Success + Wisdom Quotes Pictures

Many people dream of doing the impossible and they aren't even doing the possible...
Funny Inspirational Short Truth
People Dream Impossible Possible
It doesn't matter what you were, it matters what you aspire to be..
Inspirational Life Love Philosophy
A sharing person with limited resources and a heart of gold is worth more than a selfish..Heart Worth
Top 10 Success + Wisdom Quotes
Look after your thoughts, they shape your future.- Daniela Ismerio
Be relentless in the pursuit of your dreams- Jeff Fenster
Don't be afraid to be curious. When you ask a question you're either correct or learning- the curious person
A fruitful tree was only a meek seed.- mohdmustafa99
Success will not lower its standards to accommodate you, rather you raise your standards to achieve it..- Mr vybs live
Always put your coat on before answering your front door. If you like your visitor tell them you are just in. If you don't like them tell them you are just leaving- Eliza Keating
Your dreams come true when you're brave enough to sacrifice your current reality for the one you imagine living in- Andreh Ammari
Clarity is wisdom's oil. Contemplation is its comb. Compromise is its hairstyler. Composure is its gel. Temperance is its conditioner.- Pasithea
Transformation simply means change, what matters most is not what you change but what you change into- Phineas Sebola
The level of difficulty is inversely proportional to the level of determination you have- Sriprakash C S
All Success + Wisdom Quotes ⇑
When you lose - never get stressed & when you win - never get comfortable- G Swiss
Never think highly of yourself ; life will always throw you from your pedestal.- Michiel Bester
If you don't like life's downs, think of it like a roller coaster, the downs make it fun- Brian Debney
Everyone deserves a long lived satisfaction and not just the desire of a short lived celebration- Wavamuno Shem Mukasa
Knowledge is worth. Only, when it is of service to others.- Veshal M Mane
Success is what you achieve, and beauty what you inherit. So it's up to you, you give importance to inheritance or success. Beauty you lose with time but success you can get more with time.- Anuj Tiwari
I'm successful because I'm too stupid to know I may fail.- Scott Harper
The price of victory is patience and persistence- Dennis James Deegan CTM
Winning and Losing are just perspectives, they can even be the same things- Josh Darosa
Try not to measure your success on how much better you are than someone else, but by how you as a person are better than yesterday- Michael murray
Success completely depends on how we behave with ourselves- Lokesh giri
Thrive by giving! The more we give the more we receive and we have more to give that we think!- Adrian McGinn
Greet the day! Do not judge the day, it has not happened yet!- Adrian McGinn
We may be imperfect and impermanent but we can be impeccable and impactful!- Adrian McGinn
Serving life with dignity, decency, dedication, and discernment is being true to life!- Adrian McGinn
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Your family needs you more than your boss does. Find the balance!- Sibel Terhaar
An unexpected act of kindness is the best. Surprise them!- Sibel Terhaar
You should not wait for better days to come; they are already here. Life is all about attitude, remember that!- Sibel Terhaar
Stay away from people who let you down, they will do it again.- Sibel Terhaar
Privacy brings peace and security but broadcasting everything brings jealousy and envy. Choose your path wisely.- Sibel Terhaar
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues- Kabir Khivan Singh
Success is a measure decided by others, Satisfaction is a measure decided by yourself.- Nazra Nishat
When we flourish We give, When we give We receive, When we receive We flourish.- Jeffrey DeMann
A Wave will always remain a Wave unless it Realizes it is the Ocean!- AiR
To get extraordinary results you have to get out of the ordinary.- Claudia
Think hard, not dark- fahd shaykh
Lead with integrity, honesty and humility- Rev. Patrick Ellapen
Change doesn't happen, till You Change- Mark A Gardner
Don't judge yourself of yesterday based on the knowledge you have today.- Jared Ball
Life is short, See a Vision and Paint your Canvas well.- Mark A Gardner
You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline.- Mac McGovern
Lions live amongst lions. Tigers live amongst tigers. Please don't ask me where to find success.- Allen Lazar
When your dreams come true, wake up and hold on to them. If you continue sleeping, your dream will only remain that.- Allen Lazar
You can ALWAYS change the way you think about things. You can't always change everything, but the way we perceive it might bring a whole new kind of change- Lood Goosen
There's no accolade for laziness, awards are for those who work hard on merit..- success song
Not being self-aware is like being the lion who attacked his own reflection.- Tahir Danish
Negative thinking leads to negative outcomes. Positive outcomes come from positive mind.- Allen Lazar
It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one; Than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.- Michelle Caldwell
You can keep on judging and condescending while I keep moving forward- Liz Kassim
Besides God, there would be no life without a woman.- Marie Yolande Pierre
The fewer actions a user has to take, the fewer errors a user will make.- Keith Wisdom
There is no excuse in America for anyone to tolerate mediocrity as a life reality.- Rodney Pierre
Success is not always measured by physically tangible means, but often by intent and effort.- David L. Rose
You should be the editor of your life-book.- Neha S Parihar
If you're a public figure, you ARE a role model. Deal with it.- Germany Kent
A healthy mind leads to a beautiful life.- Germany Kent
You are only limited by your philosophies.- Germany Kent
The way in which we perceive things, determines our intellectual ability to identify opportunities.- Wayne Chirisa
If reality is the mirror of our essence, we better start smiling at it.- Daniela Ismerio
We all have a brain, don't worry about that. The difference is, some of us actually exercise it.- Allen Lazar
Those who try to impress everyone, usually end up impressing no one- the curious person
One of the most potent ingredients of Peace is knowing that we don't all have to live, think, and believe the same to live in harmony.- Amelia Goode
Life is what you make it. Your imagination is the only thing that will place you at a better stage or otherwise.- Previledge Tafadzwa Makaza
To every finishing line there is a starting point. Don't ignore the days of your little beginning, because without them the success story is never complete.- Sunday Okorie
One voice can make a huge difference- Sunday Okorie
Life is being Flexibly, adjust with what you are having at the moment.- Malik Ahsan Ali
A true leader must not always finish first, but to see everyone else finish.- Allen Lazar
In order for me to live in peace, I must be true to myself and my own heart.- Amelia Goode
If you wanna change the world, say hello to the first person you see tomorrow on your way to work.- Allen Lazar
Life is all about enduring bad and delivering good - Malik Ahsan Ali
Do not complain of being at the bottom, rise up. There is always room at the top.- Juned Mohammed
BLOOD: Blood is the most precious; it is only meant to share but not to shed- KRISHNAMURTY
It pays to be obedient, you pay if you don't.- KRISHNAMURTY
Allow your failures to guide you to your success- G Swiss
You must be able to stand up to the devil inside of you and say 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH' for positive change to take preeminence- NDI DEREK GIYOH
RELIGION: Religion is created to reform lives, not to take revenge with one another- KRISHNAMURTY
LEARNING: Learning is a continuous journey, not the destination- KRISHNAMURTY
Hold the vision and trust the process- Kenroy Woolery
Embrace your vision, so that you will have the power to conquer the impossible.- Howard Hanniford
How much do I have to give to realize what I have?- Brandon Kellum
Success starts in the womb and ends in the tomb.- Robert Dalton Adams
Stars play their games, you play yours :)- Devesh Aviral Devrani
It is no matter to be an optimist or a pessimist. Importantly, it is to be 'adaptist'.- mohdmustafa99
Say something worthwhile and people will listen.- Germany Kent
People love goats and sheeps but from lion they are inspired and feared. Sharjeel Khan- Sharjeel Khan
The basic is to make a point about the fact that social media should be handled as 'main part of the business' and not a 'nice to have' communication channel. That theory died along with the Isdn. - Spiros Arvanitis, Greek Internet visionist- lexmark
Do something with your life now, so it can benefit your future- Leonardo barauna
Discover your significance, develop your skills and success will find you- Dennis James Deegan CTM
After every winding road, a straight road ahead- Abeer Al Jammal
The only hurdle that stands in the way of you achieving true greatness is yourself.- Teboho Kutoane
Passion.. the driving force that morphs itself into all kinds of power- Josh Darosa
Attention is the stepping stone of Learning- Josh Darosa
Clear your mind, it will become your greatest asset in being able to understand- Josh Darosa
It is not until we are on the edge of losing control do we find out what we are made of- Kevin R Woodard
In order to gain true understanding of things, one must start with themselves.- Gerald Abad
Yesterday was the lesson Today is the reward - Nancy Thompson Mahler
Life and success is an immortal race, there is no finish line- Austin Tyrell Haynes
It's never the right time to do the wrong thing.- Bill Gibbs
You know you have accomplished something in life, when you leave memories for someone else.- Loretta Avery
Believe we can and we relieve ourselves of the greatest obstacle!- Adrian McGinn
Do not let our pride stop us from consistently telling those whom are proud of exactly this!- Adrian McGinn
None of us is a better or worse human being than anyone else, if so it is our mind playing tricks on us!- Adrian McGinn
Be our beautiful butterfly, leave the past, rise to the occasion, and embellish life!- Adrian McGinn
Only people who really love you can hate you for a small thing you do unintentionally.- Marie Yolande Pierre
I stopped expecting things from people who have nothing for themselves.- Marie Yolande Pierre
You can't expect anything from someone who has nothing to give.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Human thinking creates the virtual barrier between possible and impossible.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Beyond the boundary of possible lies impossible. Remove the boundary and you convert impossible to possible.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Emotions can make you or break you.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Persistence is performance irrespective of your feelings.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Don't give up on your dreams. Keep dreaming, Keep believing, Keep trying- Joshua Muasa
Consistency over time increases the gap, competition cannot close. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Embrace persistence, for it will pay great dividends- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Use your mind-power for your dream-power- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Magnified thinking augments resistance, minimizes performance.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Your soul knows when people lie to you. Ignore them like they don't exist.- Sibel Terhaar
Kindness has massive power, only smart people get it. Think about it.- Sibel Terhaar
I don't believe in revenge; I forgive and heal quietly. But I never let the same person fool me again.- Sibel Terhaar
Privacy brings peace and security but broadcasting everything brings jealousy and envy. Choose your path wisely.- Sibel Terhaar
Death is a physical loss but a spiritual gain- Kabir Khivan Singh
Death is a physical loss but a spiritual gain- Kabir Khivan Singh
Discipline breaks the chains of limitations and liberates you to your freedom.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Magnetize your thoughts by repetition and attract whatever you want into your life.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
We are not the Bodies that we Wear. We are the ones that Wear the Body.- AiR
Ignorance is Believing that Silence is Nothing. Wisdom is Knowing that silence is Everything !- AiR
I flew because I imagined success, you fell because you imagined failure- Albara almerf
Who stops us from Realizing God? Our Mind is the Enemy. It hides from us, Our Lord !- AiR
Accepting responsibility for our problems is the first step to solving them.- Tadu chada
Better to create rather than to execute the given- Ritik kapoor
Underappreciation slows down the creativity- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
My Ego is only my Identity. My Ego is not 'Me'. Because I live in Ignorance, who 'I' truly am, I cannot see.- AiR
You do not need INSPIRATION to open a business; you'll need MONEY.- Berny CG
The best path of your life journey was Started from your dream So just follow your dream- jagdish jangid
AI is a paradigm shift. Hope we embrace it vs on the mercy of others. It is automation raise to the power infinity and much more..- Sandeep Aggarwal
It Burns like Hell, but then I stole the fire. Now it's Lit. ~Attitude Matters!- Kentren R Yeh
It matters not why you write, how you write, or, when you write, because, no matter what you write, someone will love it.- Mac McGovern
You are Born with a Name, But you Need to Create a Name. Who You are is more important Than Who You Were.- Ritesh Ranjan
Not to have problem at all, is like being brain dead- Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Habits when truly inculcated, flow in the blood.- Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Being confident, is when you only care about your own opinion and advice.- Allen Lazar
I will Stand by the truth, stand by what is right, even if everyone else is standing across the room from me. There is always a Sheppard to lead the sheep.- Allen Lazar
Upbringing is the basis of the future of humanity, it is upbringing that forms our future - Romeo
There's no such a thing as impossible dreams, neither is dreaming the impossible. All are just dreams, and they are as possible as you dream them to be.- Lucas Tverds
Earn to live but don't live to earn.- Sumilesh AK
Mark your plans in number system and not alphabets. You'll have more alternatives then.- Ritesh Ranjan
In order to be successful in life, you must understand the difference between the words, privileged and rights.- Allen Lazar
I wanted my life to Change, so I made the Choice, I knew it wouldn't happen just by chance.- Allen Lazar
If your life is filled with darkness, just go somewhere there is light. The darkness will slowly fade away.- Allen Lazar
Create and create again, until you create what you have imagined.- Brian Sekele
Only incorporate what is truly needed and minimize the number of uncontrollable variables - The KISS principle in action.- Keith Wisdom
Have your own light discovered. No one else can hold a torch for you for life.- Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
If you have dreams, don't keep excuses, if you have excuses, forget about the dreams.- Tahir Danish
You should know things to know you do not know things because if you do not know things you will never know if you do not know things.- ameya agrawal
Happiness is with people who are willing, ready to work with you, not with people that waste your time achieving nothing.- Mariam Paul Obiozo
If who you are inconveniences your people, Then they are not your people. If who you are inconveniences your partner then that's not your partner. If who you are inconveniences your family then that's not your family. If who you are is celebrated by people, then you have found your people- Tina Fransman-Sell
Patience Helps you Complete a Job, Impatience Makes you Start it. Both are Important.- Ritesh Ranjan
I think about things that can elevate me, not things that can break me down.- ease berry
Look at others and learn.- Sipho P Nkosi
If you really want to fall in love with the most promising person then fall in love with yourself and experience it.- swati somal
Develop positive from negative and prove yourself- swati somal
Whenever you found yourself around problematic people, don't get disturbed.. have patience, back to your roots and say to yourself.. 'NO, I won't give up, I will stand and fight for me.. I will raise my words and take my step against violence.. i will spread my words to encourage'- swati somal
The worse the winter the better the spring.- Leanne Tarrab
It's an everyday wish list, until you actually do it to make it your everyday life experience.- Wayne Chirisa
Relationships in your inner circle should mirror the success and happiness you seek.- Germany Kent
If you're not using your gift and platform to reach people and help whenever you can, sadly, you are not rising to the level of excellence and purpose through your potential to enjoy a full abundant life.- Germany Kent
The bird that sings Christmas songs during December is always there throughout the year just that it sings differently and it does not make a mistake- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
Life is like a gamble, You WIN, you LOSE, It depends on how you play the game- Dsistersdiaries
The degree to which you value the currency in your possession; is a reflection of your daily potential good or bad investment choices.- Wayne Chirisa
If you want to get success in life Simple rules Follow universal facts and keep learning from them.- Tadu chada
Nothing in this world is for free You have to give something to get something.- Tadu chada
Don't wait just create- Tadu chada
You fall, it is normal; but it is failure if you do not get up and try again.- Bashar H. Malkawi
World allows to commit crimes today, to judge tomorrow in the name of justice.- Halil Xhafa
When life lifts you high, beware, for you need to choose between the booming rocket that finally crumbles down, or the slow growing mountain, that gradually touches the sky- the curious person
When life lifts you high, beware, for you need to choose between booming rocket that finally crumbles down, or the slow growing mountain, that gradually touches the sky.- the curious person
People always targeted your Spirituality, but not themselves, why? because they don't have time to evaluate themselves- Anand gill
The more you believe in yourself, the higher the chances for people to believe that you are different from them- Mr vybs live
I have never started a clash, and I have never lost out any- mohdmustafa99
Walking with Faith, Hope without Doubt and worries, always lead to projected plans and achievements. Shield yourself with 'Yes I Can' attitude with no room for No I can't- Wachira Wambu
If you want to heal the traumas and hurts of your past, just keep Loving. Love lives inside of you. Know that Love reigns all existence, Love Yourself, Love others, Love the living, Love the dead, Love yourself by forgiving yourself, Love others by forgiving others, spread Love, dream of Love.- Amelia Goode
You are the Inventor of your imagination. Your own thoughts will lift you or break you. You choose! Think it, Imagine it, Dream it, Believe it, Live it, Receive it!- Mar Torosian
Life does not promise that we will not go through trials, hardships, and testing of our own personal understanding of faith. What it does promise, is that if you persistently change your inner perspective to a positive one, those trials, hardships, and testings, will become void of pain.- Amelia Goode
Let your heart guide you and your journey take you to your destination- Kansas Smith
Life is a school with many grades. The more you progress the harder it gets. Your humanity will determine your success.- Thando Mdluli
Everyone has something to give. It is this gift that is the seed to create your future.- Patti Thor
An ounce of understanding and patience is immeasurable to those carrying the weight of the unknown.- Joseph Barry
It's easier to become great when in the company of giants. They will make you aim higher.- Miguel Mendes Da Silva Matias
Just remember you're born alone. you die alone, your heart beats on its own. You don't require anyone but yourself and your mind.- Rex
Candle nights (dinners) are the best cure for broken & exhausted hearts - Malik Ahsan Ali
Hard Work & smart work, must be in the ratio of 55 : 45 for Success.- Nishant Shekhawat
Talent Is Not An Online Commodity!- Sarla Sharma
Are you joining a conversation or taking it over? Stay aware of how you join a conversation and of your effect on a conversation.- Loren Weisman
The most devastating thing artists can do to their career is get in their own way, and way too many people do. It's not the labels, the industry, the fans, the cities, the economy, the social media, the marketing, the promoting, the 'right time, ' the music, or whatever other excuse you can come up with that determines whether you succeed or you fail. It is you—no one else.- Loren Weisman
Carrying someone else's weight is only going to weigh down on you and add stress, frustration, and pain. Choose who you work with and play with wisely.- Loren Weisman
Playing the blame game is stupid and childish. Even if it is someone else's fault, the blame game is wasted time, effort, and energy that takes you somewhere that is not going to get you anywhere.- Loren Weisman
Be firm on the ground and aim for the sky- Suyog Potdar
Everything happens for a reason. Wait on God and trust in Him. He wants the best for us. He wants to take us from glory to glory, and from victory to victory.- Germany Kent
Action: your action quotient is directly proportionate to the quantum of your awareness.- KRISHNAMURTY
If you don't have true passion for it - you will lose interest in it..- G Swiss
Live, learn, play, win, inspire- Repeat- Ritesh Ranjan
REFLECTION: At every moment you are nothing but the true reflection of your own awareness- KRISHNAMURTY
YOUR FUTURE: Your decision makes your future Your mind decides your decision, Ultimately it is your awareness which guides your mind- KRISHNAMURTY
ONLY AWARENESS, Your total success in each and every field is directly proportional to your quantum of awareness- KRISHNAMURTY
Awareness is one's invisible miraculous brain's softwear- KRISHNAMURTY
Focus is a catalyst for reality - Mabrig Korie
In the game of life, the aim is not to be winner, it's just to be unique and unpredictable in every move.- Siddharth Vats
Finish Friday Stronger Than You Started Monday- Steve Aura
If you want to be Successful, you have to give up sleep. Determine your Success- Foday Pessima
If you are born cruel, that is not your mistake; due to ignorance if you die cruel, that is definitely your mistake- KRISHNAMURTY
We are celebrating a victory without knowing there is a disaster coming.- Alexandru Bulai
I am thankful to the nay sayers for without them I would not hold my head so high with pride.- chris quilling
Carve my name in hearts because marble is ever changing- Brandon Kellum
Count your secrets before they hatch.- mohdmustafa99
No one was born to be poor, but we all are born to be rich. Yes we all are born with brains and talents- Sipho P Nkosi
Negative thoughts are the biggest threat to human kind- Shrikrishna Deore
The point of wisdom is when the heaven takes you higher than what you expect of what you know.- Oscar Auliq Ice
If you want to be successful in any area of life, you have to work on developing your soul.- Pastor Sunday Adelaja
If a man gives you bricks, build a house. If a man gives you a spear, hunt.- Matshona Dhliwayo
Always expect the worst to get the best out of this World.- Baqar Abidi
NGOs must be contractors not beggars.- mohdmustafa99
Any president should not be valued by what he did , but by what he didn't.- mohdmustafa99
The only bible most people read is life, therefore, let mistakes be a lesson and success be an example to people around you.- Ermitha Gracia
Character must first be developed on the inside before it will manifest on the outside..- Paddick Van Zyl
Not everyone is living the kind of life you want to emulate. You also do not need to impose your own criteria for successful living on others. They might have different priorities that don't necessary match your own.- El Haji Nero
Everybody sees the world in a different way..- Hamdan Zefa Banda
According to Pythagoras, there are 3 kinds of people: the lover of pleasure, the lover of success and the lover of wisdom. But I say this, you must first find pleasure on the road to success and when you become successful, you will be surely wise. Wisdom is accumulated through experience and each perspective of each individual. Success is the crowning glory of wisdom itself. Pleasure is gained through success; nonetheless, one must choose first his choice on the road of life.- La Nostra De La Terra y Cielo
Today is the start of a new tomorrow!- Faye Stevenson
Reasons are not reasons, they are excuses. Dare not tolerate those excuses for neglecting one's heart. To follow the feeling in one's bones can be exactly what one needs. Acknowledge the hunches and obliterate the exasperating silence. To resist one's impulse is a bowl of anguish. Preservation is a limited convention. The more we attempt to prevent ourselves from falling, the closer we become to the fall. The innocent shall never win. The vulnerable shall never prosper Nonetheless the courageous are those who acknowledge the struggle that entails living. The pretentious are those who dare to breathe. And the ingenious are those who dare to love. There is no right and wrong. Whatever brings us stability and gets us through the day is always the sanest thing to do. A second of what you want can be worth a day of what you don't.- Camilla
These that are disabled, are disabled from giving up- Josh Darosa
There are shortcuts in life but not hard work- Josh Darosa
There is a great relation between Proximity.. Money.. Satisfaction.. & Promotion. We want all, but in practical all are inversely proportional with reference to time. Need for one, may lead to devastation of others.- Pramod PJ
I know what I know & I know what I don't know!- Maria Turner-Heuer
Smile because you can, Laugh because it makes you feel good! Think positive because things will get better- Gabby Ramos
People who make big in life are those who actually recognize their talents on right time.- Sohaib Ali Babar
They say it's good to have regrets in life that's how we learn from our mistakes.. Now if you had regrets but haven't learnt anything from it then I suggest you go see a shrink.- Max