Optimism & Wisdom Quotes Pictures

Getting drunk is a paradox! When people party they feel like royalty at the village pub, but feel..
Confidence Inspirational Philosophy
People Feel
Clarity is wisdom's oil. Contemplation is its comb. Compromise is its hairstyler. Composure is its..

The level of difficulty is inversely proportional to the level of determination you have..
Confidence Courage Desire Patience Philosophy
Knowledge is worth. Only, when it is of service to others...
Education Goal Leadership Philosophy Short
Knowledge Worth
In a world this beautiful and teeming with opportunities, it's extremely insecure to be hostile to..World Beautiful

Everything seems more beautiful if you're in love...
Happiness Inspirational Life Love Truth
Love BeautifulOnly we can decide to allow the disappointments in our lives to rule us. We can either rise above it and keep moving forward to become the best we..
-Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
-Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Change Courage Dreams Failure Inspirational
Keep Past Grow Choice
An Optimist will rise, a pessimist shall fall, and a balance in these can make life so sweet...Life

Don't spend your days comparing your life to others. Be too busy focused on all the dreams, visions,..
Inspirational Motivational Positive
Life Positive Spend
The only thing you can do is what you can do. Some things are just not up to you or in your control..Control

Focus on being the best person you can be, even if it means disassociating yourself with certain..
Inspirational Philosophy Truth
People Being Bad Fake Focus
Do not complain of being at the bottom, rise up. There is always room at the top...
Change Failure Goal Hope Inspirational
Determination keeps driving people, optimism keeps pushing and perseverance keeps sustaining them..People Determination

If there should be any change or difference in this year, that should be you...Change Difference Year

Sometimes when people don't stand up to your expectations, You have to fall down to their limits...People
Top 10 Optimism & Wisdom Quotes
Stars play their games, you play yours :)- Devesh Aviral Devrani
It is no matter to be an optimist or a pessimist. Importantly, it is to be 'adaptist'.- mohdmustafa99
Because words have deep meaning, Tweets have power.- Germany Kent
When everyone is sitting, stand up! When everyone is standing, stand out! And when everyone is standing out, be the standard.. - Pinkie Seth Hlazo
No one ever has wasted my time, because I believe learning is unending.- Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Don't worry about the things you can't control- Regan Howard
If religion is an illness, education is the cure.- Jesse Hayes
We're all reflections of what we want to see in our own world.- Jesse Hayes
In order to gain true understanding of things, one must start with themselves.- Gerald Abad
Be the bigger person, it makes the other person feel pretty damn small.- Lorreda C Smith
All Optimism & Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Oppression only lasts for a season. Change the way you fight and the way you think, so that you are able to break free and walk out of the situation. Correct it and get it right. Do what it takes to win.- Germany Kent
Candle nights (dinners) are the best cure for broken & exhausted hearts - Malik Ahsan Ali
Live life at its fullest so that there won't be lesser joy in older ages- Malik Ahsan Ali
Correct and fair reflection is not the preserve of many men- CLK
The number one root cause for any drama is zero accountability.- Nicholas Johnson
The challenges in the world today, -in Africa, Asia, America, Europe.. can only be solved by collaboration and openness. Isolating ourselves and protecting our interests, will not lead us into a good future.- Eseka Jerry
Never be afraid of who you are. The nature of who you are is immensely more Grand than even the opposition of fear.- Amelia Goode
Life is like a three lane freeway, ALL lanes going forward! 120, 80 & 60 speed zones, no stopping unnecessarily, changing lanes carelessly, choose the right lane & speed.- David Mabu
It's unfair to dwell on the past, because everyone remembers it differently- Cassandra Fine
Whatever is destined can't be changed except by hard work..- ashwin sankar
Live, learn, play, win, inspire- Repeat- Ritesh Ranjan
Let your pain fuel your passion for your purpose- L Parker
Anyone can be a writer, but it takes talent to keep an audience.- Krystle Nicole Martin Nea
Carve my name in hearts because marble is ever changing- Brandon Kellum
We live constantly barraged by tests and curve balls is refreshing to see life simply. A plain white canvas upon which you can create absolutely anything you perceive.- Robert Baker
I see this world in a different way, because I am a photographer.- Bizz Lamichhane
You can't control how people treat you but you can definitely control how you choose to react- bhushan madhukar meshram
Angels are driven by compassion deprived of instinct, Animals are driven by instincts deprived of compassion, Humans are a grip of soil and a puff of soul, driven by both, when their compassion dictates their instinct we call them Angels and when their instincts dictates their compassion we call them Animals- Fawstes Ahmed
Little good triumphs over much evil - Shoban k
Reach out creatively or get stuck willingly. Advertise, even if it's the last penny you got. It pays- Edmond H Sweidy
People record their dreams for all sorts of reasons. I do it because often times I forget that there's more to life than what is real.- Will Roller
Do not follow quotes.. Make decision as per the situation- Sayan Sen
Those who rebel and don't follow the rules will fail and end up working a small job. Those who follow the rules are the ideal, mainstream person will end up being the employers of those who rebel, which is a great achievement. And those who follow the rules but think outside the box, who are thought to be weird, will change the world.- Ivy B
Live for today with your eyes on the future.- Thomas Flajnik antichimerapodal
Never look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth Dunne
Sometimes love and life will knock you down but you gotta get back up rather than sit there all your life wondering what it would have been like if you got up and took risks, loved again, and got hurt but still lived.- Samantha Bunn
I point out my flaws not because I hate them, but because I accept them.- Baely Gabrielle Askins
I can open my eyes to something I've seen everyday and see something I've never seen in it before. It's a new perspective; a new meaning.. and it's beautiful- Regan Howard
Learning isn't always about being right. When mistakes are made, don't feel down, look at what's left, correct it, and stand up a better person- Brian Seah
Life and Death are two dimensions of something so big that the human brain and science would never be able to define it.- Dhruva Mathur
Today I woke up, often the most simplistic of tasks are the most important.- Jesse Hayes