
Bill Gibbs (bgibbs) Quotes & Sayings:

Bill Gibbs

Location:North Carolina, United States Of America
Occupation:Electrical Engineer
Experience on Earth:59 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 14 Years 5 Months
Short Bio: On a journey of spiritual progress seeking to be a vessel of Gods will.

Bill Gibbs Quotes

1-11 of total 11 Quotes
Commonplace is pointing out the faults of others, Rare is seeing your own faults. Commonplace is pointing out the faults of others, Rare is seeing your own faults...

Change Wisdom

Once we start being brutally honest with ourselves we found we had mistaken bad decisions for bad Once we start being brutally honest with ourselves we found we had mistaken bad decisions for bad..

Change Courage Happiness Wisdom mistake

Being Bad
It is better to be together alone than to be alone together. It is better to be together alone than to be alone together...

Relationship wordplay

Together Alone
Our lives are like a mosaic with everything we do adding a little piece and like a mosaic often the Our lives are like a mosaic with everything we do adding a little piece and like a mosaic often the..

Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom

I I'm just a Human being, being Human...

Life Patience Short wordplay

Being Human
When you get impatient with someone, slow down and do something kind, that makes you feel better When you get impatient with someone, slow down and do something kind, that makes you feel better..

Anger Happiness Inspirational Optimism Patience

Feel Anger
When my ego comes first, I get all High and mighty, the trouble with that is I am in danger of When my ego comes first, I get all High and mighty, the trouble with that is I am in danger of..

Truth Wisdom

I use to do things that changed my perception of reality now I do things that change my perception I use to do things that changed my perception of reality now I do things that change my perception..


Change Reality
Today I'm Playing the cards I'm dealt. For me that means Praying only for his will for me and the power to carry that out and maybe I'll get a
-Bill Gibbs

Confidence Faith Freedom God Hope

Matter Today Power
If your brain is your vehicle to success than your fuel is self-motivation. No matter how If your brain is your vehicle to success than your fuel is self-motivation. No matter how..

Goal Success

Success Matter Self Brain
It It's never the right time to do the wrong thing...

Faith Inspirational Leadership Life Success

Time Wrong