Sometimes you have give the negative people in your life a chance to ruin you.....Not because it feels good..... But because it makes you appreciate all the effort they put into ruining someone else's life.....other then their own! It is then, that you are able to realize....the true meaning of LOVE! (Hate in reality is the absence of love, love can grow but Hate doesn't. Hate is just a term used to describe what happens when there is no love) -Caroline Huamani
Published On: September 21st 2016, Wednesday @ 8:52:25 PM
Total Number of Views: 123
Categories: Faith Forgiveness Friendship God Happiness Hate Heart Hope Imagination Inspirational Life Loneliness Love Optimism Peace Philosophy Time Truth Wisdom
Keywords: Appreciation Feel Happen RuinGet Inspired! Join our Quote of the day newsletter
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