
Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S (canditj) Quotes & Sayings:
Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Location:North Carolina, United States Of America
Experience on OwnQuotes: 12 Years 4 Months

Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S Quotes

1-50 of total 62 Quotes
When we die, no matter how much we are missed and loved the world will keep turning your loved ones will continue doing what they have always done
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Inspirational Wisdom

The light is the reward for mastering the dark The light is the reward for mastering the dark..

Inspirational Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Loving yourself is not something you can explain. It Loving yourself is not something you can explain. It's an unfolding...

Inspirational Love Philosophy Truth Wisdom

Every dream starts with a precious idea crushed. Every dream starts with a precious idea crushed...

Inspirational Truth Wisdom

People don People don't perish from a lack of knowledge, they perish from a lack of application...


What we What we're seeing is NOT what's happening...

Inspirational Wisdom

The past is not repeating itself, our consciousness is replaying the past. The past is not repeating itself, our consciousness is replaying the past...

Inspirational Truth Wisdom

Sometimes you have to stop looking so you can see what you can Sometimes you have to stop looking so you can see what you can't find...


Evil suffocates in the presence of REAL love! Evil suffocates in the presence of REAL love!..

Inspirational Love Wisdom

As we lose our physical density through spiritual enlightenment we are able to flow more freely As we lose our physical density through spiritual enlightenment we are able to flow more freely..

Inspirational Philosophy Short Truth Wisdom

"The moment you are tired of working around the lie, the TRUTH will appear" "The moment you are tired of working around the lie, the TRUTH will appear"..

Inspirational Truth Wisdom

Change your mind one thought at a time Change your mind one thought at a time..


I manifested this moment I manifested this moment..


I I'm not lucky, I'm aligned...


The space between your thoughts is who you really are. The space between your thoughts is who you really are...

Philosophy Success

“Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you “Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in..

Change Philosophy Success Truth

Relationships are like equations. You must solve the issue, by doing to one side what you Relationships are like equations. You must solve the issue, by doing to one side what you've done..

Love Relationship

When facing a problem in life that you think is complicated apply the logic that we use with fractions.. reduce it down to its common denominator. O
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Funny Inspirational Life Success Truth

Life Think Living Problem
Life is like math. It doesn't matter the answer isn't what you think it should be. The only thing that matters is the truth. If you change the answer
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S


Life Think Truth Change Matter
Life is math. Just because the answer isn’t what you think it should be doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is the truth. If you change
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Faith Inspirational Truth Wisdom

Criticism is a form of instruction, to change future behavior. If the person you are going to criticize cannot change, there is no point in
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S


Life responds to your heart, not your words. Believe with your whole heart, eliminate doubt and Life responds to your heart, not your words. Believe with your whole heart, eliminate doubt and..

Faith Goal Inspirational Life

If you want something to happen it If you want something to happen it's up to you, how it's going to happen is up to God~Candi Taylor-J..

Change Faith Goal God Life

The moment you blame the other you lose your power to change the circumstance-Candi Taylor Jeter The moment you blame the other you lose your power to change the circumstance-Candi Taylor Jeter..

Confidence Courage Failure Life Fear

"Your mind measures your limitations but your heart sees endless possibilities."~Candi Taylor Jeter "Your mind measures your limitations but your heart sees endless possibilities."~Candi Taylor Jeter..


Your mind can be a great deceiver, but your heart is the compass to your destiny~ Candi Taylor Jeter Your mind can be a great deceiver, but your heart is the compass to your destiny~ Candi Taylor Jeter..


"Navigating your life doesn "Navigating your life doesn't make everything go your way. It ensures that when things don't go..

Confidence Inspirational Life

Astrology is NOT a religion! It represents an empirical observation of events and human behavior that spans thousands of years of patterns that prove
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Faith God Religion Science Truth

No matter how much man tries to monopolize and make money off of the free resources God has created for us we can still watch a sunset, sit by a
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Faith Freedom God Hope Life

"We wish our childhoods away hoping to get grown so we can do what we "think" we want to do and when life calls us out of our comfort zone to do what
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Courage Freedom Inspirational

How can you say you want love when you are ruled by fear?~Candi Taylor Jeter How can you say you want love when you are ruled by fear?~Candi Taylor Jeter..

Courage Love Fear

The best friendships are the ones who appreciate one another for their differing opinions. Laugh about their disagreements. Never assume the other is
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Forgiveness Friendship Inspirational Love

"If you are afraid of love because you are afraid it will get too messy, then you don "If you are afraid of love because you are afraid it will get too messy, then you don't know..

Courage Love Truth

My motto is: Streamline, serve, solve. Rinse and repeat.-Candi Taylor Jeter My motto is: Streamline, serve, solve. Rinse and repeat.-Candi Taylor Jeter..

Goal Leadership Politics Success Poverty

When your goal is lofty, never be ashamed to use lowly stepping stones.~Candi Taylor Jeter When your goal is lofty, never be ashamed to use lowly stepping stones.~Candi Taylor Jeter..


"Using your mind to navigate through this world is about as fruitless as using a toothpick to slay a dragon. Move from your mind to your heart and
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Courage Faith Love Wisdom Fear

"Sometimes doing nothing about something is doing plenty"-Candi Jeter "Sometimes doing nothing about something is doing plenty"-Candi Jeter..

Inspirational Peace Truth

You can You can't see God until you look the devil in the eye.-Candi Taylor Jeter..

Desire Faith God Inspirational Truth

Yes, we do have the strength to move mountains, but until we climb one...we can Yes, we do have the strength to move mountains, but until we climb one...we can't move one.~Candi J..

Change Desire Optimism Patience Success

If you want to really see what you have in a potential partner, just stand back and watch. If you are constantly guiding, talking, pushing and
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Faith Friendship Life Relationship

It is "possible" to do all the right things and not see the results you are looking for. Sometimes its not about what you are doing, but the feeling
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Change Faith Failure Goal Inspirational

Touch your heart and say, "I love me and I trust me soooo much that I will NEVER assign my happiness to anyone. Therefore when the job of my
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Courage Forgiveness Love Time Fear

Living is doing something you are willing to die for, dying is living wishing you had done it. Just Living is doing something you are willing to die for, dying is living wishing you had done it. Just..

Change Courage Dreams Goal Inspirational

The heart acknowledges nothing of the material world, therefore love is the ONLY currency that can The heart acknowledges nothing of the material world, therefore love is the ONLY currency that can..

Heart Life Love Truth Wisdom

Being true to yourself is releasing what you think you want and accepting what you really need-C Being true to yourself is releasing what you think you want and accepting what you really need-C..

Desire Faith Love Philosophy Truth

Everyone likes to see themselves as powerful, but the real power is in your vulnerability.~ Candi T Everyone likes to see themselves as powerful, but the real power is in your vulnerability.~ Candi T..

Courage Freedom Peace Relationship Success

"As we lose our physical density through spiritual enlightenment we are able to flow more freely "As we lose our physical density through spiritual enlightenment we are able to flow more freely..

Courage Forgiveness Inspirational Life Peace

The number one blockage of success among folk is they don’t wanna grow up. Growing up is not as much chronological as it is psychological. When
-Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S

Age Courage Inspirational Life

Most people don’t change. They just manipulate reality to fit the condition of their pathology Most people don’t change. They just manipulate reality to fit the condition of their pathology..

Change Faith Life Philosophy Truth

"The secret to happiness is, don "The secret to happiness is, don't tell anyone you're happy."~Candi Taylor Jeter..

Desire Faith Happiness Success Truth
