Wisdom Faith Quotes Pictures

Challenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either..
Courage Hope Imagination Life Philosophy
Strong Weak
The favour of God is upon her. She does not allow any failure to stop her from flourishing. She is..

Positivity creates a solution to every problem. Negativity creates a problem in every solution..
Confidence Creativity Philosophy
Problem Solution
I have no image of how graveyard is, only fool to be fool watering democracy and their thought only..
Happiness either can last for a short period of time or can last forever. happiness that can be found and lasts for a short period of time is gained..
-rodriguez chavez Love Time Feel Happiness Money
-rodriguez chavez Love Time Feel Happiness Money

Nothing worth having is ever easy to keep, fight for what you believe in...Keep Believe Worth Fight

An older pair of shoes that fits comfortably, beats a new pair that causes pain when walking long..
Life Love Marriage Relationship Romantic
How beautiful faith and religion can be if we can practice it with each other and not against each..Beautiful Faith Religion

The only thing you can do is what you can do. Some things are just not up to you or in your control..Control

White hair are enough to keep me reminded that journey of this luxurious life has a certain end ..Life Keep Journey

All men have the solemn duty to uphold justice for without there will be no truth nor freedom..Truth Men Freedom

It's strange to see people running after knowledge, disregarding that he himself is the source of..
Death God Hope Inspirational Life
People Know Self Knowledge
Trust the timing of your life. Everything you go through is a part of your process..Life Trust Process

Life is more beautiful when beautiful friends are around you...
Beauty Friendship Happiness Heart Inspirational
Life Beautiful
Embrace your vision, so that you will have the power to conquer the impossible...
Change Confidence Desire Dreams Inspirational
Power Impossible VisionTop 10 Wisdom Faith Quotes
Stars play their games, you play yours :)- Devesh Aviral Devrani
A female is the passage of entry for a soul into existence. She forms one of the closest links between the transcendental plane and Earth.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Twitter is a vessel that we can use to share positivity to others through our timeline one tweet at a time.- Germany Kent
A friend is someone who knows all about you and still likes you; just think how much god must love you when he knows how you will turn out and still makes you.- Purva
After every winding road, a straight road ahead- Abeer Al Jammal
Don't worry about the things you can't control- Regan Howard
Mother Teresa once said If you judge people, you have no time to love them.. funny I hear when we die God will judge us all- Nikola Bevanda
If religion is an illness, education is the cure.- Jesse Hayes
Those who fear death often waste their lives doing so.- Jesse Hayes
Hate is stronger than love! When you hate someone you give them your soul- Gabby Ramos
All Wisdom Faith Quotes ⇑
I shut my eyes in order to hear- jonathan flynn
Power is God giving us the pencil of faith, and letting us edit our script of life- Kevin gerimet
If you are not destined for greatness then life is easy..- Sidney Watkins
It's never the right time to do the wrong thing.- Bill Gibbs
Having a good heart is all you need because in the end, it's the only thing that will save you.- Meagan Lynn Gervais
Even a lie spoken for good cause is good, it's the intention that matters over right or wrong.- william anne
We are already 'saved'. We are born GOOD, and remain GOOD, because Pure GOODNESS is our Author.- Amelia Goode
The culture and society are of no use that teach us discrimination and where stones are precious than hearts.- Bonny
Friends are like degrees, the true ones are 360, you cannot expect 360 degrees loyalty from 45 degree friends.- George O Smith
Sin is the past, forgiveness is the future.- meranda mccormick
Would you be ready to accept, if somebody reminds you in your dream that you are dreaming?. Indeed you will not, you feel so real then. So is this life. Only the death can wake them up one day those who cannot recognize this and there's no death for those wise men, who knew this truth - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
You consider whatever you see with your eyes as true, but what about your own face, which your eyes cannot show you? Is that really real which the mirror or photo shows you?. Even If your own face is just a belief, what else exists? - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Maturity is not the ability to think positively, but to attain the state of thoughtlessness. The moment you 'think' whether positive or negative, you miss the presence of God conscious in you- FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
If you want to see how integral and reliable the society is, just release a cobra in a crowded auditorium. The selfish tendencies of human nature will be exposed. Don't suppress your heart's calling and will only to impress the others. SOCIETY is an illusory concept- Krishna Jagan Mohan rao
Inspiration is the mother of invention and the force behind and within these two is the spirit of the most high God.- Segun Rasaki
Everything happens for a reason. Wait on God and trust in Him. He wants the best for us. He wants to take us from glory to glory, and from victory to victory.- Germany Kent
Darkness is light in the eyes of a greater power.- Alby Steven Foster
Starting off as an idea in the conscious of two sets of cumulative energy. Focus is drawn into one moment that will move forward in a direction determined by choices. Setting off on this profound journey called life an eternal path is created.- Chad R Kerst
Live, learn, play, win, inspire- Repeat- Ritesh Ranjan
Earn a repute, Learn to respect it- Ritesh Ranjan
If you are blessed enough to have people in your home, church, work etc.. that have shown their desire to be a help and have a passion for a particular calling do not discourage them with a micro managing controlling mindset and lack of faith. Those who do this will find folks slowly lose that passion due to feeling stifled and unable to reach their full capabilities. A soul on fire is a wonderful thing and his power can do mighty things if we stay out of the way.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
In a world filled with lies, those who tell the truth will seem like saints but possibly devils in disguise.- Jonathan Devon Ferguson
A Humble Giver Never Expects, (But Receives); What A Greedy Receiver Never Gives, (But Expects).. A Thank You.- Alondale Beau King
Doers are always better than followers even if nobody has believe in them. My Question is what you choose to be?- bhushan madhukar meshram
If you want to be successful in any area of life, you have to work on developing your soul.- Pastor Sunday Adelaja
If a person has wisdom, then he will also have the anointing. But sometimes a person with the anointing may not have much wisdom- Pastor Sunday Adelaja
Angels are driven by compassion deprived of instinct, Animals are driven by instincts deprived of compassion, Humans are a grip of soil and a puff of soul, driven by both, when their compassion dictates their instinct we call them Angels and when their instincts dictates their compassion we call them Animals- Fawstes Ahmed
Be ye not oysters that believe naively and follow blindly, for it may be your end.- Yohnnilee OpelKiy Entrikin
Imagine you are stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean, you have one can of pop that is still cold for now but is getting warm increasingly fast. Do you drink the pop in one sitting while it's cold and enjoyable, or prolong it and take a little sip whenever you need it savoring the drink but making it far less enjoyable. You can compare this to life. Some people make choices to live in the now and enjoy life in this exact moment and let hope and god take over from there. Others think about their future and try to simply survive. If you decided to drink the pop in one sitting you think in the now and are living life. If you chose the sips every once in a while you are merely surviving.- Adam Langlais
I think the reason why 'In God We Trust' is on Money is because people pray for money all the time.- NicNicLouisiana
The moment my knee went down the floor, my problem walked out the door- May George
Character must first be developed on the inside before it will manifest on the outside..- Paddick Van Zyl
Each Individual has his or her own idea about how much is too much - Zohaib Nawaz Tarar
A living ant is better than a dead elephant.- isaiah adukwu
I live for the present like a kid on Christmas- Joe Anthony Vasquez
Photography is a passion, which if once is awake, it never falls asleep.- Morpho Pyrrou
Right and Wrong are a mighty forces, they tempt us to do things we shouldn't and pull us away from them, yet in any of these events we are only judged by choice- Josh Darosa
In general, there are no bad experiences. For all experience have value in the quest for wisdom.- Theophilus
Never look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth Dunne
Life and Death are two dimensions of something so big that the human brain and science would never be able to define it.- Dhruva Mathur
Winning the heart of enemy is more valuable than winning the battle.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
If destiny has it for you, it shall be delivered unto you, no matter what.. whether you are hiding in a cave in Afghanistan or while just being carried to the grave..- saikiran
The world is not based on, fact or fiction, truth or myth, reality and fantasy. The world, is a world of possibilities, achievable goals, and unlimited imagination. In other words, don't believe or disbelieve, of what you don't know, the (only) thing you can do is be open-minded.- Jorrdan Stevens
When God asks me 'What have you done with the life I gave to you?', I don't want my answer to be 'I spent it all chasing Silver and Gold. ' - Feneau Demesmin
It's my opinion that the human race's inherent tendency to fear the unknown, can be held accountable for much of what's wrong with the world. Perhaps it's time to embrace the unknown, so that we may begin taking steps towards understanding it. To do so, is the only means we have of ever seeing our future differ from our past.- Jesse Hayes
The rise of secularism in and of itself is a clear indication that the next stage of humanity will not be governed by a theistic process at all, but defined by the ability of our species to coexist and advance in its absence.- Jesse Hayes
The greatest gift you can give someone is to understand them.- Regan Howard
If one has doubt or fear, the path to true enlightenment will be obscured, and that person will never ascend into god's true image and therefore thou will never pass through the gates of heaven and shall spend all of eternity in purgatory.- Christopher Joesph Agruso