Short Philosophy Quotes Pictures

Clothe yourselves with the truth, for it shall warm your heart and others..
Heart Love Religion Truth Wisdom
Heart Truth
'Life is too short ' So don't hurt yourself, Don't feel depress Tell yourself that you are strong, Y..

The key to your happiness is in your hand, so stop giving it to others....Happiness Stop Hand Giving

Happiness is when you don't have anything you don't want; and don't want anything you don't have....Want Happiness

All is fair in love and war but neither love or war is ever fair...
Love Relationship Truth War One liners
Love WarTop 10 Short Philosophy Quotes
Fighting fire with fire only makes the flame grow.- Lockeheart
Two golden rules of life: don't expect from anyone and accept whatever comes your way- RAVINDERSINGH POTHIWAL
Knowing thyself is paramount. Knowing someone else is complimentary.- Petrit Vasi
You don't need to be the best. You just need to be at your best.- Muhammed Umar Farooq
Before a lamp gets off, It burn out loud..- KartikRottimath
Knowledge is worth. Only, when it is of service to others.- Veshal M Mane
It's not the story that's inspiring, It's the inspiration that writes the story- Jessica Dillon
Life is simple but not easy!- Piet Ntema
It's a funny thing that comes with age, realizing you're the cause of your own cage.- Madalyn Kenney
Measure your thoughts carefully only you are responsible for them.- Victor Courage
All Short Philosophy Quotes ⇑
Buy and try; this is economics. Try and buy; this is metaphysics.- mohdmustafa99
Millions of dollars are spent every day to prepare for war. How much to prepare for peace?- Edmond H Sweidy
An idea without a plan is nothing more than a dream- Steven A. Board
From sand I come and in sand I shall go- shiza shahid
There's a beast in every lady or gentleman, and a lady or gentleman in every beast.- Donald Lynn Frost
Philosophy isn't perfect unless reflected through action- Lokesh giri
Not everyone can be successful, but anyone can be successful- Brayne Matshotshi
It takes a lot of courage to forgive someone, it takes even more courage to ask for forgiveness.- Steven Evans
Forgetting the problem doesn't solve the problem.- Lokesh giri
To keep anger and fear outside the mind one should learn to be at peace with oneself- Lokesh giri
Every word that comes out of your mouth determines how educated one is.- Allen
Fight your own EGO, rather than fighting with others- Farhad Dastoor
Simplicity is a complicated endeavor.- Robert Bluck
There are many things in the world that can be gained, but only love can be won..- Elijah McKinley
Happiness is purely a state of mind, it can be achieved without the external stimulus, if you know how- Lokesh giri
Success completely depends on how we behave with ourselves- Lokesh giri
The first step to having fun is letting go- kennedy mercer
If you can't do the best thing, do the second best thing- Lokesh giri
When hate fills your mind don't forget you have a heart.- Vanessa Murillo
Rich are those who have time, and right people to spend on- Lokesh giri
A better man is one who doesn't take pride in the fact that he is better.- Lokesh giri
Philosophy means love of wisdom, it should have been wisdom of love- Lokesh giri
Sanity has never been without the touch of insanity- Lokesh giri
All those who are laughing aren't happy, laughter is universally mistaken for happiness.- Matt Bill
Regretting is a bad use of time, hatred is self spoiling of mood.- Matt Bill
Trust cannot be proven unless a little is given first.- Jack Brown
Knowledge isn't power if it isn't put into use.- Jack Brown
Regained childhood is the last stage of perfection.- Lokesh giri
Only change remains the same- Kim Hale
Life is a gift, Talent is a blessing.- Fn Shihepo
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Success without failures is often a near impossibility - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Let tears flow. They wash away your sorrow.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues- Kabir Khivan Singh
Before resolving conflicts with violence, if possible, warm up and stretch.- Mario González
One cannot control one's animalistic propensities without sincere meditation and devotion.- Swarupananda Brahmachari
Pride is dangerous. Destroy your pride before your pride destroys you.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Everyone hurries to their graves. - Romeo
Be different not weird- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Don't ask for what you can't protect- John Guedes do Nascimento
Simplicity is not always a measure of weakness but it's always a measure of validity- Dr Callixte Yadufashije
Live today like it is your last day on earth and if you wake up tomorrow, do it again.- Joey Martin posthumus
Little truth is better than a great lie..- success song
Come ordinary go extraordinary.- Kowsalapathy Saravanan
Who wants balls of steel when you can have them in gold?- QuagganQuoter69
When fools speak the wise listen but when the wise speak fools argue- Methembe Maphosa
Do not compete with anyone. Only compete with your dreams.- Amoako Theophilus
Not a leftist or a rightist, nor in between. I'm above.- mohdmustafa99
Life may go on, but how do any of us know that the world won't cease to exist when we die for ourselves?- John Guedes do Nascimento
Rationality of the past might be irrationality of today and vice versa- mohdmustafa99
Wisdom is not to deal with matters you know, but with new matters that you haven't experienced before.- mohdmustafa99
The secret of a beautiful lie lays in an ugly truth..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Freedom is not only to choose, but also to avoid choosing.- mohdmustafa99
A dog that barks at a camel does nothing but disease its larynx.- mohdmustafa99
Not every famous person has real knowledge.- DEEPAK SHRIVASTAVA
Any dream that doesn't carry you far, far away is minor.- mohdmustafa99
Perhaps the most dangerous thing about 'X' is people conclude about it without knowing enough.- Nischal Lal Shrestha
Loans and Liabilities, Keeps You on Track- Rahul Govila
Death is a doorway to God. We celebrate Life and mourn Death, shouldn't we reverse it?- AiR Atman in Ravi
You only have the friends you make.- The Quoted Iris
Don't wait for doors to open, just burst right through them.- joey the poet
Even the wise learn from fool's words, it's only a foolish that joke with wise words..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
You have always had the greatest treasures within- Steve Aura
Regress if you wish but technology will not be kind to you.- Victor Courage
Follow love when it calls, for it is God in every instance.- Theophilus
The pain won't last forever but the memories will.- piyush kamboj
Nature can offer you the biggest gifts only if you are ready to accept them- shivangi lavaniya
Very acceptable statements are not arguments.- mohdmustafa99
Ability to say no in a gentle way is a virtue.- Avhidipta Mondal
Intelligence and wisdom do not always go together- Victor Courage
The golden rule of arguing is to listen more. This way, you can analyze rather than being analyzed.- Naqibullah Paiman
Truth is timeless- paul odafe utho
One who cheats others is a fool; one who cheats himself is a bigger fool- Lokesh giri
Reconstruct the world by reconstructing your mind- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
To broaden your horizons you need to narrow your introspection.- Donald Lynn Frost
Loneliness is a state of mind, not a lack of physical presence. you can be lonely around others.- Donald Lynn frost
What one believes to be oneself is only repetitive imagination- Lokesh giri
No matter how you look, you always face consequences- Farhad Dastoor
The power is not in the words of a man, but in its meaning - Farhad Dastoor
God gave me a chance, parents gave me a life and i'm giving it a meaning- Farhad Dastoor
Dreams are delicate, nurture them with care- Farhad Dastoor
Sometimes walking through darkness helps you see the light.- ABDULAZIZ Al DABAAN
You don't have to let go of the past, just don't live on it- Andronique
Love is like a story written in pencil, it can be written but can also be erased.- joel cervantes
Traditions are man made rules not worth fighting for.- abdu bahta
You will get what you deserve if you know what you don't deserve- diya ahmed azzony
You must be considerate by choice, not by nature.- Tamer Lokman
You can't cheat others except yourself- palash sarkar
You know it is wrong when you did it without happiness.- Brandon McCulloch
If I didn't have flaws, I wouldn't be real.- Lorreda C Smith
It takes time and courage to grow up and become who you really are.- Linda Usman
Every culprit is a victim himself- Lokesh giri
There aren't many opportunities for those who can't create some by themselves.- Lokesh giri
The only immortality that humans can achieve is through the passing on of our knowledge.- Jack Brown
Human thinking creates the virtual barrier between possible and impossible.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Emotions can make you or break you.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Persistence is performance irrespective of your feelings.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Consistency over time increases the gap, competition cannot close. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
A country that does not value education will never be able to develop no matter what.- Dr. Patricia Ghann
Embrace persistence, for it will pay great dividends- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Use your mind-power for your dream-power- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Magnified thinking augments resistance, minimizes performance.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Discipline breaks the chains of limitations and liberates you to your freedom.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Don't blame the God for your actions and consequences.- Syed Badiuzzaman
As a man you need to be strong.- ENGR ABAH SULE
God is the best listener. Even a totally silent prayer is clearly audible to Him.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Tears are prayers and they are answered.- Syed Badiuzzaman
When theirs evil, you'll be their. When theirs dark, you'll be their. you are the light.- Anthuan Gabriel Walter Samudio
We are not the Bodies that we Wear. We are the ones that Wear the Body.- AiR
Ignorance is Believing that Silence is Nothing. Wisdom is Knowing that silence is Everything !- AiR
Real change always comes from within.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Go for consistency rather than non-frequent excellence- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Be genuine because xerox can never be original- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Lone fighter is better than entire team without unity- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
You finally realized that life is not too long to be happy.- tina
Prejudice learned now encapsulates willing souls.. until only hate survives.- Mac McGovern
Where everyone is telling lies, speaking is listened with mistrust and disbelief.- Jason Baptiste
I may die, but first I will live as if there was no death.- Dahlia Godfrey Allen
Freedom is like the wind that cannot be captured, enslaved, or misdirected.- Jason Baptiste
The worse the winter the better the spring.- Leanne Tarrab
It is the people who you trust and love that end up betraying you- John Guedes do Nascimento
Have you noticed? the bathroom mirror gives a different picture than the one in the bedroom- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
When I'm alone by myself I become extremely intelligent but when I'm out there with the people I just become super stupid- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
To define a well-known aspect is to make it mysterious.- mohdmustafa99
We understand holy texts according to our agendas.- mohdmustafa99
Legislators are their legislations: the worse they are, the worse they are.- mohdmustafa99
You create your own luck. God just gives you the thumbs up. But if it gets late, don't wait for it.- Abhaas Aggarwal
Necessity disdains doctrines.- mohdmustafa99
That who wants to know the inlet must also know the outlet.- mohdmustafa99
The middle is the best position with the exception of holding a stick- mohdmustafa99
I did not fail because I knew the wrong ways of doing.- mohdmustafa99
If only the minority understands you, then you are an intellectual..- mohdmustafa99
Give bribes to children to do good for themselves.- mohdmustafa99
Knowledge is like a book, often given, but rarely shared.- Kristopher Adam Orlowski
Not all the poor are boor.- mohdmustafa99
Those that history remembers aren't much more than those history has forgotten..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
As important as tax, as paramount as tithes..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Strong roots inside the earth will never allow a tree to fall- Anand gill
Virtue means wielding the power to commit great evil but being powerful enough not to.- Siavash Rohani
Oh Man! Oh Woman! Who tore you apart, when you are two halves of a better whole.- Saugato Adhikary
Any question is older than its answer.- mohdmustafa99
The most sacred things are items of the mind.- Elizabeth Rhodes
Let's free people who think that they are free.- mohdmustafa99
Music Is Not a Thing , It's A Way Of Life - Vivek Sahney
I mean what I say , but whatever I say, hasn't a single meaning.- mohdmustafa99
Nothing resembles postmodernism like pre-modernism.- mohdmustafa99
Perseverance and hard work will overcome obstacles in the path to achieve your goals.- Mario G Dixon
Life is a test that I'm failing.- The Quoted Iris
Who you know is not important, What you know is important- Thirumurugan
The right time to commit a crime is now or never..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Vulnerability isn't the ultimate weakness, it is the basic instinct of survival- Raphael mahulo
Prioritizing leads to impactful action.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
If we are all infinite beings, where does your life sit right now in that sea of indefiniteness?- Richard RA
I used to be a genius but I gave it up for a higher paid job.- Victor Courage
Artist retires when he dies - Halil Xhafa
Life is good if you have enough potential to survive alone- Manu sharma
You can do anything you set your mind to.- Nick Lacoste
Equality is an inapplicable theory even among the dead ones. - mohdmustafa99
You can't live forever, simply because you must leave.- Abdullahi Yahya Yusuf
Every tear is a open door to a smile- Emeline
In all solace tranquility, the tick of a wrist watch is siren - Tendai Bunhu
I will change or not, depends on the person who wants to change me.- Praveen malik
Beauty comes from within, it shines bright inwardly with outer radiance- Carmen Lesley Speak
Your dreams are your thoughts- Joel masegela
Life is a dream in itself- Giobari M Atura
The way we act is influenced by your mood and the people you are around.- Cassandra Linares
You can only truly be thankful once you have experienced having nothing- Emmanuel Erhabor
In Death, We Find Love's Purest Form.- Kip Campbell Cooper
You become what you listen to over time- popoola ebenezer
Knowledge is power, without power there would be no knowledge- juan martinez
One cannot look at the future without looking at the past.- Dan C M
A Poet expresses expressions - PRACHI KERKAR
Modesty is redundant, most people already assume you've accomplished nothing.- Jeff Lebowski
Question everything you read or hear because the truth is clearer than a half truth or lie.- Tanya Asapansa Johnson Walker
Life is a labyrinth and at each turn, there's something that either shapes you or deforms you.- Maitreya Rajan Mahanta
I was crying when I was born, because my mother was in difficult moment of her life- Kamal S Lohar
Don't be afraid to be who you are and you will be successful- Diego Termote
Inspiration is the fore-thought of action.- Victor Courage
To continue making love to your wife after your children have caught you, is darn near impossible!- Keith Brown
Life has the ability to convince us that once we know about something, it loses its mystery.- Marruen Mahmud
If you give a s**t, you get hurt- Jihan Heenkenda
The price of freedom is high, the price of repression is immeasurable- Victor Courage
Denial is accepting things that you can not change!- Edmond H Sweidy
Just because you are living and breathing doesn't mean you are alive.- vikrant
Winning does not mean the battle was easy.- Sarad S Dhungel
Things learnt from mistakes are never forgotten.- Prashanth Rajasekar
AGE or PRESENT SITUATION never decides the destiny of a person- Nishant Gupta
Don't hate on me, hate on yourself- George Poulos
Empty pages are the best pages, if you are looking for creativity.- Kyle O\'neill
I react how I feel - I feel how I react- Saber Ahmed Manjoo
Skin makes the difference, otherwise everything underneath is just flesh and bones..- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Today is the start of a new tomorrow!- Faye Stevenson
Treasure is only best if kept hidden- shiza shahid
I am the king of my own kingdom & you are the slaves of others' state.- Atif Maqbool
There's One Thing I Fear More than Death, loneliness.- Fredrik Renman
You choose your Death when you choose how you Live.- matthew boneepeee
People make choices; animals can't- John Ed Gates
Honestly, second chances doesn't make one believe in you as they used too..- Natalia
The pen will never be mightier than the sword if its words are forever permanent.- Eric Scott
Many complex equations like Socialism and Capitalism come in the way of equality and growth but the best route is in-between them.- Dhruva Mathur
Perfection comes in the simplest of forms- Chloe Mendelson
Sometimes it is your past that makes your future better..- Daleen Irshaid
Never do good things till you are asked to, for good turns out to be bad- Farhad Dastoor
Humanity fighting hard to regain its lost presence in human's mind.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
By doing only one thing can you stay happy for your whole life and that is 'MOVE ON'- Varun Batra
People are like a tooth brush, none of them are strong- OmerJawed
There may be 100 reasons to smile in a day.. But it takes only 1 reason to cry for lifetime.. - sandeep singh kohli
Stand on land and touch the sky, this is the height of greatness..- Abhishek Thakur
To convince someone, you first need to prepare them to love being convinced- Lokesh giri
Growth in humans is not necessarily being able to find faults in others, but being able to make a best living with them despite their faults- Lisa Roy
If one can't be happy with himself, I doubt if he can ever be happy with somebody else.- Lokesh giri