Men Quotes Pictures

Men are pigs. And I say that not as an insult. I should know, we're wired that way, we want to f**k..We Want
Would you be ready to accept, if somebody reminds you in your dream that you are dreaming?. Indeed you will not, you feel so real then. So is this..
Confidence Faith Forgiveness God Hope
One DayTop 10 men Quotes
Men fall for the same mistake over and over because they don't wanna learn from previous mistakes- CLK
All men and women were born equal but fear of God and amount of education received by each individual set them apart.- Segun Rasaki
Wise men have said, 'Everything is fair in love and war'. But wise men certainly aren't or weren't gods. So this millennium-old quote is certainly not acceptable all the time. Everything has its own limit, realistic-ness, and psychology.- Shayontan Fardin Nabi
If men make the same dreams of women, women will make alternative dreams. - mohdmustafa99
No blame on men who disregard equality of genders if they believe that women are superior. - mohdmustafa99
You can break an army of a thousand men, but it only takes one word to reduce you to a million pieces.- Connor Redmond
I am a bad man, I am a bad person, my whole life my mother asked that I never become like my father, nonetheless I failed her, I failed everyone in the worst way, for no matter how I've tried I've become all that I've strived not to be, I am my father, I've become my father and so much more, I will no longer bother with trying to beat it, for fighting it is like fighting quicksand, the more I struggle the deeper I am swallowed by the shadow of him, I will no longer try to love or live life, because I know I am my father, I have become what I hate most through some sick twist of fate, a card i've been dealt of which I cannot discard, like a sickness tied to my very soul, I am toxic poisoning everything in my path, like King Midas if his touch had been like the fangs of a viper rather than that of the golden touch. I now truly believe that the proverbial Apple does not fall far from the tree, almost all men are destined to grow into their father's shadows and sometimes even grow darker- chad daniel thome
The reality of war. A lot changed when the war began. It took only four years to destroy our homeland. War was declared and armies were mobilized. Young men were drafted and civilians were ostracized. Bombs were dropped and buildings collapsed. Enemies charged in and our soldiers fought back. Tanks rolled in and fighter jets flew by. Children were crying and mothers screamed 'OH God why' When the war dragged on and there was no end in sight. The presidents and the generals knew It was time to bring out the mushrooms and the very bright lights. With a quick push of a button and with one last 'may god help us all' The green light was lit and the bombs began to fall. The bombs rain down and the children were told to cover their eyes. The parents knew that they weren't going to escape alive. The sky became bright and ground began to shake. I knew at that moment, the blast killed millions in its wake. Dropping atomic bombs did end the war But there were no victors, no survivors, and no form- Jonathan Avalos
Making of true men is a feminist affair.- mohdmustafa99
They say, men will always be men, well, ladies will be men the day after forever- Nyandogora Edgar Onkendi
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I found three kinds of people in life. Some need Respect, Some need Attention. The rest are MEN!- Ebenezer Michael
Women nor men run the world - professionals do- Chiquita Bowleg
Feminism is a lie, its just women hating on men for they have hatred but need a scapegoat and they chose an easy target.- Timothy Michael Long
Men are not THE PROBLEM, Women acting DESPERATE and not respecting themselves are THE PROBLEM..- Babi Shakes
What irony that man's imagination has the power to create grand marvels in technology while the counterpart of human wisdom, human honor and good will among men lags seriously behind- Dennis James Deegan CTM
When power becomes common among men there are no longer Heroes or Villains, just opponents and adversaries, and when a power greater than any other arises it is only revered as a legend.- Jericho Redman
Some saudi men don't seem to like saudi women because of what they see in them, on the other hand, some saudi women don't seem to like saudi men because of what they don't see in them.- diya ahmed azzony
Let them use you. Let them enjoy draining your humanity. It's okay, men like non-humans.- khashayar alavi
The Art of War is Priceless, in a textbook it can be seen as paintings of great men, doing great things. It is common knowledge that not all these things are morally correct. History has a way of Making even the not so great things look great.- Demetrius
Men must make sacrifices to families, not alcohol.- Jovonta Battle
If women value themselves enough, men would be more decent- diya ahmed azzony
What are Heroes? Heroes are Men, Women and Children who do an act of Freedom, Bravery, Courage and/or Intellect in their lives to be remembered by the next generations to come.- Garry Jack Townsend
Now and forever there are seeds of ignorance, fear, greed and hatred in the hearts of men. All they take to bloom is a drop of water, a false promise, a logical argument.- Jack Brown
I'm not sure what a war kills, men or humanity? fear or courage?- Lokesh giri
Please protect my children wherever they are and wherever they go. Protect them from all sickness and diseases , from all harm , from accidents and breakdowns, from the power of witchcraft and darkness, from all evil spirits and evil men , all strongholds , from all sins and temptations- Shaila Touchton
Women fall in love with men with great achievement and men do with women capable of seduction. It really becomes tough when one loses their quality- Amoako Theophilus
Women are the source of the earth and men are also source of protection. we can not live without each other's support.- Amoako Theophilus
You will see wild part of men in expressions and actions, especially in protest, because different elements react together and not only in same aim- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Women who break our hearts, don't deserve the worthiness in womens day. Their hearts lack parenthood, I think they are just men in skirts.- Mr vybs live
Except praying all important things men do are done by animals also.- T C Jose
Greedy men often have craving for good things- Tijani Kehinde John
Success and happiness becomes a worthwhileness of life when men live in a state of happiness and success- Joshua Aaron Guillory
Some women are more slicker than men, they'll lose him on a highway chase.- joey the poet
Men & Women were never meant to be equals, reality is women rule the world.- Macmillan
I like to see women who are stronger. Stand there like brave ones after many men had stepped, sliced, hurt their hearts and broke it to pieces, also broke the walls in their hearts that they had made for years.- Amarysti Kardi
Life is a song- sing it, Life is like a flower- smell it, Life is not without friends- enjoy them, Life gives you harmony- where's the melody? Life has men- deal with it- Courtney Oberholtzer