I Feel Quotes Pictures

Through your care and kindness, I feel the touch of your heart, that your hands cannot provide...Heart Feel Care Touch

I have reached a point in life where I feel it is no longer necessary to try and impress anyone. If..
Inspirational Life Philosophy Truth Wisdom
Life Way Feel Try Loss
When I swim in my own tears I feel relief of my depression than let someone hurt me more..Feel Hurt

When I am alone please stay with me, when I feel upset please comfort me, when I get sick please..Love Feel Keep Alone Stay
I love you. I can't live without you. I feel so incomplete without you. You are a part of me and I can't live if I don't have that part. I am not..
-nadia khan
-nadia khan
Happiness Heart Life Love Patience
Love Know Think Give Feel
Most say that magic cannot be. But I can't describe the way I feel when you stare at me with any..Way Feel
I feel composers and artists of the past produced such inspiring works not because they knew every rule for what they were creating, but rather were..
-Derek Anderson
-Derek Anderson
Courage Creativity Imagination
Love Life Day Feel Living
Even through the joy I feel the pain, even through the sun I feel the rain, & even when i'm high I..Know Feel Pain Joy Sun

It used to feel like he was a breath of fresh air; like I was drowning and he saved me- now I feel..
Hate Heart Loneliness Love heart break
Feel Head BreathWhen your heart is overloaded with regrets, anger and sadness, you cry out all the pain, When your heart is overloaded with joy, freedom and love,..
Anger Happiness Hate Heart Life
Love Time Heart Mind Feel
I love music, music is my soul, music saved my soul, music is everything to me.. I love music..Love World Feel Soul Music

I love to feel wanted, but whenever I do feel wanted somewhere down the road I feel lonely again...Love Feel Road

When the sun shines, I see nothing. When the sun sets, I see beauty. When it hits dark, I feel..Feel Beauty Sun Dark

Ever since you left out of my heart, my heart has felt lonely and without love. I feel it dripping..Love Heart Feel Wish

When I look back, I feel I was stupid yesterday, would I feel the same tomorrow about today?..Feel Look Today Tomorrow Stupid

Fragrancy is considered as an art of its own, and I feel that there is a deep connection between O..

O my lovely dear, onto your heart I steer! And travel therein, and find no speck of sin! The beauty..
Freedom Happiness Love Peace Truth
Heart Feel Find Beauty
It is hard for me to enjoy my freedom and my human rights when I see others whose rights are..Feel Human Freedom Enjoy Sense
Top 10 I feel Quotes
I feel like going back to my ex and clear all the issues and settle down happily together forever- Amrutha s p
I have never loved anyone's flaws except yours. I find only beauty in them. Because I feel you are meant to be only 'mine' :)- KRUTHIKA CHIDAMBARANATHAN
Every Christmas I feel something special, really special that when I'm gonna share, I just give it all. Last Christmas and it was morning, after eating my breakfast I went outside my house to drink coffee, I was now going to drink my coffee with my new expensive mug while an old man approached me and he reached out his right hand and looked at me with sadness and after that I gave him my coffee and he walks away drinking it with that very expensive mug. It doesn't matter because its Christmas. That was what I said. Last Christmas and it was after I ate my lunch, I went and waited outside hoping for the old man to come back and return my very expensive mug and while waiting I decided to open the big box chocolates my aunt gave me for Christmas but there was an old lady who approached me while I was going to open it and she reached out and opened her left hand to me and when I look at her I saw saliva coming out of her mouth, after that I gave her that big box of chocolates. It doesn't mat- Criz Jordan
I believe in Stephen Hawkin's words of no life after death. But today when hearing my loved ones going away, I feel they should travel to God's own land of heaven.- dipaks
As a child, visiting funeral was like visiting a park, never knew the feeling. Being grown up I feel it in my eyes- Farhad Dastoor
I feel safe in your arms, I feel safe in my bed, I felt safe with you, Not anymore..- haley elizabeth schmich