Life & Loneliness Quotes Pictures

It's a funny thing that comes with age, realizing you're the cause of your own cage...
Age Change Philosophy Short Youth
Cause Age
Dream is like the dry leaf pressed between memories and long forgotten but it always retains an..
Dreams Love Philosophy Sad Wisdom
Giving importance to something doesn't mean ignoring the rest.. it only means that few things never..
Heart Hope Love Philosophy Sad
Life Hope Giving
With letting go comes a moment of loneliness. Courage is understanding that moment...
Courage Faith Freedom Patience Time
Moment Understanding Courage
Sometimes the road is so rocky, but when I glimpse the paved road ahead I remember its worth it..Remember Worth Road

They say time heals all wounds, yet, is it true if you never make peace?..
Change Forgiveness Friendship Happiness Heart
Time Peace
Everything else has found a way to let me go. I suppose pain is a longer process...Way Pain Process

The waves of life-cycle might wash away the rock structures of life, but the sands of memories..Life Forever Remain

Your expectations are nothing more than a poison bottle.. You die everyday you have one ..Die Everyday

Keep in mind the path to love is ALWAYS a straight line.. ALWAYS, then we choose to step off the..Love Time Mind Keep Find

There she's managing a war of heart and mind. And me admiring her smiling heart piercing my ocean..
Heart Love Relationship Romantic
Heart Mind War
There is no difference between the words LIVE or DEAD when they are tagged with the term CLINICALLY...
Death Peace Science Time Truth
Difference DeadTop 10 Life & Loneliness Quotes
I honestly didn't know what I had in you, I just kept on pushing you away and you held on tighter, I tried to look at you like you were the same but you were so much more than anyone else, you tried so hard and I was so blind- Dallas Smith
What I said was not exactly what I meant and the thing you got is out of everything what I actually meant, but you know I always strive to see an arc on your face- Saiteja Thottempudi
Sometimes you have to be quiet even when you wanna scream, because somethings are best kept unspoken.- shivangi lavaniya
Love, trust, jealousy they are all strong emotions.. But if you label them all as just 'emotions' your life might be empty, but at least won't feel pain of watching love turning to hate, trust to isolation and jealousy into pain- Djordje Peric
Happiness is a truth but not for all.- Abhimanyu
Life says- loneliness is a friendly enemy- shivangi lavaniya
Everybody has their own story That hasn't been told yet..- Liya johnson
In this world there is one lucky person who will love you more than anyone else in the world.. someday you'll find them!- Jessica Harvey
Circulating thoughts.. From mind to heart.. from heart to mind.. I swing in between.. wonder when to stop thinking and start responding..- ShaktiSikha Sahoo
Life becomes easier when you find the purpose to your existence.- Javier Contreras
All Life & Loneliness Quotes ⇑
The deceiving smile. When everyone thinks that you are doing just fine, but deep inside, you know your are falling apart.- Javier Contreras
Every long walk has its sweet path- Sean O Osazuwa
We hurt others like we hurt insects.- Basil Tong
You're only 'lost' if you are in a rush to find something or somewhere in particular, otherwise it's just called 'exploring' - Alec Chamberlain
To love a dear friend is heartbreaking when not knowing if they feel the same way about you.- Basil Tong
Prayers are a psychological mediation where one talks to themselves, it's not a talk to God.- Basil Tong
Why do we live to only find that loneliness follow us?- Basil Tong
Thinking about the past and the future will make you forget, remember about your present self and time- Tristan celhellvan
Don't think you are alone in your journey, even the passage leading you is with you as a guide- Sadashivan
If you're stupid enough to open the door and close it, I might be stupid enough to close it.- Dana Jo Graslie
The life path is easier with someone by your side- Miguel Filipe Santiago Pereira
The meaning of life is whatever meaning you give to it, but without you, there is no meaning.- Ralph Harlow
We give everything we can and are ready to give more.. Knowing it will go away, but we still want them to try.. being selfish we want them to CHOOSE US , PICK US and LOVE US.. but chasing won't work, we have to understand.. so I am trying my best to set you free.. its difficult, my heart bleeds every time and my pain comes out as a BIG SMILE ON MY FACE - Nidhi Saini
I believe a person should be who they are because in the long run, this life is going to pass over, and you will never discover who you are, if you don't.- David Figueroa
To much of this can make you sink, not knowing which detection to go down even the Good can be a curse, curse- Rebecca Ann Totten
I want to be in love, but I guess I wasn't made for that.- Rick Daune Gibson
I'm lonely, I have good friends but there's a empty space in my heart- Brittany Jenkins
For when our heart is broken our secrets are revealed for people to see our weaknesses- Jason Baker
I don't care who you are, you were incorrect if you ever thought that there was no-one in the world who loved you. I can personally guarantee that there will always be one person who does.- Josh
Some people spend thousands of dollars on therapy, trying to figure out what causes their depressive feelings. Life is cruel and unfair. In reality, they are trying to figure out what stops their depressive feelings. In my experience, there's only one thing I know of and that is love.- Josh
I wanna forget you while you are still fresh In my head.- Rick Daune Gibson
When your heart is overloaded with regrets, anger and sadness, you cry out all the pain, When your heart is overloaded with joy, freedom and love, you cry all out with tears of joy. But when your heart feel both emotions at the same time, what kind of tears do you cry out then?.. Neither of them. I feel nothing. All thoughts and feelings disappear and my mind goes blank.- Karolina
There must be some weakness in my friendship, which let her pass one day without me.- Digbijaya Mohanty
Just because you haven't been swept of your feet yet, doesn't mean there isn't someone who wants to.- mj mansfield
Sadness and loneliness are just steps in life- Isaiah Roemello Solano
There may be 100 reasons to smile in a day.. But it takes only 1 reason to cry for lifetime.. - sandeep singh kohli
Friends are like the wind.. They come once.. They go once..- Natalia
Being LONELY is much better than feeling ALONE- AB Baby