
Kindness Quotes, Kindness Picture Quotes & Quotations

Kindness Quotes Pictures

beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful.. Beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful....

Beauty Short One liners

People Beautiful
Be kind, not because that someday it will be the same for you, but because you can. Be kind, not because that someday it will be the same for you, but because you can...

Inspirational Optimism Short Youth

People Beautiful
what are you doing today to better someone else What are you doing today to better someone else's tomorrow? ..

Optimism Short One liners

Today Tomorrow
Do unto others what they would never do to you Do unto others what they would never do to you..

Optimism Short

Today Tomorrow
Only characterless use Philosophy to hurt, whereas the extraordinary use it to heal. Only characterless use Philosophy to hurt, whereas the extraordinary use it to heal...

Inspirational Philosophy

when you get impatient with someone, slow down and do something kind, that makes you feel better When you get impatient with someone, slow down and do something kind, that makes you feel better..

Anger Happiness Inspirational Optimism Patience

Feel Anger
Sometimes in the hardships of life, you need a friend. Sometimes in the hardships of life, you need a friend...

Friendship Life

Life Need Friend
When one gives, they shouldn When one gives, they shouldn't expect anything in return. One should give hoping that one day their..

Inspirational Life Truth

Day Give Cause Expect Gift
Put others Put others' Needs before your Wants...

Wisdom One liners

Day Give Cause Expect Gift
Love unlocks a chapter of kindness and trust within the heart Love unlocks a chapter of kindness and trust within the heart..

Heart Life Love

Love Heart Trust
If you are having a hard time finding the good in people, it If you are having a hard time finding the good in people, it's most likely because you are not..

Success Time

People Time Looking
”No” is best said with clarity and kindness! ”No” is best said with clarity and kindness!..

Inspirational Life Relationship Success Wisdom

People Time Looking
”No” is best said with clarity and kindness! ”No” is best said with clarity and kindness!..

Inspirational Life Relationship Success Wisdom

People Time Looking
How do we kill anything with kindness until we learn how to be kind to ourselves? How do we kill anything with kindness until we learn how to be kind to ourselves?..

Life Love Relationship Short Truth

People Time Looking
The language of love requires no translation, The language of trust needs no explanation, The language of honesty needs no interpretation, The..
-Aloo Denish Obiero

Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Wisdom

People Time Looking
Kindness is to the fore when we leave no one behind! Kindness is to the fore when we leave no one behind!..

Inspirational Life Relationship Short Success

People Time Looking
We all leave footprints as we traverse life, some light, some heavy, but always tread with kindness! We all leave footprints as we traverse life, some light, some heavy, but always tread with kindness!..

Inspirational Life Short Success Wisdom

People Time Looking
The pinnacle of beauty is kindness. The pinnacle of beauty is kindness...

Beauty Inspirational Life Love Philosophy

People Time Looking
The three greatest gifts bestowed are the feeling of love, the sensing of beauty, and the giving The three greatest gifts bestowed are the feeling of love, the sensing of beauty, and the giving..

Beauty Inspirational Life Love Relationship

People Time Looking
Do not look for the faults in people; instead, look for their gifts.
We are all given gifts.  Look Do not look for the faults in people; instead, look for their gifts. We are all given gifts. Look..

Life Positive knowledge

People Time Looking
Beauty is everywhere, inside us, in people, in nature, in art, in truth, in kindness etc.! Beauty is everywhere, inside us, in people, in nature, in art, in truth, in kindness etc.!..

Beauty Inspirational Life Nature Relationship

People Time Looking
Kindness is the greatest gift given to mankind! Give freely! Kindness is the greatest gift given to mankind! Give freely!..

Inspirational Life Relationship Short Success

People Time Looking
We may seek human kindness, but who is there to understand what it truly is? We may seek human kindness, but who is there to understand what it truly is?..


People Time Looking
The eye of kindness sees beauty and the potential of beauty in high definition! The eye of kindness sees beauty and the potential of beauty in high definition!..

Beauty Inspirational Life Relationship Short

People Time Looking

Top 10 kindness Quotes

Kindness is a compelling advantage in living a life of meaning rather than misery through meanness!- Adrian McGinnTrue kindness is when you show people in front the kindness people behind never showed you.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguKindness without expecting reward gives us its own reward by creating a feel-good joy within us!- Adrian McGinnIn life's journey, don't leave scars with a hit and run; instead, leave footprints of kindness that linger long after you've passed.- Srinivas MishraIn life's journey, don't leave scars with a hit and run; instead, leave footprints of kindness that linger long after you've passed.- Srinivas MishraThe path to true happiness is etched within, marked by self-acceptance and kindness.- Aloo Denish ObieroThe opportunity for kindness never leaves us!- Adrian McGinnThe light you show for others to find their way is the only light that shines forever.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguThe light you show for others to find their way is the only light that shines forever.- Nkwachukwu OgbuaguKindness is when you show people in front the kindness people behind never showed you.- Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Inspirational + Kindness Quotes

Inspirational Quotes Only characterless use Philosophy to hurt, whereas the extraordinary use it to heal. - Praveen SinghWhat defines us in life is our limitations, not our strengths: We're sensitive because we sense we're vulnerable; we seek strength because we sense our weakness; we seek virtue because we sense our corrupt side; we seek kindness because we sense our own evil. - Donald Lynn FrostBe kind, not because that someday it will be the same for you, but because you can. - sailesh maharjanWhen one gives, they shouldn't expect anything in return. One should give hoping that one day their gift may cause a butterfly effect of good deeds. - Melissa M. BrownKindness creates the greatest ripple in life!  - Adrian McGinnKindness and goodness start with us, be kind to ourselves and show our goodness to others! - Adrian McGinnWe are never to be impressed by Money, Degrees, Titles, Positions, or Followers but be impressed by Humility, True Love, Kindness, integrity, and generosity. - Shaila TouchtonFlap our butterfly wings! The ripple effect of simple kindnesses spreads to the shores of the life’s of more people than we think! - Adrian McGinnKindness and true love make the world a beautiful place to live in. - Kayode Kofoworola IsaacKindness is in being a helper and being helped is a kindness to oneself! - Adrian McGinnMay the fruits of your actions be plentiful. May loving friends and family stand by you. May you embrace the zest of life. May you honour your truths, May you nurture your soul, May you appreciate yourself like the most valuable crop on the field. - Mel BurdettKindness, a currency that enriches both the giver and the receiver, never depletes. - Aloo Denish ObieroMay I honour, nurture and appreciate myself. May the fruits of my actions be plentiful. May loving friends and family stand by me. May I gift myself compassion and courage to live my best life today - personally and professionally. - Mel BurdettKindness is a language understood by all, transcending all barriers; speak it often and fluently. - Aloo Denish ObieroKindness is when you show people in front the kindness people behind never showed you. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguThe light you show for others to find their way is the only light that shines forever. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguThe light you show for others to find their way is the only light that shines forever. - Nkwachukwu OgbuaguThe opportunity for kindness never leaves us! - Adrian McGinnKindness without expecting reward gives us its own reward by creating a feel-good joy within us! - Adrian McGinnKindness is a compelling advantage in living a life of meaning rather than misery through meanness! - Adrian McGinnKindness is the greatest gift given to mankind! Give freely! - Adrian McGinnWe all leave footprints as we traverse life, some light, some heavy, but always tread with kindness! - Adrian McGinnKindness is to the fore when we leave no one behind! - Adrian McGinnThe language of love requires no translation, The language of trust needs no explanation, The language of honesty needs no interpretation, The language of wisdom requires no noise, The language of kindness requires no words. - Aloo Denish Obiero”No” is best said with clarity and kindness! - Adrian McGinn”No” is best said with clarity and kindness! - Adrian McGinn

All kindness Quotes

This Christmas share your smile, happiness and kindness with everyone that you meet so that you may put love and joy back into the hearts of the world.- Anthony T HincksWhen do something selfishly, with no concern for others, you feed your ego. When you do something for others irrespective of your own needs, you feed your soul.- alan yegambaramMay I surround myself with light. May I honour, nurture and appreciate myself. May the fruits of my actions be plentiful. May loving friends and family stand by me. May I gift myself permission, compassion, and courage to live my best life.- Mel BurdettMy gift to myself May I surround myself with light. May I honour, nurture and appreciate myself. May the fruits of my actions be plentiful. May loving friends and family stand by me. May I gift myself compassion and courage to live my best life today - personally and professionally. I am worth it.- Mel BurdettThis is your time. You are worth it. Take one step.- Mel BurdettHappy Thanksgiving May the fruits of your actions be plentiful. May loving friends and family stand by you. May you embrace the zest of life. May you honour your truths, May you nurture your soul, May you appreciate yourself like the most valuable crop on the field.- Mel BurdettBeautiful people get sick so that the other people in their lives. Can be there for them for all the times, they were there for others.- Moses J SaldanhaBeautiful people get sick so that the other people in their lives. Can be there for them for all the times, they were there for others.- Moses J Saldanha"Whenever you are in a position that deals with public affairs treat people with love and kindness, protect the weak and help the helpless to give them hope of moving from shame to fame, from zero to hero as to maintain your integrity and peace of a Nation." [Arasci Belel]- Abdulnganiyyu Muhammad Bashir"Truly, this generation is one, hate no one, no matter how differences your values awake your heart to kindness and mercy for the people. Respect the norms and customs of others, and you will be grateful in success and prosperity." [Arasci Belel]- Abdulnganiyyu Muhammad BashirTo be great, you must be kind;; To be kind, you must be great. The true mark of greatness is not how high you rise, but how low you stoop to help others.- Srinivas MishraStraight-A students without good manners or etiquette are like a sharp knife without a handle, dangerous and useless.- Norbertus Krisnu PrabowoIn even the worst of times, a simple act of wilful kindness seizes a kind of victory over that troubled moment.- Derrick Merrill SmithLetting Love, honor, and respect show us the way Always conscious of what we think do or say Showing kindness and compassion to others day by day Looking out for one another in our Virgin Islands way- Alma Francis HeyligerGratitude is the radiant sunrise that awakens the spirit, and kindness is the compassionate hand that guides others to bask in its warmth."- Ramon RiveraalmenaFor the one who forgives, finds strength untold, In choosing kindness, a heart unfolds, And as forgiveness spreads its wings, A symphony of healing it sings.- Oscar Auliq Ice"The power of kindness knows no bounds; it has the ability to heal hearts, bridge divides, and ignite the flame of humanity."- Ramon Riveraalmena"The power of kindness knows no bounds; it has the ability to heal hearts, bridge divides, and ignite the flame of humanity."- Ramon RiveraalmenaPlant your "Life's Garden" with the seeds of Love, Compassion and Kindness to sow a Healthy Happy Life.- Robert M Gavette JrA Sour Premise Will Produce A Sour Conclusion - Most Notably When Reading Scripture! When Studying The Bible Begin With This Supposition: God's Love is Relentless, His Mercy is Unconditional, and He is Able To Restore and Resurrect ALL - Without Our Virtues, Our Acceptance or Our Permission- Steven Michael OwensLove is a beautiful mystery that flows from the heart of goodness, kindness, and tenderness!- Adrian McGinnThe Eve of a New Year is about saying good bye with kindness to the year going out and preparing to welcome the incoming year with our hopes and dreams! - Adrian McGinnNo leader can be successful without empathy and kindness.- Sibel TerhaarNot all medications require prescriptions- love, kindness, hugs and kisses have no expiry date- Pistis BaluThrough your care and kindness, I feel the touch of your heart, that your hands cannot provide.- Jason BaptisteWe don't regret being kind to people but we make them regret losing our kindness.- Nouran Mounir'One Of The Best Feelings Is' When you do something nice for someone and it makes you feel as good as the person you did it for.- Ricardo OrengoI wish you best of all this world could give.- Cleopas mliloMoney is security, purchase it with kindness, to be secure- Ojo Yusuf AbdulazeezSin is the past, forgiveness is the future.- meranda mccormickTo give is divine, always pleasing to the spirit filled mind.- Mark LuceroOne should try to fill his or her heart with the good so that there is no space left for the bad.- shiza shahidPraise the kind soul who through chaos and destruction was able to bring happiness when it was so desperately needed most..- Ryan CookAs I go through all kinds of feelings and experiences in my journey through life -- delight, surprise, chagrin, dismay -- I hold this question as a guiding light: 'What do I really need right now to be happy?' What I come to over and over again is that only qualities as vast and deep as love, connection and kindness will really make me happy in any sort of enduring way.- Darab Imteyaz

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