Inspirational Faith Quotes Pictures

The favour of God is upon her. She does not allow any failure to stop her from flourishing. She is..

Keep the ice in your mind and fire in your heart....
Confidence Leadership Short One liners
Heart Mind Keep Fire
Success is not based on talents alone but a threefold combination of vision, work and persistence..
Change Desire Dreams Goal Success
Success Work Alone Vision
Bring me down, I will rise until you take a seat and watch me fly..
Confidence Courage Hope Leadership Short
Bring Fly
Let not Fate decide what man desire to change, but man...
Change Courage Desire Freedom Life
Change Desire
God is peace; religion is man's attempt to commune with God; and war is the worst result of man's..
Failure God History Peace Philosophy
God Peace Failure War Religion
It's strange to see people running after knowledge, disregarding that he himself is the source of..People Know Self Knowledge

Training will prepare you for any condition possible. Those who refuse to train. Refuse the success..
Education Leadership Optimism Success
Success Tomorrow PossibleTop 10 Inspirational Faith Quotes
Life is more beautiful when beautiful friends are around you.- Bizz Lamichhane
Everything you will ever be is a product of your heart. So be careful of what you think, what you believe and what you ponder on - BJ Sam
Creating a bright future is to purposefully channel your spirit, mind, and body as a driving force for whatever lies ahead.- Howard Hanniford
Follow love when it calls, for it is God in every instance.- Theophilus
Embrace your vision, so that you will have the power to conquer the impossible.- Howard Hanniford
In one way or another we are all dreamers of a better future. Yet, how many of us actually chase our dreams? Make your dreams become a reality!- Javier Contreras
Stars play their games, you play yours :)- Devesh Aviral Devrani
A female is the passage of entry for a soul into existence. She forms one of the closest links between the transcendental plane and Earth.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
In a game, when you loose, you don't quit, instead you restart the level. Do the same in your life.- Shariq Khan
Life is pleasant when you believe whatever happens is for good and has purpose. - Sadashivan
All Inspirational Faith Quotes ⇑
Twitter is a vessel that we can use to share positivity to others through our timeline one tweet at a time.- Germany Kent
Prayer is helping me rattle the heavens.- Joe Cervantes
All that I am and all that I dream to be, is found deep within me.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
When one door shuts on you, be thankful as the Universe has a greater plan to open higher doors where your talent and heart will be valued and treasured.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
After every winding road, a straight road ahead- Abeer Al Jammal
You have to go through a few nightmares to make your Dreams come true.- Puja Agarwal
You can only have artificial and temporary happiness from other people, but true happiness can only be created from yourself- Garron C. Haun
If religion is an illness, education is the cure.- Jesse Hayes
Power is God giving us the pencil of faith, and letting us edit our script of life- Kevin gerimet
If you are not destined for greatness then life is easy..- Sidney Watkins
It's never the right time to do the wrong thing.- Bill Gibbs
Having a good heart is all you need because in the end, it's the only thing that will save you.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
Spiritual strength is not weakened by unfortunate circumstances, but by lack of faith.- Wayne Chirisa
What we say is representative of what we believe in and what we believe manifests because our words bring it to life. Take caution with what you say and take caution with the words you choose to say it.- Rodney Pierre
Credibility of faith is measured by reduction in misconducts.- mohdmustafa99
If we can learn to show compassion to ourselves, then we will know how to Love others.- Amelia Goode
Friends are like degrees, the true ones are 360, you cannot expect 360 degrees loyalty from 45 degree friends.- George O Smith
Religion is a kindergarten to spirituality. All religions ignite our faith in God and teach us the basics.- AiR Atman in Ravi
Would you be ready to accept, if somebody reminds you in your dream that you are dreaming?. Indeed you will not, you feel so real then. So is this life. Only the death can wake them up one day those who cannot recognize this and there's no death for those wise men, who knew this truth - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Maturity is not the ability to think positively, but to attain the state of thoughtlessness. The moment you 'think' whether positive or negative, you miss the presence of God conscious in you- FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Our prayers are heard before we speak them.- The Quoted Iris
In this world we're like pieces on the chessboard.. some of us we are pawns whereas others are queens, kings, castles and bishops but only God knows.. like players on a board do.. that when the pawn crowns it becomes 'something' on the chessboard(world). 'the world is a chessboard. '- Malatji Kamogelo Gift
Inspiration is the mother of invention and the force behind and within these two is the spirit of the most high God.- Segun Rasaki
Truth is absolute, no matter what your truth says it is.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
If in life you feel like a stone tossed about in a stormy sea, remember that the rough and jagged edges of a stone are smoothed away by the rough waters. It was a small smooth stone that defeated a giant. When your edges are gone what will you be able to conquer with your life?- Dr Travis J Hedrick
CANCEL CANCER!: One letter makes a world of difference.- Johnny JR Remick
Personal responsibility is one of the most essential credentials in national transformation- Sunday Adelaja
The major problem of the church is in the gospel we preach- Sunday Adelaja
Life depends on laws and rules- Sunday Adelaja
We have over institutionalized the church- Sunday Adelaja
If everyone had the knowledge of their self-value and internal ability to be successful, then there won't be any need for hatred, envy and jealousy towards our fellow humans- Sunday Adelaja
Wars always leave more casualties, and cause more destruction than the problem or misunderstanding that lead to the war- Sunday Adelaja
We can't afford to live like animals by living in ignorance- Sunday Adelaja
The difference between the rich and the poor is knowledge- Sunday Adelaja
Everything happens for a reason. Wait on God and trust in Him. He wants the best for us. He wants to take us from glory to glory, and from victory to victory.- Germany Kent
Whatever is happening today is happening due to our karma, karma is what we did in the past, what we are doing in present and what we are going to do in future- karan dhawan
Starting off as an idea in the conscious of two sets of cumulative energy. Focus is drawn into one moment that will move forward in a direction determined by choices. Setting off on this profound journey called life an eternal path is created.- Chad R Kerst
Earn a repute, Learn to respect it- Ritesh Ranjan
Choice is a dance of faith and strife- where dime and prime chime- hurt and loss are the carrion that make living truly an art- Pasithea
If wealth has made you happy.. you are successful, If happiness has made you wealthy.. you are blessed- Stephen A.Cane
Life gives opportunities even at the final stage of impossibility- Namratha G
Success is just a word , if you believe it you can do it- TASNEEM SHABBIR
Don't expect much from others, because the thing we get when we expect more is nothing..- Sai
A messy bible is a healed heart- Jamileigh nolen
Faith does not only give us the strength to pursue, but also shows us where to pursue, what to pursue and how to pursue.- Maduwa Thabo
There are billions of seconds in your lifetime, and it only takes one to completely alter the significance of your life.- Christian Andrew Stites
Beyond the sky just became my limit. Someone got to the sky already and I have to beat that- Stella Serwa Nyadzi
If you want to be successful in any area of life, you have to work on developing your soul.- Pastor Sunday Adelaja
If a person has wisdom, then he will also have the anointing. But sometimes a person with the anointing may not have much wisdom- Pastor Sunday Adelaja
When you rise in the morning.. say thanks to sun for its light for strength. When you are away on a walk.. say thanks to nature for fresh air. when you are at lunch or dinner.. say thanks to nature for its wonderful tasty food. when it is night.. Say thanks to nature for giving everything for lovely life. Before going to bed.. say thanks to God for giving another wonderful day of life.- Sadashivan
Pretend to be happy and eventually you will believe that you are.- Germany Kent
When a child is fed, a world is nourished- Ms P Quotes
No matter how hard the situation is, no matter how hard life is, always be thankful. Think of it as a challenge and have faith that God will never give us problems we can't handle. So always keep your head up and keep smiling. Don't lose hope. Don't ever give up. For every trials that come our way , we can grow and learn each day and that we should be always grateful.- Lovely Grace Bactol
When grace is at work the race becomes easier- Izuakor Ikechukwu
Hope is a Faith aligner.- Paddick Van Zyl
As time goes by, things change, people change. Those you knew become strangers, those you did not know become your trusted ones. But as long as your love and care remains, you will be ready for when they return.- Sazzey
Praise the kind soul who through chaos and destruction was able to bring happiness when it was so desperately needed most..- Ryan Cook
A moving man will lose energy but will always overtake the standing..- sudheer keshetty
Photography is a passion, which if once is awake, it never falls asleep.- Morpho Pyrrou
Believe you can, and you will - Luke Henry Vanlauwe
In general, there are no bad experiences. For all experience have value in the quest for wisdom.- Theophilus
You are stronger than you think, wiser than you know, prettier than you see. Believe in yourself!- Noelle Meghan
Getting anything below our expectations makes us sad, then why don't we bring down the level of expectations to make our life free from that sadness?- harbinderjit singh bajaj
Never give up because you never know who is holding on because of you.- Sarah Bridges
Never look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth Dunne
By showering some of us with wealth, GOD tests our generosity, sees how they help the needy.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
I once met a man he told me if you have your faith then nobody can come in your way and soon you will become a leader!- Maria Farag
A flame from within is the brightest site, for it is a content soul that provides everlasting light.- victoria lee
Life and Death are two dimensions of something so big that the human brain and science would never be able to define it.- Dhruva Mathur
All your wrong doings are being watched by the messenger of GOD who is sitting deep in your mind in the guise of your SOUL.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
You can look at Depression as a test to challenge you for what's ahead- Ross McPherson
When God asks me 'What have you done with the life I gave to you?', I don't want my answer to be 'I spent it all chasing Silver and Gold. ' - Feneau Demesmin
It's my opinion that the human race's inherent tendency to fear the unknown, can be held accountable for much of what's wrong with the world. Perhaps it's time to embrace the unknown, so that we may begin taking steps towards understanding it. To do so, is the only means we have of ever seeing our future differ from our past.- Jesse Hayes
There will be very few days when I will be sad and cry but when that happens it will only have to do with the people that mean something to me- Elton Huff
When you think you can do something, that's when you should know you can - Kennisha L Crawford
Missionary work that comes from the heart and the spirit, is never wasted, only invested- Jim Nzepack Enow