The main reason why most people are uhhappy is because they don't wanna be themselves...
Happiness Inspirational
The people who are crazy enough to be themselves are the ones who set themselves free...
Freedom Optimism Success
Pain and anger are not too C|ear! Pain hurts on|y to make you focus! Anger hurts on|y to ruin!..
I never learned that some people are irreplaceble till u left...
Loneliness Love
Respect pains! They make |ife better!..
For you this heart beats! Your breath qave me thousands of reason to |ive! Your smi|inq face tauqht..
Problems aren't the root of sucide u were just a coward who is ashamed and afraid to fall. Problems..
Failure Philosophy
When you always look forward in lookinq at the bad in people you will never see the qood in them...
Taking grief and giving out smile is strength...
A friend isn't only someone that sees the best in you but someone that makes the best in you to..
Sometimes you never realise that it is not all that you want are good for you...
Desire Life Time
You never know what love is till you're heartbroken...
Anger doesn't only rises dangers but also rises evils in the heart...
Problems worth what they're when they allow no wink...
Never allow The world to be in your heart but in your hands...
Faith Wisdom
Hate makes people stronger.if you want to take people down don't hate 'em...
Sometimes life gives no second chance.Use your chances before you loose them...
Rules are rules when they are followed by the hands that design them...
Its not loving you that i fear but i fear that i may not live without you...
Love Fear
I believe in love truth and care- its my religion...
Faith Religion
I believe in equality.Thats my religion...
Living in darkness is like riding a blind horse by a blind in the woods...
"Life is a game! Everybody has his roles. Play your role and don't end up playing another person's..
Inspirational Life
No matter how a horse looses his weight his hooves never change. So is the truth no matter how much..
I promised you to be the one. But only if you worked for it...
Friends are like wings that supports you when you're flying-living...
Whenever you do something it will make some people happy and will hurt others. You shouldn't care..
Sometimes people keep silent not because they do not have something to say but because they..
Loneliness Wisdom
No religion preaches massacres as legal.Not even islam and those who claim they're fulfilling Allah'..
The great difference between a man and a woman is a man uses his brain more than his heart while a..
Violence is never the way out...
A lot of people say "i love you" but only a few proves it...
When you find the right person don't even fall in love but lie on it...
When i falll have half in love with you! My heart isn't under my control all it want is you.My..
Heart Love
Don't Cry for yesterday! You can't change the past but you can build a good future...
Family is a place where even failures are appreciated...
Wishes are unbounded...
If you don't love me for who i am. Then expell the world love...
Two people who have the same likes,hatred and problems makes love happen!..
Hate Love
Ignorance is a very stubborn disease only cured by experience...