Life Dreams Quotes Pictures

Dreams are of two types: Some that fade away with time; And, some end up becoming the ultimate goal..

The storm of life may seem darker and longer than you want, but don't give up because you are your..
Confidence Desire Hope Inspirational Success
Life Want Give
Life is like a puzzle. Only if you fit the pieces to the right places, you will see the beauty of..Life Beauty

Real change does not happen overnight, it happens after you envision what you want to accomplish..Want Change Act Happen

If you are happy with your life, that's the definition of a successful man, no matter where & how..Life Happy Matter Successful

Some people stop lying only when they are asleep. Advanced liars even lie in their dreams..People Stop Lie

Don't live in the shadow of fear, because fear might be the only thing stopping you from realizing..Fear

First you have to go through the Hell if you want to see the Heaven...
Death God Inspirational Short One liners
Want Hell Heaven
Dream is like the dry leaf pressed between memories and long forgotten but it always retains an..
Loneliness Love Philosophy Sad Wisdom
Everyday is a beautiful day, the clouds are just hidden art work in the sky sent by the Universe...
Beauty Happiness Imagination Inspirational Peace
Day Work Beautiful Universe Everyday
An idea without a plan is nothing more than a dream..
Goal Inspirational Philosophy Short Wisdom
Dream Idea PlanOnly we can decide to allow the disappointments in our lives to rule us. We can either rise above it and keep moving forward to become the best we..
-Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
-Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Change Courage Failure Inspirational Optimism
Keep Past Grow Choice
If you want people to remember you a certain way, then live your life the way you want to be..Life People Want Way Remember

Great things happen when we stop dreaming about what could be, and start working for what we want..Want Stop Happen Destiny
Top 10 Life Dreams Quotes
Dance isn't what you do, it's how you feel for that moment in your life.- Jose Pizarro
Dream and take action to achieve- Joshua Muasa
A journey in the dream is faster than the one in real life- Tijani Kehinde John
Trust the timing of your life. Everything you go through is a part of your process- L Parker
You are owed nothing.- Brandon Kellum
Follow love when it calls, for it is God in every instance.- Theophilus
We don't have time to lose time.- rawaf
In one way or another we are all dreamers of a better future. Yet, how many of us actually chase our dreams? Make your dreams become a reality!- Javier Contreras
Dream Bravely. Find fearlessness inside of you. Dare, and fear will falter. Challenge, and fear will flee. This is the beginning of your dream-making- Carew Papritz
Dreams of gold, reality of silver- Elijah Rain
All Life Dreams Quotes ⇑
It takes a great amount of courage to open a door for an unknown opportunity. It's a risk. It could even be a mistake. Or it could be the best damn thing in the world.- Regan Howard
Enthusiasm is a Power that can give Dreams to the Dreamless, Life to the Lifeless, and Hope to the Hopeless- RVM Author
Dreams are one of the few things in life that we shouldn't risk for others- Nancy Almeida
Give your best to be the best..- Criz Jordan
Life is like tea. It can be bitter or it can be sweet.- Eric Scott Tolman Jr
Destiny does not go knocking on your door. You have to knock on destiny's door.- Eric Scott Tolman Jr
You know how we light up when we talk about our dreams? Keep that light burning & it'll take you to your dreams. Believe & persevere.- Sheils
Life is filled with so many inaccuracies, it's up to you to take aim and shoot for what you want!- Eddie Keith
The dream lives in your heart and the reality in your mind! As long as your dream becomes reality, it is not a dream anymore.- Morpho Pyrrou
Dreams are delicate, nurture them with care- Farhad Dastoor
We dig for a treasure that doesn't exist.- sense
When it's as good as a dream, wake up.- hosam dahhan
Problems are not created to ruin our life , but to add color to it.- ronalyn morales
Be content with what you have. But don't stop living your dreams and achieving your goals.- Mac Ace
It is not until we are on the edge of losing control do we find out what we are made of- Kevin R Woodard
To be truly happy all you have to do is live your life the way you want it.- srfghsdf
When everything is falling apart in your life the worst thing you can possibly do is just stand and watch.- srfghsdf
If you are not destined for greatness then life is easy..- Sidney Watkins
Don't give up on your dreams. Keep dreaming, Keep believing, Keep trying- Joshua Muasa
Don't be a DREAMER, be a ACHIEVER who always DREAMS- Lokesh Bachu
There's no such a thing as impossible dreams, neither is dreaming the impossible. All are just dreams, and they are as possible as you dream them to be.- Lucas Tverds
The only thing that keeps us going everyday, is our dreams. Dream big, you will go longer.- Allen Lazar
If your bed dreams are far from reality; then that indicates you live remotely from reality.- mohdmustafa99
You are the Inventor of your imagination. Your own thoughts will lift you or break you. You choose! Think it, Imagine it, Dream it, Believe it, Live it, Receive it!- Mar Torosian
Your expectations are nothing more than a poison bottle.. You die everyday you have one - Yashi mahendra
You can't realize your dreams; therefore, you are better than those having no dreams.- mohdmustafa99
Your eyes are highly sophisticated projectors. Don't trust on what you see through it. Just like a movie ends, it all will vanish abruptly. Be a nonreactive watcher. Pay much attention on watcher who only will exist. Be in Love with yourself - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
In this world we're like pieces on the chessboard.. some of us we are pawns whereas others are queens, kings, castles and bishops but only God knows.. like players on a board do.. that when the pawn crowns it becomes 'something' on the chessboard(world). 'the world is a chessboard. '- Malatji Kamogelo Gift
Your dreams don't have a expiration date but your time here is limited- crystal howard
You never know where a simple dream can take you.- Adriana Bilyk
We were born to do what we can't.- Matthew Childs
Every book starts with a blank page, so do you.- Aidan L.X. Leong
If your dreams come true You're not dreaming big enough- Carter Ray Spencer
I'm going to be gone for a while, I need to get my life together and find myself. A ribbon presented itself to me while I was in the abyss, upon my despair to relish in it's complete darkness. I sensed the ribbon will take me to my true self, so I'm grabbing onto it, and I'll see whatever destination it may be, do not fret, it seems artless and only promising.- Scxio
Do not live to impress, Live to express- Koketso
Dream-to-reality converter is superior to dream-creator. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Eliminate energy-zappers and replace them with energy-boosters - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Focus on the path, de-focus from destination. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Remember that everything is not for everyone- G Swiss
Before your time is up - be everything you want to be - do everything you want to do- G Swiss
If your dreams aren't bizarre and far-fetched then start Dreaming- Sesethu Mbotyi
Dreams are ONLY dreams if you never catch them!- G Swiss
Let your pain fuel your passion for your purpose- L Parker
Focus is a catalyst for reality - Mabrig Korie
If men make the same dreams of women, women will make alternative dreams. - mohdmustafa99
You must first define what you want in life; then work hard to achieve it at any cost- JOB LAZARUS OKELLO
In my life there are no echoes, just the fluctuations of life.- Michael Sykes
If it goes as planned, it isn't life.- Shwindél TÅkùmê
I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. Then I ask myself the same thing.- Quote quest
If you Don't have any work to do, prepare for yourself.. Be Fit.- Nikhil Bhadviya
Life is a dream in itself- Giobari M Atura
If you want to be a lion, you must train with the lions.- Karanveer Singh Kamra
Life becomes easier when you find the purpose to your existence.- Javier Contreras
You really never know how things will work out, so never wait, never anticipate, follow your heart and trust all will work out for the best.- Vardz77
Thinking still, still moving on, I look behind at the trail I have left behind and I look up and stare at the mirror always hoping I see myself looking back.- Phillip Orange
Even if your dreams don't come true, don't give up. Later in life, you will eventually get what you want.- Hermoine keles
Succeed on what you can't, because when you can, that's when you succeed.- Janet luna
Irrelevant dreams are another reflection of irrelevance in our living circumstances.- mohdmustafa99
A PRICE is superficial and has no VALUE beneath the surface. A VALUE is buried deep within and it is PRICELESS.- Tom H
Great thoughts are produced in the short passing moments of life.- bishwo_basnet
Often winners don't win because they are the best, but because the other who may actually be better made a costly mistake. - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
If people meet their dreams fulfilled they will be afraid of life.- mohdmustafa99
A man honors those before him by honoring the institutions with which he freely chooses to associate.- Charles James Gregorski
I believe it's a Beautiful Struggle, not an Ugly Life- Alanah M Freedman
Challenge yourself, or what you are right now is the best you ever thought you could be.- Raygan Tinea Woodward
Life is short, we must go after what we ultimately want - with greed, and without shame.- Inna Shirokova
Everybody sees the world in a different way..- Hamdan Zefa Banda
Time waits for no one. So why must you wait for someone ? Stop waiting, time is ticking. Chase your dreams, earn your dreams, and be a winner - Shafiq Buang
Now love finally shows up, only I can't open up my heart because I'm obligated to leave. I joined the army content with that choice 'til you came along set on stealing my heart.- Christina Johns
I do not need a perfect one. I just need someone who can make me feel that I am the only one.- Rebecca Ann Totten
To keep an idea in your head, it'll either stop you from achieving something or it'll give you the push to achieve it.. It depends whether the thought was negative or positive- Daleen Irshaid
I live for the present like a kid on Christmas- Joe Anthony Vasquez
Everybody needs somebody.- Darab Imteyaz
Action and ambition should go hand in hand- Rizwan Jamil
Dreams are always something above your high expectations, something that probably you need to reach out for. If it's too high up, then jump higher! Just keep going for that dream, no matter how hard you try just don't let it die out.- anonymous
It's life, you gotta take the good with the bad and make the best of what you got- James Eaton
Never give up because you never know who is holding on because of you.- Sarah Bridges
Disappointment is only possible if the expectation is realistic.- Theophilus
The world is not based on, fact or fiction, truth or myth, reality and fantasy. The world, is a world of possibilities, achievable goals, and unlimited imagination. In other words, don't believe or disbelieve, of what you don't know, the (only) thing you can do is be open-minded.- Jorrdan Stevens
Don't just have dreams, live them - J J
Everyone gets nervous when they watch the ticking clock, because that is the time gone from the time reaching your dreams- Karen Kuran
The future is in the palm of your hands and you decide where you place it.- Tony Corriz
I hate it when life gives you something that you never wanted, and when you are really attached to it, it doesn't just take it, it snatches it from you.- Philon Alexius
I fought the battles that no one even thought of fighting, just to seek victory from the smiles of the living- Michael Amaki
Those who WISH will never succeed in their dreams. In order to go forward you must move on, look up and most importantly believe. If you don't believe in yourself you can never turn those dreams into reality - Jay R P
Be the water not the glacier!- antonio milton
Life without dreaming is empty- Gregorius Adi
Success is like a ladder, you have to climb it in order to reach it- jessica
If you want to be exceptional in this world, you can't be following the standards- Joseph Washington III