
AiR Atman In Ravi (air_15) Quotes & Sayings:
AiR Atman in Ravi

AiR Atman In Ravi

Location:Bangalore, India
Experience on Earth:58 Years
Experience on OwnQuotes: 6 Years 2 Months
Short Bio: We are not this body. We are not this mind. These will soon perish. We are the Power within. The Soul, the Atman. Our Goal is to realize that!

AiR Atman In Ravi Quotes

1-50 of total 83 Quotes
No need to suffer, no need to cry. If only we Question and Find out No need to suffer, no need to cry. If only we Question and Find out 'Why'... We can be Blissful & F..

Inspirational Philosophy Success

Life is not a Race to Chase, but we realize it only when Death comes face-to-face. Life is not a Race to Chase, but we realize it only when Death comes face-to-face...

Death Life Philosophy

I was living in pleasure... Till I stumbled upon some peace. And then my Master questioned... And a little did he tease: Are you just living to die? O
-AiR Atman in Ravi

Inspirational Life Peace Philosophy Success

In the Wind that Blows, the Water that Flows, the Sun that Glows, Feel God, Experience God, Realize In the Wind that Blows, the Water that Flows, the Sun that Glows, Feel God, Experience God, Realize..


Religion is the Kindergarten to Spirituality. One cannot Realize God without Religion. Religion is the Kindergarten to Spirituality. One cannot Realize God without Religion...


The mind is a Rascal! It stops us from being the Soul. We need to be Conscious of the Truth, and we The mind is a Rascal! It stops us from being the Soul. We need to be Conscious of the Truth, and we..

Inspirational Philosophy

This world is like a drama. Everything that happens on the Earth stage is produced and directed by This world is like a drama. Everything that happens on the Earth stage is produced and directed by..


World Earth
We have a Choice: Either to be a Sweeper or a Seeker. The Sweeper just sweeps the material We have a Choice: Either to be a Sweeper or a Seeker. The Sweeper just sweeps the material..

Funny Inspirational Philosophy Success

God Earth Choice
Because We don Because We don't know that WE ARE Happiness, We keep seeking it!..

Inspirational Philosophy Success

Know Keep Happiness
To To 'Evolve Spiritually' means to move from 'Work AND Worship' to 'Work AS Worship'...


A tree shouldn A tree shouldn't be so busy creating branches that it forgets its roots, shoots and fruits...

Peace Philosophy

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience nor are we spirits having a human experience. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience nor are we spirits having a human experience...

soul mind

Mind Human Body Experience
One who seeks Ultimate Bliss, Joy and Happiness has to pass 3 Peaks: Achievement, Fulfillment, and L One who seeks Ultimate Bliss, Joy and Happiness has to pass 3 Peaks: Achievement, Fulfillment, and L..

Happiness Philosophy

Happiness Joy
The reason why we all seek Happiness is because our original state is Ananda - Unconditional, U The reason why we all seek Happiness is because our original state is Ananda - Unconditional, U..

Happiness Inspirational

Happiness Reason Lost Joy Seek
The Mind is wandering. The senses are craving. The intellect behaves like a weak slave.. We must The Mind is wandering. The senses are craving. The intellect behaves like a weak slave.. We must..

Inspirational Philosophy Success

Mind Weak
We are looking for God outside, but the fact is that He lives within. We are searching in Temples We are looking for God outside, but the fact is that He lives within. We are searching in Temples..

Inspirational Philosophy Success

God Looking Fact
God can God can't be invented. God can't be found. God can't be discovered.. On the sky or on the ground. G..


God Open Sky
Why do we shuttle between joy and sorrow? between yesterday and tomorrow? it is because of our Why do we shuttle between joy and sorrow? between yesterday and tomorrow? it is because of our..

Die Tomorrow Cry Joy Ignorance
Do you know why we suffer in life? Why does our stress and anxiety grow? Because we jump to the Do you know why we suffer in life? Why does our stress and anxiety grow? Because we jump to the..

Inspirational Philosophy Success

Life Know Future Past Grow
Think of Today, not Tomorrow. It Think of Today, not Tomorrow. It's time to be Happy! Don't live a life of Sorrow. Find out those..

Philosophy Success

Life Time Think Find Happy
Far greater than all the material possessions that I possess is- My Freedom to Choose, My Freedom Far greater than all the material possessions that I possess is- My Freedom to Choose, My Freedom..

Freedom Philosophy

Happy Freedom
In 1865, Slavery was Abolished. But even after 150 years, we are still Slaves.. We let others In 1865, Slavery was Abolished. But even after 150 years, we are still Slaves.. We let others..

Philosophy Success

Mind Control
Happiness is not the money and the fame you get after a chase. Happiness is the peace and Happiness is not the money and the fame you get after a chase. Happiness is the peace and..

Happiness Peace Philosophy smile

Peace Happiness Money Smile Face
I am the Richest man on earth because I am the Happiest man on earth. After all, isn I am the Richest man on earth because I am the Happiest man on earth. After all, isn't Happiness..

Happiness Philosophy

Life Happiness Earth
Without Religion we will be Nothing but Only with Religion, we can Without Religion we will be Nothing but Only with Religion, we can't be Anything...

If you can be Glad, but you choose to be Sad.. You are MAD! If you can be Glad, but you choose to be Sad.. You are MAD!..

Inspirational Motivational

Remember, we must have reverence for life because life comes from God and we are actually Remember, we must have reverence for life because life comes from God and we are actually..


Life God Living Remember Earth
The Me I think to be me.. And the You that you seem to be are both part of one energy that we often The Me I think to be me.. And the You that you seem to be are both part of one energy that we often..

Think Call Energy
Success is not happiness, this truth you must know. You may have everything, but what Success is not happiness, this truth you must know. You may have everything, but what's the use of..

Happiness Inspirational Success Truth

Know Truth Success Happiness Smile
Happiness is something different, we learn. Not just money that we earn and burn. Happiness is Happiness is something different, we learn. Not just money that we earn and burn. Happiness is..

Faith Philosophy

Peace Happiness Money Learn Different
Happiness is not the money and fame you get after a chase. Happiness is peace and tranquility that Happiness is not the money and fame you get after a chase. Happiness is peace and tranquility that..


Peace Happiness Money Smile Face
We don We don't need success to be happy. We need to be happy to be successful...

Faith Philosophy

Need Success Happy Successful
Nothing can escape the law of Karma. Not only does it work in this lifetime, it also works beyond Nothing can escape the law of Karma. Not only does it work in this lifetime, it also works beyond..

Faith Philosophy

The challenge is to realize the truth of Karma and to escape from Karma itself. That is Nirvana, M The challenge is to realize the truth of Karma and to escape from Karma itself. That is Nirvana, M..

Faith Philosophy

Karma is just a universal law that keeps the world going. The creator of the cosmos has created Karma is just a universal law that keeps the world going. The creator of the cosmos has created..

Faith Philosophy

We all want pleasure, we don We all want pleasure, we don't want pain. We love sunshine, and pray that it doesn't rain. But if..

Faith Philosophy

When wisdom overtakes our ignorance, then we realize the truth of who we are and why we are here. When wisdom overtakes our ignorance, then we realize the truth of who we are and why we are here...

Faith Philosophy

What is our purpose here on earth? Why are we given this human birth? Why are we here, is happiness What is our purpose here on earth? Why are we given this human birth? Why are we here, is happiness..

Faith Philosophy

Man is so busy discovering everything outside, that he has lost connection with what is inside. Man is so busy discovering everything outside, that he has lost connection with what is inside...


Do you know who you truly are? Or are you from the truth afar? If the truth you must find, first, Do you know who you truly are? Or are you from the truth afar? If the truth you must find, first,..

Faith Philosophy

Every day has 1440 minutes. Each minute is an opportunity to rejoice or be unhappy, to value life Every day has 1440 minutes. Each minute is an opportunity to rejoice or be unhappy, to value life..

Faith Inspirational Philosophy

The key to a liberated blissful life is the use of the intellect. We all possess an intellect - the The key to a liberated blissful life is the use of the intellect. We all possess an intellect - the..


We think we were born and we will die. But we don We think we were born and we will die. But we don't realize that even birth and death is just a..

Faith Philosophy

We think we were born and we will die. But we don We think we were born and we will die. But we don't realize that even birth and death is just a..

Faith Philosophy

The New Year can only be a Happy New Year if you change- if you become new. Renew yourself in 2019! The New Year can only be a Happy New Year if you change- if you become new. Renew yourself in 2019!..


What is our ultimate goal of life? Is it to be happy and to escape from strife? No, it is wrong to What is our ultimate goal of life? Is it to be happy and to escape from strife? No, it is wrong to..


We do not realize that life itself is a big Cosmic Drama - a drama of the Creator. This illusion is considered real because of its two immense powers
-AiR Atman in Ravi


Science finally agrees with spirituality that we human beings are, in essence, energy and not Science finally agrees with spirituality that we human beings are, in essence, energy and not..


We don We don't need success to be happy, we need to be happy to be successful...


Instead of realizing that God gives us birth, we ignorantly celebrate the birth of God. We must Instead of realizing that God gives us birth, we ignorantly celebrate the birth of God. We must..

