Short Inspirational Quotes Pictures

Many people dream of doing the impossible and they aren't even doing the possible...People Dream Impossible Possible

Keep the ice in your mind and fire in your heart....
Confidence Faith Leadership One liners
Heart Mind Keep Fire
Everyone deserves a long lived satisfaction and not just the desire of a short lived celebration..Desire

Two golden rules of life: don't expect from anyone and accept whatever comes your way..
Failure Hope Optimism Philosophy
Life Way Accept Whatever ExpectTop 10 Short Inspirational Quotes
You don't need to be the best. You just need to be at your best.- Muhammed Umar Farooq
It's not the story that's inspiring, It's the inspiration that writes the story- Jessica Dillon
Don't worry; drought is a sign of rain.- mohdmustafa99
What of your superior intellect if you can't shine it's rays upon mankind?- Henri Haapanen
Bring me down, I will rise until you take a seat and watch me fly- Enid Peat
Let not Fate decide what man desire to change, but man.- Wilgar D. Arengh
Be kind, not because that someday it will be the same for you, but because you can.- sailesh maharjan
Buy and try; this is economics. Try and buy; this is metaphysics.- mohdmustafa99
Help only those who can utilize your help to help themselves.- mohdmustafa99
I don't see impossible, only what hasn't been achieved yet.- Tara Orli Halevi
All Short Inspirational Quotes ⇑
First you have to go through the Hell if you want to see the Heaven.- Lucy
Leadership is about a positive influence, and not necessarily about a position or title- Brayne Matshotshi
I'd rather be a soldier in a victorious war, than a general in a losing battle- Edmond H Sweidy
Don't wait for an auspicious day to do something. Instead do it now and make today's day auspicious- Shreyas
One of the most difficult concepts to accept is that truth and reality often come in layers.- Donald Lynn Frost
The best driver isn't always the one in the first place, but the one having the most fun- Ford Mustang
Its only when you believe that you achieve.. !- Akshay Kishor Varma
Failure is the biggest opportunity for greater success!- Msk
The road to happiness is the road you build yourself.- Christoffer N. Moen
An idea without a plan is nothing more than a dream- Steven A. Board
Money makes the world go round but people make the world go forward - paul odafe utho
Help ever hurt never- mansi gupta
Money comes and goes , Morality comes and grows- mansi gupta
Success is getting up one more time than you have been knocked down.- Jaxson Martinez
The aspects of the leader are reflected in the group.- Larry H. Weston
Not even a single possible thing is impossible- Lokesh giri
People who are in love with the sound of their voice eventually find they have a small audience.- Donald Lynn Frost
Success can only be measured by happiness- Eddie Keith
Love is one mind in two hearts.- Ai Ling
Just because you can't change where you come from, doesn't mean YOU can't change.- ajith CHEMPARATHY
Leave a mark not a scar!- Lee Hynes
The greatest moment to be happy is today, tommorrow we have it by hope.- Brayne Matshotshi
Respect a fool to avoid noise- Brayne Matshotshi
Leadership is not about imposing but it is about inspiring- vinayaka sagar v pattanashetty
Patience.. , definitely pays!- Bipin Kumar G J
Only by changing present can one change the future- Lokesh giri
It's a wonderful life to have problems that can be solved.- Lokesh giri
Thrive by giving! The more we give the more we receive and we have more to give that we think!- Adrian McGinn
Greet the day! Do not judge the day, it has not happened yet!- Adrian McGinn
We may be imperfect and impermanent but we can be impeccable and impactful!- Adrian McGinn
The lazy won't make it in life.- Joshua Muasa
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Success without failures is often a near impossibility - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Let tears flow. They wash away your sorrow.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues- Kabir Khivan Singh
Dream when you can, the absence of it is death.- Edwin Suebzon
Be different not weird- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Live life you feel good living.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Think hard, not dark- fahd shaykh
You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline.- Mac McGovern
Progress is not as certain as Change- Lood Goosen
It is our job to make decisions and take actions. Only time will tell if we chose and acted wisely.- Shan Ali Naqvi
Live today like it is your last day on earth and if you wake up tomorrow, do it again.- Joey Martin posthumus
There's no accolade for laziness, awards are for those who work hard on merit..- success song
You can stay strong even when you're weak..- success song
God does not send pain to hurt you, but to make you STRONG- Monica J. Yoder
Who wants balls of steel when you can have them in gold?- QuagganQuoter69
Misfortune that breeds hope; isn't misfortune.- mohdmustafa99
Those who try to impress everyone, usually end up impressing no one- the curious person
Never Be that person whose absence makes others cheerful.- mohdmustafa99
Loss is indeliberate failure; to ignore its causes is definitely deliberate.- mohdmustafa99
Every closed path is the best opportunity to find another shortcut to your destination- MOHAMMED NISSAMUDHEEN
Adjourn tomorrow's anxiety for its day.- mohdmustafa99
Wisdom is not to deal with matters you know, but with new matters that you haven't experienced before.- mohdmustafa99
Inspiration is the spirit that wakes us from slumber to movement thereafter to achievement..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Compete with yourself ; that's the top competition.- mohdmustafa99
One percent of hope is good to start with to defeat 99% of despair.- mohdmustafa99
Beauty is a flamboyant spectacle, it never goes unnoticed - Wayne Chirisa
Perhaps the most dangerous thing about 'X' is people conclude about it without knowing enough.- Nischal Lal Shrestha
To have a problem is not enough ; you must have hope beside it.- mohdmustafa99
One must lighten his/her dark room or either leave it.- mohdmustafa99
By far the hardest part of accomplishing anything in life is getting started.- Nnoshi kekana
Neglect everything, except failure. - mohdmustafa99
Don't wish to be somebody else, be somebody who is getting better.- Charlotte Harris
Follow love when it calls, for it is God in every instance.- Theophilus
If it doesn't make your heart smile, It is not worth it.- Zoya Kazi
Smile all the While. Don't let miseries Pile.. for Life is just a Mile. - RVM Author
A quickly set plan is worse than to act without a plan.- mohdmustafa99
No gold before you dig deep.- mohdmustafa99
May you' is more workable than 'you must- mohdmustafa99
Embrace the struggle and difficulties in your life for they remind you about your true nature.- Vitali Zverev
Don't die before you're dead..- Paddick Van Zyl
There is always a story behind the glory.- Paddick Van Zyl
Many people have a degree but only Very few have a VISION.- Sourabh kumar
Reconstruct the world by reconstructing your mind- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
To broaden your horizons you need to narrow your introspection.- Donald Lynn Frost
The ambition is the first step to achieve your dream- Derin Ibrahim
Loneliness is a state of mind, not a lack of physical presence. you can be lonely around others.- Donald Lynn frost
In order to be someone, you must first be yourself.- Darab Imteyaz
Pain is the barrier which separates average from the elite- Derryn Fernandez
Success is achievable, if failure is unacceptable.- neil huntamer
We are slaves of our thoughts, we can't really go beyond what we can think of.- Ravi Kant
Believe we can and we relieve ourselves of the greatest obstacle!- Adrian McGinn
Do not let our pride stop us from consistently telling those whom are proud of exactly this!- Adrian McGinn
Only people who really love you can hate you for a small thing you do unintentionally.- Marie Yolande Pierre
I stopped expecting things from people who have nothing for themselves.- Marie Yolande Pierre
You can't expect anything from someone who has nothing to give.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Human thinking creates the virtual barrier between possible and impossible.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Emotions can make you or break you.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Persistence is performance irrespective of your feelings.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Don't spend more than you earn, invest for retirement.- Joshua Muasa
Consistency over time increases the gap, competition cannot close. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Embrace persistence, for it will pay great dividends- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Use your mind-power for your dream-power- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Magnified thinking augments resistance, minimizes performance.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Discipline breaks the chains of limitations and liberates you to your freedom.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Don't blame the God for your actions and consequences.- Syed Badiuzzaman
God is the best listener. Even a totally silent prayer is clearly audible to Him.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Tears are prayers and they are answered.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Don't regret the past, Coz it's a waste of time.- Joshua Muasa
We are not the Bodies that we Wear. We are the ones that Wear the Body.- AiR
Ignorance is Believing that Silence is Nothing. Wisdom is Knowing that silence is Everything !- AiR
There is a Devine Peace for every season in life.- Dr Titus Simsamba
Strengthen your core. It plays major role in your daily activities.- Pradeep
You can be the bright light to someone's darkness.- Liam Kauffman
As people, our first language is silence.- Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik
Go for consistency rather than non-frequent excellence- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Better to create rather than to execute the given- Ritik kapoor
Be genuine because xerox can never be original- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
Lone fighter is better than entire team without unity- Suraj Bhaskar Gholap
You finally realized that life is not too long to be happy.- tina
Even the mighty sun sets to rise again.- Bafferh Mohammed
You are who you are, you cannot change what fate has made unique; you must first love you.- Mac McGovern
Prejudice learned now encapsulates willing souls.. until only hate survives.- Mac McGovern
Be the game rather than a spectator.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
The worse the winter the better the spring.- Leanne Tarrab
You are not alone , but you can't know this unless you sit alone.- mohdmustafa99
Go up my fried; the lower places are too crowded- mohdmustafa99
Make humanity your attribute to make yourself a multi-attribute person.- mohdmustafa99
A problem having got no sisters will die soon.- mohdmustafa99
Those who are not lions must accept having the little remainder.- mohdmustafa99
Credibility of faith is measured by reduction in misconducts.- mohdmustafa99
Independence is the beginning of life, and must be its end too.- mohdmustafa99
You create your own luck. God just gives you the thumbs up. But if it gets late, don't wait for it.- Abhaas Aggarwal
To criticize oneself is approval.- mohdmustafa99
The narrower your instincts, the wider respect of others you get.- mohdmustafa99
That who wants to know the inlet must also know the outlet.- mohdmustafa99
You can't be a true generous unless you give beyond you were asked.- mohdmustafa99
It is ridiculous to be crazy; it is crazy to be ridiculous- mohdmustafa99
Chastity doesn't distort glamour of a lady.- mohdmustafa99
I did not fail because I knew the wrong ways of doing.- mohdmustafa99
A true generous person forgets what he gives and sturdily remembers what s/he was given.- mohdmustafa99
Scratches in the face of a soldier are more patriotic than the medals of his commander.- mohdmustafa99
Never come down unless it is necessary to use a parachute- mohdmustafa99
Nothing bigger than your problems but you.- mohdmustafa99
Problems may come and go but solutions are always with you..- Rahul Govila
Prattling is amusing, but silence does this better.- mohdmustafa99
Where dreams and opportunity collide, the future is realized.- Mike Taberner
Nothing is permanent, Life gets better- Hailey Nicole VanArsdale
Action and Belief will never let you down.- Kelvin Tinashe Chada
No one created even a single sand particle on the earth. For what purpose is the ego awake?- Sai kiran
You are blessed with all the colors. Expand your horizons.- Anjali Chauhan
Do not let situations change your fate, you decide on the fate of those situations.- k.r.chandrasekhar
Your current location determines your future allocation- Ogunsipe Oluwaseun Isaac
Hard Work & smart work, must be in the ratio of 55 : 45 for Success.- Nishant Shekhawat
Your dreams don't have a expiration date but your time here is limited- crystal howard
Life has many ways to live, but don't hope all the ways will take you reach the destination.- Vishal Vemul
Recognize your light, then seek the light in others.- Danielle Kukich
A Tough Journey Produces Great Results When Positive Mindset Is In place.- Samuel Okonji AKA Mc Bobby
If you don't turn that nothing into something, that something will turn into nothing for you.- Nwodo Christian Somtochukwu
Without wisdom there is no understanding. Without understanding there is no knowledge.- Robtrice Simmons
Just enjoy every moment and move on with the flow.- Abishek patil
How to RESPECT cannot be taught, it should be an Automatic Teller Machine!- Ruchita Iyer
Failure is a myth, and having fear of myth is just a waste of time.- Bibek Das
Behind every innovation there is a creative brain- Praveen Goyal
Life is one continuous moment full of everyone's experiences.- Brent Taylor
Eliminate energy-zappers and replace them with energy-boosters - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Today's present is tomorrow's future - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
If your dreams aren't bizarre and far-fetched then start Dreaming- Sesethu Mbotyi
Life is good if you have enough potential to survive alone- Manu sharma
You can do anything you set your mind to.- Nick Lacoste
Dirty is the new Clean- cathy mostert
Laziness condemns and gives nothing; labor is unable to do these- mohdmustafa99
If No one dreams, Nothing will come true- Orlando L Sarceda Jr
The best time is yet to be. - mohdmustafa99
The world is yours if you can dream about owning it.- Michiel Bester
Life is not suffering, but suffering has no home but life. - mohdmustafa99
Rather than wondering about the roads not taken, believe that the one you chose is the best- Anik Jha
Learn to tell yourself your dreams regularly, before dictating it to world- Surbhi narnoli
We are the light reflecting against the darkness.- Deirdre
A person cannot 'act, communicate or respond' above where they are.- Marian E Currie
Don't waste your time to prove that you are the best, let your work speak for you.- Maneet kataria
No one loves your laziness, Go contribute your part!- Kushal Sharma
Bringing your dreams to the conscious mind is the first step to them becoming reality- Simone Williams
I do not want to accept challenge, I want to become a challenge.- Syed Ali Zain ul Abideen
If you don't care enough about someone else's life, you must not care about yours either?- Matthew Messerich
Live life beyond the Imperfections- Sagar gorla
Pain is temporary, grades are forever- stevenai
Every tear is a open door to a smile- Emeline
The best part of travel is, people!- SHIBIN
Lick your words before they lick your courtesy.- mohdmustafa99
Give a lot, but never up- Cassidy Paganucci
When life gives you shocks, it's just to test your reaction..- Ankit Kedia
Tomorrow is powerful than yesterday.- Ashis Kumar Sahoo
Flying without wings may be impossible, but it is easy to dream it!- jahangir rasheed
Success is just a word , if you believe it you can do it- TASNEEM SHABBIR
Fear does not exist, it is the creativity of ignorance- Kelvin Johnson
Follow the road of success and you'll succeed.- Jayden
A women's essence tells more about her presence- Yolanda Melendez
Anyone can be a writer, but it takes talent to keep an audience.- Krystle Nicole Martin Nea
Don't expect much from others, because the thing we get when we expect more is nothing..- Sai
Everybody has their own story That hasn't been told yet..- Liya johnson
From the heart comes poetry like after 2 comes number 3- Suryakant_R
If I were your lighthouse we'd be awaken by the sounds of ships crashing against the shore.- Brandon Kellum
I will shape the future, the future will not shape me- Pierre Hendrik du Preez
If you want to be a lion, you must train with the lions.- Karanveer Singh Kamra
It doesn't fit a forester to cut the tree down.- mohdmustafa99
Making of true men is a feminist affair.- mohdmustafa99
Every country has beauty.. but it's the people that make it beautiful!- Michael Lynch
I'm average, but with average comes amazing and with amazing comes extraordinary.- Max Norris
Beyond the sky just became my limit. Someone got to the sky already and I have to beat that- Stella Serwa Nyadzi
True Distraction Comes From Within.- Koh Kai xuan
Our life is just a reflection of our own thought- abiodun titilayo
You become what you listen to over time- popoola ebenezer
Every move you make is a gamble, for best results go all in.- Ammar Samkough
A person who lies today will definitely lie tomorrow.- ABD Vasey
Create with inspiration and from there progressive success is limitless - Marty Valde
When beauty is all you see, how can life NOT be good?- Melia Gullotti
You can't start over, but you can start right now.- Ben Wong
Hearts do not buy and sell. They deal only with gifts.- mohdmustafa99
I am not arrogant you are blind to see elegance.- dhruv
Obedience is 'Crème de la crème' of love.- mohdmustafa99
Sit beside me; I don't want you to be my neighbor, but my partner.- mohdmustafa99
If all we focus on is the end results we will lose sight of our main objective.- Jesse Childers
When a child is fed, a world is nourished- Ms P Quotes
Two advises are less workable than one.- mohdmustafa99
Good apology can't be repetitive.- mohdmustafa99
Tolerance is not only acceptance, but celebration, of others' differences.- Emme Gerund
Inspiration is the fore-thought of action.- Victor Courage
You cannot express your 'FEELINGS' unless and until you want to express it to others..- Steve Richards
Perception Believed is Reality Achieved - ANDREW AUGUST
Those who make a difference.. Know they must be different- Colette Degraff
Not every open door is the right one to get into! - Innocent Muhuure
Being respectful can defuse nearly any volatile interaction.- Bret Todd
I've lived my life believing that problems should be complicated, not solutions- Donald Lynn Frost
Additional risks in life is not taking risks- Jeton Lajqi
Resiliency matched with Excellency reaches beyond Mediocrity- Abla Suzy Ayesh
Everyone is perfect it's our imagination and expectation that make it not to be- Bolden Kekana
No matter what you do, someone will always be with you.- Jameson
Live for today with your eyes on the future.- Thomas Flajnik antichimerapodal
The best synonym for beautiful.. is you- Liliana Ruiz
I am the king of my own kingdom & you are the slaves of others' state.- Atif Maqbool
What makes a man is not his wealth or taste but it is his actions that lead to defining him.- Zac F
Be all you can be- Lovemore Sibanda
It's life, you gotta take the good with the bad and make the best of what you got- James Eaton
Originality is one of the most valuable things that you posses.- Sarah Bridges
Past failures create a manual for future success- Phillip Orange
Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.- Sam Armstrong
No one knows anything until we accept the fact that we don't know anything and that's when we truly know something.- Latia Hemphill
By doing only one thing can you stay happy for your whole life and that is 'MOVE ON'- Varun Batra
Who says that you can't be yourself? Trust me.. It's much more satisfying.- Muze
Never Say Can't, And Never Give Up On AnyThing Or Anyone - Jennifer Lynn Taylor
If you tell me it's impossible, I'll prove it can be done.- Sarah Ann Cox
Beauty doesn't come in the form of a person, it comes in the form of a heart - Michelle King
No one is lucky enough to get all his/ her efforts paid.- Lokesh giri