Life Freedom Quotes Pictures

Don't hold yourself back by trying to hold up someone else that isn't willing to do it for..
Change Inspirational Leadership Truth Wisdom
Trying Hold Willing
'Life is too short ' So don't hurt yourself, Don't feel depress Tell yourself that you are strong, Y..

There's a lot of light that cover amnesty unknown in the day it's when you get to the darkness you..

Let not Fate decide what man desire to change, but man...
Change Courage Desire Faith Inspirational
Change Desire
Don't live in the shadow of fear, because fear might be the only thing stopping you from realizing..Fear
Life is too short, Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness, Laugh when you can, Apologize when you should And let go of what you can't change, Love..
-Sarah-Marie Teasdale Love Life People Give Change
-Sarah-Marie Teasdale Love Life People Give Change
Though many seem to be independent, they experience conscious captivity because they spend their life conforming to the ideals of others, but never..
-Wayne Chirisa Life Self Face Earth Experience
-Wayne Chirisa Life Self Face Earth Experience

Life is all about enduring bad and delivering good ..
Happiness Inspirational Success Wisdom
Life Bad
Try to sit in the Comfort and Patience of Your Own Heart; it will lead you to Goodness...
Creativity Heart Love Peace Philosophy
Heart Try Patience Goodness
If you can explain to yourself why you're doing it or who you're doing it for.. you can articulate..

We can mistake the total of one plus one, but we must not mistake the total of freedom plus..
Forgiveness Patriotism Politics
Freedom MistakeYou are most free when you are with family, You can be who you are without the fear of judgement, When you have that fear around people you call..
-Tina Fransman-Sell People Fear Family Call Accept
-Tina Fransman-Sell People Fear Family Call Accept

With letting go comes a moment of loneliness. Courage is understanding that moment...
Courage Faith Loneliness Patience Time
Moment Understanding CourageTop 10 Life Freedom Quotes
Coward people don't like fredom. Freedom is for brave people.- prince haroon khan
Paint the world with brightest colors, even on the darkest days- Nicole Callanta
It is not until we are on the edge of losing control do we find out what we are made of- Kevin R Woodard
Be the bigger person, it makes the other person feel pretty damn small.- Lorreda C Smith
You only live once, live the life you love.- shikha lagwal
To find what I am, I have to fight with what I am not.- shikha lagwal
A human was born free, but fees and taxes make him doubtful about this condition.- mohdmustafa99
Why should we keep birds in cages? They need us to feed; they are noisy, they contradict with our attitude toward freedom, they make us fear cats, and they are not edible.- mohdmustafa99
I'm impersonating myself, I charge myself to court of impersonation and set myself and others free from oppression to build independence..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Axe is L when the head is down, never forget is automatically 7 when the head is up..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
All Life Freedom Quotes ⇑
I am not waiting for angels to arrive, I am just waiting for devils to depart.- mohdmustafa99
Don't give second thought to make a move, it's necessary to take a step towards the goal..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Let's free people who think that they are free.- mohdmustafa99
Life is a cup of tea! Don't drink it with fear! Drink it with love - Joshua Aaron Guillory
The only salvation is self preservation.- Lady Anon
Let's be free, confident and stand firm to state our mission even at the point of death, we are captainz of your soul- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Be free be fine - UNIVERSAL
You are inhuman if your conscience proves you guilty before humanity- Kayode Seyi Tayo
When you are a wood-worker and life hits you with a fallen tree, you don't just leave it there. You make a beautiful piece of art- kyle and sarah s quotes
Human rights violations are committed by humans, therefore it can only be us, human beings, to address these issues. We must take decisive actions today.- J B
It is easier to be attached in uninteresting matters than to be detached in interesting ones. - mohdmustafa99
Take time out from people. Take time out from things. See what brings you peace. See who takes it away..- Vardz77
You don't complicate rather uncomplicated life..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Life is a stage so perform your own- Roha Sadaphule
Every long walk has its sweet path- Sean O Osazuwa
The Minute you make the choice not to do the right thing, You have potentially given away your ability to Choose what happens next- Brett Dempsay
When you view success as synonym to luck then you're in for a big surprise. Success requires a great deal of hard work and stress. Sometimes instead of immersing yourself with your goal there will be a point where you want to get out and be freed from any responsibilities. And if you did get successful after the entire rocky road, success is indeed sweeter. This applies not only to business people but to anybody who's gone through a series of life disappointments and pain.- Gladys Gallentes
Time does not heal ALL wounds. Sometimes it just allows you space to learn how to live with the wound. So stop waiting to heal before you do this or that. Let the wounded healer in you be unleashed- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
To save a life is to save a generation and whatever the life gives you in return it is okay, because said life will not last forever - Michelle Sankar- Williams
As we stand on the precipice of a rainbow nation, either falling into a cloud of peace or valley of violence, we must always understand and define our existence within our own context.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Life is short, we must go after what we ultimately want - with greed, and without shame.- Inna Shirokova
If you don't care for me someone else will, if you are not missing me someone else is, if you don't love me someone else does- Rebecca Ann Totten
Reasons are not reasons, they are excuses. Dare not tolerate those excuses for neglecting one's heart. To follow the feeling in one's bones can be exactly what one needs. Acknowledge the hunches and obliterate the exasperating silence. To resist one's impulse is a bowl of anguish. Preservation is a limited convention. The more we attempt to prevent ourselves from falling, the closer we become to the fall. The innocent shall never win. The vulnerable shall never prosper Nonetheless the courageous are those who acknowledge the struggle that entails living. The pretentious are those who dare to breathe. And the ingenious are those who dare to love. There is no right and wrong. Whatever brings us stability and gets us through the day is always the sanest thing to do. A second of what you want can be worth a day of what you don't.- Camilla
I live for the present like a kid on Christmas- Joe Anthony Vasquez
The chains may hold you down and they may even hurt your soul forever, but they can never hurt what you stood up for- Josh Darosa
I'm lonely, I have good friends but there's a empty space in my heart- Brittany Jenkins
Freedom is an illusion there is only society.- Bjorn Devos
When God asks me 'What have you done with the life I gave to you?', I don't want my answer to be 'I spent it all chasing Silver and Gold. ' - Feneau Demesmin
There must be some weakness in my friendship, which let her pass one day without me.- Digbijaya Mohanty
Sometimes in life one needs time to find himself, to once again be reunited with the reality again.- nervis
Most famous people who have life easier than most are destroying their lives, while bums on the street are trying to survive even when their lives aren't so great- Paskemin
An untamed human is nothing more than an animal itself.- anna juanita brown
One lie can cause death of thousands- maurice boone