but with risk. Luck never goes alone, but with risk...

Business Happiness Inspirational Opportunity Success
