Funny Life Quotes Pictures

Sometimes I just want someone to hug me and say 'I understand your pain. it's gonna be okay' have..
Love Relationship falling in love
Want Pain Understand
Always put your coat on before answering your front door. If you like your visitor tell them you..Door

They say that luck knocks at least once in life, hence, if luck hasn't yet knocked your door, then..
Inspirational Opportunity Witty perspective
Life Door
Some people stop lying only when they are asleep. Advanced liars even lie in their dreams..People Stop Lie

I don't know, where do I find the courage, to be such a coward!..
Anger Courage Failure Sad Short
Know Find Courage
There are three types of people in this world; Problem seekers, Problem Solvers and Problem 'see..People World Problem

It takes effort to simplify life, complicating it takes no effort at all, for it's already..Life Effort

Why do people bother so much about dying, when they have so many other things to do while alive?..People Alive

Did you say life is unfair? I never heard it promising anybody anything. what do you expect?..Life Expect
Top 10 Funny Life Quotes
Regained childhood is the last stage of perfection.- Lokesh giri
I hate myself because I hate selfish people.- AB Baby
Many people think they finished school, but school actually finished them- Pistis Balu
Thinking there is such thing as 'an end to suffering' seems like an adult fairy tale to me.- Konchok Dhondup
A problem delayed is a problem solved.- Derrick Merrill Smith
Your mind can be your worst enemy. Control and train it wisely.- asokha
Every year that passes by makes me feel older and older again. It will only cease with death.- The Quoted Iris
Everyone hurries to their graves. - Romeo
You really have to start before you start.- Uche Onyinyechi Richard
Why do you say, 'Zombies are brain dead, dysfunctional, and have no place in society?' When, Zombies use more of your brain than you do.- Mac McGovern
All Funny Life Quotes ⇑
Spending your time with the mirror doesn't make you know who you are.- DUBA ABEL BITRUS
Money is a matter of chase. Not having it, makes you chaser. Having it , makes you chased- mohdmustafa99
If it didn't take men to make babies, I wouldn't have anything to do with any of them- The Quoted Iris
Until you watch porn with your parents never come here and tell us that anything is possible- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
Make her laugh and quickly ask her number before she remembers that you are ugly.- Mr vybs live
People say tough times test us, it might be true; but tough people test us all the time :)- Lokesh giri
Internet decreases popularity of cinema, theater, library , newspapers, TV, radio, postal mail, and it will decrease later the popularity of the internet.- mohdmustafa99
A suicide committer is a crazy one who doesn't want to enjoy his or her craziness.- mohdmustafa99
Don't worry if you look like a monkey. Monkeys have no problem with their look.- mohdmustafa99
A male bachelor is the person who has a woman living like him away without a spouse.- mohdmustafa99
Never give false information about yourself to your doctor; otherwise s/he will prescribe you another patient's medicines.- mohdmustafa99
Fools can hardly make a minority, but can easily make a majority.- mohdmustafa99
Ignorance is darkness of both night and daytime.- mohdmustafa99
A court that sentences him life imprisonment thinks that people live all their lives.- mohdmustafa99
Life- it teaches you 2+2 and then assigns x+4=5, find x.- Alabi
Don't wait for doors to open, just burst right through them.- joey the poet
Love isn't suppose to be like ready mix cement which drys up quickly and then hardens.- Joe Cervantes
Writing is my hobby, 'not to write' is my business.- mohdmustafa99
Old people always poke me at weddings, saying you are next. so I started doing it at funerals.. , what is life without a draw game.. its better to draw than lose.- Richard ofem inah
It makes no difference to follow Satan or to make him follow you. - mohdmustafa99
When fools try to fool others, they actually manifest how foolish they are.- Suyog Potdar
We are the factorys of shit- harish vashdev
In the past people lived better because they didn't have to pay for all the things that we pay today in order to live better.- Samuel E. Villegas
The two meanings of the word DOZEN are: To women it means Eggs To men it means BEER.- Samuel E. Villegas
Most people in New York suffer from insomnia because they live in a city that never sleeps.- Samuel E. Villegas
Matrimony has two main divisions: the culinary , and the contradictory.- mohdmustafa99
The deaf are more tolerable than bad listeners.- mohdmustafa99
Out of all the things that has been running away in life, it's my mind that I cannot escape from.- Dana Jo Graslie
A man who dresses in others' clothes will be undressed on the highway.- vikrant
If you rest your chin on your hand when you think, it will help you keep your mouth shut.- vikrant
I am not afraid of ghosts now because I have realized that people nowadays are scarier than ghosts.- vikrant
Talking shit and taking one are two very similar acts. Both feel great coming out, but can be horribly messy to clean up if not done carefully.- Craig Taylor Nelson
Falling in love is like getting really drunk, it's fun while you are drunk until the next morning when you get a hangover and you tell yourself 'Why did I do this. I will never drink again. '- Adlberto Toledo
If we wait until retirement to enjoy ourselves, there may not be enough of ourselves to enjoy it.- Mike Hammar
There comes a time in everyone's lives where they get the spotlight. I demand that Now is my time - Jovanna Estrada
The person you lay next to night after night, should not be your opponent fight after fight.- Rob Giesbrecht
If you are as crazy as me, then were are both sane- Daniel Berg
A girl will never carry the same look for the second time, the one which made you fall in love with her- Farhad Dastoor
All our life, we are taught to be supportive of others, but are the others also taught the same thing?- OmerJawed
Live is not a game it's a nightmare- kolwer perez
There is only one good thing about being the last, you don't have to look back, no one can chase you.- Austris Vansovics
If time is money, and everything takes time, is it fair to say that 'Everything takes money' ?- James J. Harris
Its better to be alone than to be left alone- Bipin Kumar G J
If there is an after life, I don't really care at the moment I'm still living this one.- Jack Brown
Being lazy has advantages, for instance if you are lazy it becomes very hard to hold a grudge. Too much effort.- Jack Brown
My heart will describe more than my hands will ever write- Kabir Khivan Singh
If you don't work hard like them, you will be calling them; illuminati and cartels.- Joshua Muasa
Welcome to a new week, the first comer is in a new dress, the second comer is having a new hairstyle and the rest are legends.- Fn Shihepo
I have finally come to realize what life is: NONSENSE.- Konchok Dhondup
Choose your friends and life wisely. It may build up or pull you down gently.- asokha
Water is nature's cure all. Need to lose weight? Drink water. Complexion problems? Keep that skin hydrated. Drink water. Tired of your spouse? Drown him/ her.- The Quoted Iris
If you think you matter, then yes darling you are just a matter..- RVD Richi
Intelligence is inversely proportional (contrary) to tongue, more the intelligence, less you speak and less the intelligence, more you speak.- Muhammad Shahid Iqbal
We Don't Spend Time, Time Spends Us!- Zeeshan Ali
Jesus loved the little children; but he never had any.- Michelle Caldwell
It's better to be happy than to be free..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Everyone can't be beautiful. We wouldn't be able to tell each other apart.- The Quoted Iris
If you really want to fall in love with the most promising person then fall in love with yourself and experience it.- swati somal
Develop positive from negative and prove yourself- swati somal
Let's enjoy the life we're creating for ourselves. That's the only thing I'm in control of. What I do is my business. What you and someone else do is your business. Let's learn to live with our mistakes.- Marie Yolande Pierre
We are in society of underrated truth and overrated lie..- success song
Porn is the number one Billionaire industry in this world. But no one admit they're watching it. So who's watching it????- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
Good guys are not hard to find. We just don't want you- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
When I'm alone by myself I become extremely intelligent but when I'm out there with the people I just become super stupid- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
Going through your man's phone is like peeling an onion. There are multiple layers to it, and the more you peel them back, the more likely you are going to start crying at inappropriate times.- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
I can't hide my age because it is very difficult to behave now as I behaved when I was younger- mohdmustafa99
Art is rich, but artists are poor!- Halil Xhafa
Routine puts all its sentences in continuous present.- mohdmustafa99
If you want to know the distance between 'yes' and 'no', ask a child.- The Quoted Iris
It is unfair to calculate the percentage of insane ones; otherwise the remainder will think that they are sane.- mohdmustafa99
Liars are very important for our life. Without them, we cannot know the credible ones.- mohdmustafa99
The reason why I don't want to go back to the village is because I have that grandma who gives me hugs calling me her husband- Mr vybs live
Manchester United signed Wenger and named him Mourinho- Mr vybs live
Parents who smoke weed are the ones producing herbal doctors. I think..- Mr vybs live
A girl who really loves you won't find it hard to pay her own dowry- Mr vybs live
I once watched a Nigerian movie where a rich man's driver has his own personal driver- Mr vybs live
If you didn't get 100% in primary school, the only place you will see 100% again is when your phone is fully charged- Mr vybs live
Valentines is for artists, deejays and revelers. The rest wait for martyrs day- Mr vybs live
A shy child puts his/her fingers in his/her mouth, but s/he must put them in his/her ears so as not to hear what we, adults, speak awkwardly.- mohdmustafa99
Mr. President ! We, the protesters, are not mobilized by foreign powers. We don't eat bread for foreign interests.- mohdmustafa99
When facing a problem in life that you think is complicated apply the logic that we use with fractions.. reduce it down to its common denominator. Once simplified it is much easier to determine how to solve it.. so why not simplify our lives & not damn ourselves to living only a fraction of it?- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Every time anyone pretends that s/he is not seeing me, he found me doing the same.- mohdmustafa99
You are not famous if you get upset by someone who knows you without knowing him.- mohdmustafa99
A fisherman can give you a fish free every day instead of teaching you fishery because he doesn't want you to share his business.- mohdmustafa99
I read the manga of life. You're living the anime.- Tochtli Silva
The number of life preservers in any ship is always less than the number of passengers. I wonder Why.- mohdmustafa99
When it's out of hand hope it doesn't get to head- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
I am sad when I want to go to bed because I can never have the oppurtunity that I have in the day- oluwagbenga segun
Do you want people do as you do? Do the wrong.- mohdmustafa99
A human was born free, but fees and taxes make him doubtful about this condition.- mohdmustafa99
Life is so exciting! It's like a bad episode of the Twilight Zone!- The Quoted Iris
Why should we keep birds in cages? They need us to feed; they are noisy, they contradict with our attitude toward freedom, they make us fear cats, and they are not edible.- mohdmustafa99
I'm impersonating myself, I charge myself to court of impersonation and set myself and others free from oppression to build independence..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Eat to live or live to eat , but don't take my meal.- mohdmustafa99
Any disease has its drug to the extent that we don't know what a tail of a mouse cures.- mohdmustafa99
Some people ask you questions as such they are agents hired by your wife.- mohdmustafa99
Even women's movements didn't call for increase of women's presentation in men's hearts.- mohdmustafa99
A non-smoker does nothing when s/he is doing nothing.- mohdmustafa99
Let's free people who think that they are free.- mohdmustafa99
The egoist expenses 50 percent of love to oneself, and keeps the remainder as an emergency account.- mohdmustafa99
Two chances must not be missed for having tranquility: a party to be absent , and a meeting to reject participating.- mohdmustafa99
Prattling is amusing, but silence does this better.- mohdmustafa99
One must always have defeatable enemies to enjoy victories..- mohdmustafa99
We forgive fools, but isn't this the definition of foolishness ?- mohdmustafa99
I didn't invent the wheel, I just roll with it.- Michael Crowley
Music will either inspire or discourage depending on the volume.- Joe Cervantes
Fleas do not like plastic trees, but they are not nice enough to escape artificial nature. - mohdmustafa99
Sanity is immeasurable; insanity is. - mohdmustafa99
If men make the same dreams of women, women will make alternative dreams. - mohdmustafa99
No blame on men who disregard equality of genders if they believe that women are superior. - mohdmustafa99
A man.. got a heart attack.. in hospital.. and the nurses shout.. call an ambulance..- Babi Shakes
You will be dating a WOMAN for years and a Man from No Where will come and MARRY - Babi Shakes
You can't live forever, simply because you must leave.- Abdullahi Yahya Yusuf
A man's heart cannot stand by itself, it needs a woman to hold it.- joey the poet
Madame! I don't have a common name for what you have cooked.- mohdmustafa99
A woman loses her virginity at 17, her fertility at 45, her temper at 50, her husband at 75, and loses her life afterward.- mohdmustafa99
Making of true men is a feminist affair.- mohdmustafa99
You're only 'lost' if you are in a rush to find something or somewhere in particular, otherwise it's just called 'exploring' - Alec Chamberlain
Seagulls will soon face an obesity problem if they don't stop eating leftovers outside of fast food restaurants.- Samuel E. Villegas
Irrelevant dreams are another reflection of irrelevance in our living circumstances.- mohdmustafa99
Only after graduation, youth discover that life isn't as easy as a university.- mohdmustafa99
Rabat is the capital city in which you get eating fish every time you leave home to take ice-cream.- mohdmustafa99
Be careful what you say on Facebook. Because it will bite you on the a** later.- Monica Hill
Restore your ex-wife; she has restored her happiness.- mohdmustafa99
Faults occur when you correct the true acts.- mohdmustafa99
There are many uses for the key opening in a door , e.g. espionage and curiosity.- mohdmustafa99
To continue making love to your wife after your children have caught you, is darn near impossible!- Keith Brown
Reasons are not reasons, they are excuses. Dare not tolerate those excuses for neglecting one's heart. To follow the feeling in one's bones can be exactly what one needs. Acknowledge the hunches and obliterate the exasperating silence. To resist one's impulse is a bowl of anguish. Preservation is a limited convention. The more we attempt to prevent ourselves from falling, the closer we become to the fall. The innocent shall never win. The vulnerable shall never prosper Nonetheless the courageous are those who acknowledge the struggle that entails living. The pretentious are those who dare to breathe. And the ingenious are those who dare to love. There is no right and wrong. Whatever brings us stability and gets us through the day is always the sanest thing to do. A second of what you want can be worth a day of what you don't.- Camilla
'Everything happens for a reason' where can I find that reason??!- Daleen Irshaid
Love is not worth dying, that's why God made up crying- kayla lynn
Being adeptly immature is so repulsively repugnant, that in all actuality you by all means are being mature- Brooke Loughner
He who is better than everyone else has lived his life to its limit, and should leave.- Klavin John Barry JR
Life's a joke, laugh it up- David Lee Shepherd
Life is a joke, laugh it up- David Lee Shepherd
Reminiscing your past is awful waste of present, unless present is going awful bad- Lokesh giri
Life is still my favorite passion, though I haven't been its favorite person- Lokesh giri