Life Goal Quotes Pictures

Dreams are of two types: Some that fade away with time; And, some end up becoming the ultimate goal..

Some roads lead to a dead end, others to an endless path. Both of them are precious. One teaches us..Stop Path Dead

The new currency of the 21st century is not money, it is time..
Business Leadership Short Time
Time Money
You can either keep making excuses or start making moves ..
Education Failure Opportunity Success Positive Attitude
KeepWith only the acceptance of shame, rejection from success, and the pain of failure can we reach the point where even the smallest grain of sand can..
-Erocky Success Pain Failure Reach
-Erocky Success Pain Failure Reach

Don't ever let anyone direct an episode of your life..
Confidence Education Hope Optimism Success
Real change does not happen overnight, it happens after you envision what you want to accomplish..Want Change Act Happen

They; who can survive the wreckage and breakage of the stormy season of Life; emerge victorious....Life

Whenever you are hit by lightning and break your ears with its loud thunder , always find a way to..Way Find

An idea without a plan is nothing more than a dream..
Dreams Inspirational Philosophy Short Wisdom
Dream Idea Plan
Great things happen when we stop dreaming about what could be, and start working for what we want..Want Stop Happen Destiny

History is the blueprints of our mistakes, the Future is the corrections of those mistakes..Future History

Winning and Losing are just perspectives, they can even be the same things..
Inspirational Success Wisdom perspective
Keep your head up, and keep moving, never stop until your last breath but even then give death a..
Confidence Courage Death Leadership War
Give Keep Money Death Stop
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade; make what you want to make...
Confidence Courage Opportunity
Life WantTop 10 Life Goal Quotes
Those who deserve life are those having a patriotic goal to die for.- mohdmustafa99
You can keep your dresses new , but you didn't buy them for this purpose.- mohdmustafa99
The winning team is not necessarily the strongest- CLK
Step out of the way if you're not aiming at love.- Joe Cervantes
Every minute spent complaining or not living to your fullest potential is a minute wasted- G Swiss
Imagine saying yes.. To your cherished goals right now.- Jen Ramsey
What we need starts from the end point of what we have got. - mohdmustafa99
You are owed nothing.- Brandon Kellum
Public health is an adventure between health for all and all for health!- PRACHI KERKAR
There is no easy road in life, buckle up, sit tight, and learn how to corner life's challenges.- Howard Hanniford
All Life Goal Quotes ⇑
Short time sacrifices for long term happiness..- ash
Stars play their games, you play yours :)- Devesh Aviral Devrani
I can't change you and you can't change me, but we can work together and change the world.- Germany Kent
Dreams of gold, reality of silver- Elijah Rain
When one door shuts on you, be thankful as the Universe has a greater plan to open higher doors where your talent and heart will be valued and treasured.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Dreams are one of the few things in life that we shouldn't risk for others- Nancy Almeida
Success is the result of multiple failures.- shiza shahid
Give your best to be the best..- Criz Jordan
Do something with your life now, so it can benefit your future- Leonardo barauna
After every winding road, a straight road ahead- Abeer Al Jammal
We dig for a treasure that doesn't exist.- sense
When you're climbing a mountain sometimes it's good to look back and say 'I've done this!'.- Owen
Be content with what you have. But don't stop living your dreams and achieving your goals.- Mac Ace
When everything is falling apart in your life the worst thing you can possibly do is just stand and watch.- srfghsdf
In order to gain true understanding of things, one must start with themselves.- Gerald Abad
Rule of life.. You suffer, learn and then live..- Diego J Carrillo Diaz
If you are not destined for greatness then life is easy..- Sidney Watkins
Your action determines your destiny.- sandesh shewale
Goal is about the journey in one's life towards achieving the bigger results- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Life is not like a stadium where you win or get defeated. It is like a football club where you get to be more valuable along with goals you scored.- mohdmustafa99
We have the right, but we cannot fight- Salman Shaikh
Human nature is not designed to be perpetual - Malik Ahsan Ali
A good goal is light; an evil goal is darkness.- mohdmustafa99
Don't give second thought to make a move, it's necessary to take a step towards the goal..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
If in some point of your life you get stuck and there is 79% chance of failure and 21% chance of success, don't think about that failure think about the 21% success. It's just like nitrogen and Oxygen, there is 79% of Nitrogen and 21% of oxygen still we are surviving. Look life from a different angle you will always succeed- Karan Mali
Life, goals, and success is a journey with a visual destination, lacking it leaves you roaming blindly.- Patricio Antonio Lira
Experiences always explore the strength- MANOB DAS
We as a massive collective have stooped to new lows. Life lived only through social media perhaps freedom to some but death to most. A frequent revelation of thy inner most thoughts freely given to all only to render it insignificant.- gaetano comparcola
Don't let your assumption exceed your perspective of seeing things.- Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo
We were born to do what we can't.- Matthew Childs
Life is like a three lane freeway, ALL lanes going forward! 120, 80 & 60 speed zones, no stopping unnecessarily, changing lanes carelessly, choose the right lane & speed.- David Mabu
You can take my phone, my car, my money, and I will be fine. You can take away my house, my future, all of my personal possessions, even my family's approval, and I will still be fine. However, if you dare take away my ambition, my passion, and my drive/motivation, I will be nothing. For then, and ONLY then, is when a man hits rock bottom - Liam Kiley
Before your time is up - be everything you want to be - do everything you want to do- G Swiss
If your dreams aren't bizarre and far-fetched then start Dreaming- Sesethu Mbotyi
Dreams are ONLY dreams if you never catch them!- G Swiss
Live, learn, play, win, inspire- Repeat- Ritesh Ranjan
Choice is a dance of faith and strife- where dime and prime chime- hurt and loss are the carrion that make living truly an art- Pasithea
The trouble with crackheads is that they don't play the end game - Lesley Kring
Each day wake up and ask yourself what will make you feel most alive that day.- Jaymin Shah
Be a sanctuary and grow an island garden.- Brody Severe
You can't live forever, simply because you must leave.- Abdullahi Yahya Yusuf
Even if things don't unfold the way you expected, don't be disheartened or give up. One who continues to advance will win in the end..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
You must first define what you want in life; then work hard to achieve it at any cost- JOB LAZARUS OKELLO
Don't waste your time on trying to open a lock when you could spend your time on searching for the key.- Caridad Alvarez
Triumph doesn't spoil me, I've always been insufferable - Kyree Irving
You are not forced to like me (hell no!), but I am your boss, so you are forced to respect me or you take the door..- Precious Kerme Gayan
Life is a stage so perform your own- Roha Sadaphule
Observe but do not interfere, think but do not speak, look but do not touch. These are the lessons we are taught by the world in order to survive. In order to live, we must learn to defy.- Corbin Gordon
If you Don't have any work to do, prepare for yourself.. Be Fit.- Nikhil Bhadviya
I see this world in a different way, because I am a photographer.- Bizz Lamichhane
No matter what came before, the book of time is quick to be written, so make what you do now count..- Jamie Sean Callaghan
Your career is your business.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Every move you make is a gamble, for best results go all in.- Ammar Samkough
Get to give, You will get but never give. Give to get, you will give but never get.- mohdmustafa99
A PRICE is superficial and has no VALUE beneath the surface. A VALUE is buried deep within and it is PRICELESS.- Tom H
Rabat is the capital city in which you get eating fish every time you leave home to take ice-cream.- mohdmustafa99
Follow your heart and do what you think is right, so that when life happens you shouldn't have anyone to blame- mokoena kgaugelo
Often winners don't win because they are the best, but because the other who may actually be better made a costly mistake. - Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Employees are of three types in terms of how to deal with them: the courtesy, the quarrel, and the bribe.- mohdmustafa99
DON'T FORGET to have fun and enjoy your lives TOGETHER.. It's NOT WORTH sitting at home becoming ROOMMATES.. just to save a LITTLE CASH..- Babi Shakes
How come it is the ones that try the hardest, are always the ones that feel the least accomplished?- Raygan Tinea Woodward
Challenge yourself, or what you are right now is the best you ever thought you could be.- Raygan Tinea Woodward
Life is short, we must go after what we ultimately want - with greed, and without shame.- Inna Shirokova
Life is like a game, difference is, in game we have many lives to achieve many targets, but in life we have only one life to achieve all targets.- anurag
Time waits for no one. So why must you wait for someone ? Stop waiting, time is ticking. Chase your dreams, earn your dreams, and be a winner - Shafiq Buang
Live for today with your eyes on the future.- Thomas Flajnik antichimerapodal
Now love finally shows up, only I can't open up my heart because I'm obligated to leave. I joined the army content with that choice 'til you came along set on stealing my heart.- Christina Johns
I believe a person should be who they are because in the long run, this life is going to pass over, and you will never discover who you are, if you don't.- David Figueroa
Don't worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright.- Darab Imteyaz
Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best.- Darab Imteyaz
Sometimes, the key to solve the problem is waiting in the future- Josh Darosa
The term hardwork is meaningless to these that are abase- Josh Darosa
Friends and Families share a unique bond with you, they build on you filling in those empty spaces in you- Josh Darosa
Exhaustion is the point where you have two choices: win or lose- Josh Darosa
Wisdom starts not when you try, it starts when you accept trying- Josh Darosa
In general, there are no bad experiences. For all experience have value in the quest for wisdom.- Theophilus
Never look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth Dunne
Stare in the darkness of life and trudge the corridors of morbid tribulations but if you strike the match of imagination and determination this will illuminate a way through that will eventually lead to your happiness and success- Phillip Orange
Disappointment is only possible if the expectation is realistic.- Theophilus
Our purpose in life is intertwined in the web of the goals and aspirations of everyone else around us- Khalid Mohammad
Everyone gets nervous when they watch the ticking clock, because that is the time gone from the time reaching your dreams- Karen Kuran
The first step towards correcting a mistake, a problem or a fault; is to acknowledge it.- Jesse Hayes
There will be very few days when I will be sad and cry but when that happens it will only have to do with the people that mean something to me- Elton Huff
Don't follow your life, lead it.- Ruben Castro-Medina
Those who WISH will never succeed in their dreams. In order to go forward you must move on, look up and most importantly believe. If you don't believe in yourself you can never turn those dreams into reality - Jay R P
In the presence of danger three things come to mind, fight for the future, die for what you believe in, and love what your heart says - Michael Amaki
They say it's good to have regrets in life that's how we learn from our mistakes.. Now if you had regrets but haven't learnt anything from it then I suggest you go see a shrink.- Max
Success is like a ladder, you have to climb it in order to reach it- jessica
If you want to be exceptional in this world, you can't be following the standards- Joseph Washington III