When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you- they are saying you are worthless. When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you-they are telling the world that you are stupid. When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you-they are making you the butt of their joke. When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you-everyone else knows it. When someone who cares about you is hiding things from you, they say they didn't want to hurt - they really mean they don't want you to get angry. No matter the reason, no matter the excuse- when someone who cares about you is hiding things from you- all that means is that they really don't care about you at all. -Jenifer
Published On: November 02nd 2013, Saturday @ 1:22:04 AM
Total Number of Views: 176
Categories: Freedom Loneliness Truth Wisdom pain
Keywords: Care KnowGet Inspired! Join our Quote of the day newsletter
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