
Victor Courage (victorvecter) Quotes & Sayings:
Victor Courage

Victor Courage

Location:Colchester, United Kingdom
Experience on Earth:81 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 10 Years 5 Months
Short Bio: Retired but not retired. Strongman extraordinaire

Victor Courage Quotes

1-50 of total 104 Quotes
What should you respect that has no respect for you? Fire. What should you respect that has no respect for you? Fire...

Philosophy Short

The spectre of death haunts us all but it should not mar the magnificence of life. The spectre of death haunts us all but it should not mar the magnificence of life...


I used to be a genius but I gave it up for a higher paid job. I used to be a genius but I gave it up for a higher paid job...

Funny Philosophy Short

Regress if you wish but technology will not be kind to you. Regress if you wish but technology will not be kind to you...

Philosophy Short Science

Rabid thought is a form of subjectivity. Rabid thought is a form of subjectivity...


There is more glorification than glory. There is more glorification than glory...


If you establish a truth it cannot be destroyed. If you establish a truth it cannot be destroyed...

You can exchange a castle for a hovel but a hovel is still your castle. You can exchange a castle for a hovel but a hovel is still your castle...

Strive. Keep striving. Never stop striving. Strive. Keep striving. Never stop striving...

Optimism Philosophy

Whisper not to your demons shout at them with all your might. Whisper not to your demons shout at them with all your might...

The world is round but you need to square up to it. The world is round but you need to square up to it...

I have always tried to obey The Ten Commandments but if there were only four or five of them I I have always tried to obey The Ten Commandments but if there were only four or five of them I..

Funny Religion

We will meet in heaven but you will have to wait for me to get out of hell. We will meet in heaven but you will have to wait for me to get out of hell...

Oppression is the spectre of power. Oppression is the spectre of power...


Do not wait for happiness for happiness is within you. Do not wait for happiness for happiness is within you...

We are born without prejudice die without it. We are born without prejudice die without it...

Philosophy Short

Do not forget your significance for we are all significant. Do not forget your significance for we are all significant...


Gather your strength for one day you will surely need it. Gather your strength for one day you will surely need it...


Be not fearful of your anger but fear it becoming uncontrollable. Be not fearful of your anger but fear it becoming uncontrollable...

Anger Philosophy

Fear Anger
Limit not your desires but temper them with constraint. Limit not your desires but temper them with constraint...


Do not hurry you thoughts for at leisure they are more likely to be positive. Do not hurry you thoughts for at leisure they are more likely to be positive...

There is a little Jekell and Hyde in all of us. There is a little Jekell and Hyde in all of us...


Accept defeat but do not let it flourish. Accept defeat but do not let it flourish...

Failure Short Success One liners

Do not turn away from failure for success is built upon it. Do not turn away from failure for success is built upon it...

Run not from your shame. Face it. Endure it. Put it in it`s place. Run not from your shame. Face it. Endure it. Put it in it`s place...

Gather your strength for one day you will certainly need it. Gather your strength for one day you will certainly need it...

Day Need Strength
Take care of your thoughts for they can lead to nightmares. Take care of your thoughts for they can lead to nightmares...


Measure your thoughts carefully only you are responsible for them. Measure your thoughts carefully only you are responsible for them...

Philosophy Short Wisdom One liners thought

Do not hate yourself or others, there is already enough hate in the world. Do not hate yourself or others, there is already enough hate in the world...

Hate Short

World Hate
Perceiving something does not make it a reality. Perceiving something does not make it a reality...

Short reality

Strive but never overstep. Strive but never overstep...

Life Short Wisdom One liners

Submit rather than demean yourself. Submit rather than demean yourself...


Do not become overwhelmed by negatives the positives are usually bigger and stronger. Do not become overwhelmed by negatives the positives are usually bigger and stronger...


Patience and indulgence can sometimes merge. Patience and indulgence can sometimes merge...

Inspiration is the fore-thought of action. Inspiration is the fore-thought of action...

Inspirational Philosophy Short

Thought Action
Faith can move mountains but gunpowder is more effective. Faith can move mountains but gunpowder is more effective...

Overreaction will solve nothing. Overreaction will solve nothing...


You can work too much but not too hard. You can work too much but not too hard...

Short One liners Work

Northern Ireland. The only place in the world you will never see the Union Flag upside down. Northern Ireland. The only place in the world you will never see the Union Flag upside down...

If you are not being honest with yourself you have not reached the inner mind. If you are not being honest with yourself you have not reached the inner mind...

Peace Short mind

Being Mind
I have been on this planet for 26049 days, it does not seem a day too long. I have been on this planet for 26049 days, it does not seem a day too long...


Economics is a form of mathematics but the figures seldom add up. Economics is a form of mathematics but the figures seldom add up...

The ghost of Marx may yet come back to haunt us. The ghost of Marx may yet come back to haunt us...

Philosophy Politics

Caution is wise being over cautious is foolish. Caution is wise being over cautious is foolish...

If you cannot manage money you will never have enough of it. If you cannot manage money you will never have enough of it...

Hardship can be difficult, never having experienced it can be disastrous. Hardship can be difficult, never having experienced it can be disastrous...


Death is inevitable life is not. Death is inevitable life is not...

Death Life

You are only as strong as your mind. You are only as strong as your mind...

Short mind

Mind Strong
Strength of mind and body is the pillar of your existence. Strength of mind and body is the pillar of your existence...

Life mind

Mind Body Strength Existence
Craftiness is the accomplice of the devious. Craftiness is the accomplice of the devious...

Short One liners random
