Short Creativity Quotes Pictures

I want to think outside the box because it's crowded in there....
Confidence Courage Funny Imagination Witty
Want Think
Inspiration is the spirit that wakes us from slumber to movement thereafter to achievement....Spirit

God gave me a chance, parents gave me a life and i'm giving it a meaning..
God Opportunity Optimism Philosophy
Life God Chance Giving Parents
What we had yesterday was good what we've now is better, tomorrow is our best that is yet to come....Tomorrow Yesterday

Draw a cow and color it as a zebra , then you will find that you have created a new world...World Find
Top 10 Short Creativity Quotes
Broken things can't be fixed by those who broke them.- Shristy Sinha
Cryptography is more than fun. It is future.- sazzad mahmud
Be a creative mind, but not a common mind - Thappeta Sudhakar
Reality was once a thought..- Prince Efue
Artist retires when he dies - Halil Xhafa
The curiosity of the mind lies in the rough note of the student.- Keshav badodiya
Behind every innovation there is a creative brain- Praveen Goyal
In life, no match can be won until you start playing rather than just praying - Sahil Beniwal
Always carry a backup plan in the back of your mind- Adheesh vats
No one loves your laziness, Go contribute your part!- Kushal Sharma
All Short Creativity Quotes ⇑
Success is just a word , if you believe it you can do it- TASNEEM SHABBIR
Fear does not exist, it is the creativity of ignorance- Kelvin Johnson
Every crown is for the head, but every head can't be crowned.- Dr. Anil Shehzad
To know anything, you must first know everything- Raven Reichl
I'm average, but with average comes amazing and with amazing comes extraordinary.- Max Norris
My heart wants you.. But my mind denies you!- Apeksha Christian
Art is my second world, second soul and second language - Mypleasure
There is always light at the end of the tunnel, That is what guides you to move forward- Aryanaj
Knowledge is power, without power there would be no knowledge- juan martinez
Create with inspiration and from there progressive success is limitless - Marty Valde
Envisage high.. aim high.- Mukesh Zade
Great Photography is not only about Depth of Field, it's all about Depth of Knowledge.- Amanat Sunny
One big idea can change the life of a brand or product forever- Edmond H Sweidy
If you want to change the world then be the job maker not the job seeker.- Sourabh kumar
Literate doesn't only mean giving your own ideas, but to understand others' ideas too.- adnan k
Empty pages are the best pages, if you are looking for creativity.- Kyle O\'neill
All of my scars and tattoos tell an interesting story, I'm sorry if you cannot understand or read..- brooke nicole Feinstein
You may be gone, but I can see you in the stars- Randii
Originality is one of the most valuable things that you posses.- Sarah Bridges
An untamed human is nothing more than an animal itself.- anna juanita brown
Great leaders were not born they were made.- sandesh shewale