Short Wisdom Quotes Pictures

Clothe yourselves with the truth, for it shall warm your heart and others..
Heart Love Philosophy Religion Truth
Heart Truth
A hero is not strong or weak, just someone who stands up for the needs of others than himself..Strong Weak

'Life is too short ' So don't hurt yourself, Don't feel depress Tell yourself that you are strong, Y..

Many people dream of doing the impossible and they aren't even doing the possible...
Funny Inspirational Success Truth
People Dream Impossible Possible
Happiness is when you don't have anything you don't want; and don't want anything you don't have....Want Happiness

Believe the truth even if said by Devil. Do not believe lies even if said by God...God Truth Believe

Don't let pain be what holds you back, don't let revenge be what makes your world black...World Pain
Top 10 Short Wisdom Quotes
Two things you cannot hide: your nature and your fabricated nature.- mohdmustafa99
The end that justifies means makes means its end.- mohdmustafa99
To strengthen the roots sometimes we need to prune the leaves- Ashish Gupta
Our intention when saying some things is more important than the things being said.- CLK
To think you know all the answers means you don't know all the questions- uzoefuna Darlington chimaobi
We always want to give people a piece of our mind rather than have peace of mind- KISHORE WIZZY RAMDATH
There is a war within us all, for that is what it means to be human- Justin Vaughan
Pain, hurt, disappointment can only stop your world from spinning for as long as you allow it- G Swiss
The choices you make is the steering Wheel of your future- Byron A. Williams Sr.
Never let someone else's wind flicker your spark.- Akshay Mahajan
All Short Wisdom Quotes ⇑
Trust is a commodity seldom regained.- Melvin Sagun Burgess
Pain isn't optional but happiness is. Choose to be happy. It will make the pain easier to bear.- Rebecca Lee
Walk by a thousand mirrors before you blame someone else- Brian Kelley
Those who listen will be heard.- Michiel Bester
Never think highly of yourself ; life will always throw you from your pedestal.- Michiel Bester
If you don't like life's downs, think of it like a roller coaster, the downs make it fun- Brian Debney
Haughtiness comes from a mind that is full of complaints- Tiffany Fernandes
Fighting fire with fire only makes the flame grow.- Lockeheart
Everyone deserves a long lived satisfaction and not just the desire of a short lived celebration- Wavamuno Shem Mukasa
Be not who you ought to be, be who you wish to be.- Mayra C. Alvarez
Coincidence is the slothful man's excuse for leading an un-examined life.- Lydia Perovic
Knowledge is worth. Only, when it is of service to others.- Veshal M Mane
It's not the story that's inspiring, It's the inspiration that writes the story- Jessica Dillon
Life is simple but not easy!- Piet Ntema
What of your superior intellect if you can't shine it's rays upon mankind?- Henri Haapanen
Smile too much and spoil the picture. Moderateness in its truest sense is actually a virtue.- laurence oluwaseun
The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability- Amaan Hussain
It only takes one nut to make a tree.- Ayndriane Fowler
Measure your thoughts carefully only you are responsible for them.- Victor Courage
The man who thinks the unthinkable bears the mind where wonders are about to be made- Yeah Heay
Help only those who can utilize your help to help themselves.- mohdmustafa99
Its an open world outside for you to venture but beware of the walls within.- Harikrishna Gopalakrishnan
I'd rather be a soldier in a victorious war, than a general in a losing battle- Edmond H Sweidy
a man's wisdom isn't measured by his ability to think, but by his stupidity - Zac Scholes
Balance is how much you can handle before you go nuts!- Edmond H Sweidy
You will search for opportunity in vain unless you have planted its roots within you.- vikrant
If you reach rock bottom you are not at the end you are at the beginning- Victor Courage
An idea without a plan is nothing more than a dream- Steven A. Board
Steady your feet on the ground, to maintain balance..- Reselmae Tolentino
Can't hide hypocrisy, it's ugly and it shows, like a bad dress- Sheils
It takes a lot of courage to forgive someone, it takes even more courage to ask for forgiveness.- Steven Evans
Integrity is doing that which is right even when no one is present- Brayne Matshotshi
To keep anger and fear outside the mind one should learn to be at peace with oneself- Lokesh giri
Knowledge: Knowing what you know and what you don't know- Lokesh giri
In order to get what you want in life you need to work hard, sacrifice a lot and never ever give up.- Arlene De Jesus
Those who blow their own trumpets often end up hoarse- Patricia Schwitzer
Every word that comes out of your mouth determines how educated one is.- Allen
Talk less if you want to communicate more- Lokesh giri
If you are taking life seriously you are not wise yet- Lokesh giri
We enter this world alone and we leave this world alone, but we all go through life together.- Ross Murdoch
Happiness is purely a state of mind, it can be achieved without the external stimulus, if you know how- Lokesh giri
Hate is like a Doughnut, it's empty in the middle.- Jake
Success completely depends on how we behave with ourselves- Lokesh giri
An Optimist will rise, a pessimist shall fall, and a balance in these can make life so sweet.- David Mora
Life is just too hilarious! but it is only the wise that gets the joke.- Suchith Abeyewickreme
The greatest moment to be happy is today, tommorrow we have it by hope.- Brayne Matshotshi
Respect a fool to avoid noise- Brayne Matshotshi
We humans fear the unknown, therefore the fear of being alone is the fear of self.- Marcus W Pringle
Wisdom is a spark, but foolishness is a blaze- Lokesh giri
Philosophy means love of wisdom, it should have been wisdom of love- Lokesh giri
Life is a game, those who keep winning get more interested in it.- Lokesh giri
Sanity has never been without the touch of insanity- Lokesh giri
Giving with pleasure gets you back more than you can possibly give.- Nova
All those who are laughing aren't happy, laughter is universally mistaken for happiness.- Matt Bill
Knowledge isn't power if it isn't put into use.- Jack Brown
Regained childhood is the last stage of perfection.- Lokesh giri
It's easier to satisfy the devils desires than God's.- Joe Cervantes
Life is a gift, Talent is a blessing.- Fn Shihepo
Thrive by giving! The more we give the more we receive and we have more to give that we think!- Adrian McGinn
Greet the day! Do not judge the day, it has not happened yet!- Adrian McGinn
We may be imperfect and impermanent but we can be impeccable and impactful!- Adrian McGinn
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Let tears flow. They wash away your sorrow.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues- Kabir Khivan Singh
Before resolving conflicts with violence, if possible, warm up and stretch.- Mario González
When we flourish We give, When we give We receive, When we receive We flourish.- Jeffrey DeMann
Pride is dangerous. Destroy your pride before your pride destroys you.- Syed Badiuzzaman
To get extraordinary results you have to get out of the ordinary.- Claudia
Think hard, not dark- fahd shaykh
The stronger the interdependence, the worse is sudden independence!- Boghos L. Artinian MD
Simplicity is not always a measure of weakness but it's always a measure of validity- Dr Callixte Yadufashije
You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline.- Mac McGovern
Wisdom is not the result of time lived; it is the result of lived time.- Mac McGovern
It is our job to make decisions and take actions. Only time will tell if we chose and acted wisely.- Shan Ali Naqvi
There's no accolade for laziness, awards are for those who work hard on merit..- success song
Good mindset is what separates the best from the rest.- Junior Mphumzi.N Mathanjana
When fools speak the wise listen but when the wise speak fools argue- Methembe Maphosa
Your life is at peace, If you can enjoy a cup of tea with ease.- Neha S Parihar
Life may go on, but how do any of us know that the world won't cease to exist when we die for ourselves?- John Guedes do Nascimento
A stubborn man has no ears and a angry man has a short tongue.- Joe Cervantes
Difficult life is a treasure of wisdom- mohdmustafa99
Those who try to impress everyone, usually end up impressing no one- the curious person
You see doctors to have good health, therefore see consultants to have good decisions.- mohdmustafa99
Wisdom is not to deal with matters you know, but with new matters that you haven't experienced before.- mohdmustafa99
The secret of a beautiful lie lays in an ugly truth..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
Everyone needs two pieces of wisdom : Not to interfere in others' affairs; and not to allow others interfere you in their affairs.- mohdmustafa99
Judgmental people are mental people!- Shweta Fernandes
Build your beautiful garden wisely and avoid unnecessary rush to achieve a fulfilled dream- Abasiofon Fidelis
A dog that barks at a camel does nothing but disease its larynx.- mohdmustafa99
We are a voicing phenomenon, but when we keep silent we become an overthrown phenomenon.- mohdmustafa99
A lie is like boiling water; keep it a while to find it evaporated.- mohdmustafa99
Never serve who doesn't serve oneself; never serve who can serve oneself.- mohdmustafa99
Perhaps the most dangerous thing about 'X' is people conclude about it without knowing enough.- Nischal Lal Shrestha
The mind can be creative only when it's free of all purpose.- Tapan Ghosh
Even the wise learn from fool's words, it's only a foolish that joke with wise words..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Nothing will never change for you - until you change- G Swiss
You know your feelings are real when it makes you physically sick.- Michiel Bester
Gossip is like a shovel that reveals secrets.- Joe Cervantes
It is great wisdom not to live according to wisdom. - mohdmustafa99
Follow love when it calls, for it is God in every instance.- Theophilus
The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do - Juniblaze
An ounce of wisdom is better than a pound of talent.- Matshona Dhliwayo
Self-condemnation does not yield redemption- Lovemore kagande
That who has the pen to write never blacklists his name.- mohdmustafa99
Ability to say no in a gentle way is a virtue.- Avhidipta Mondal
People seem to think falling of their high horse won't hurt.- Tamesha Parker
Humility is what makes a fool wise.- annonymous
Intelligence and wisdom do not always go together- Victor Courage
Don't compare yourself to others; you have special qualities of your own.- Inna Shirokova
A meeting is an event where minutes are taken and hours are wasted- Timothy Michael Long
The golden rule of arguing is to listen more. This way, you can analyze rather than being analyzed.- Naqibullah Paiman
Alcohol is like a mask; The only reason why you put it on, is to transform yourself into something you wish you were but ultimately do not have the courage to be- Mathias Folsted
Never show your weakness before your adversary.- Euginia Herlihy
What one believes to be oneself is only repetitive imagination- Lokesh giri
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving- Brayne Matshotshi
The power is not in the words of a man, but in its meaning - Farhad Dastoor
One who mocks fools is nothing better than a fool.- Lokesh giri
Low self esteem is the only condition I know of where the cause and cure rests unknowingly with the afflicted.- Theophilus
It takes years to build a tower but only seconds to destroy it!- Maria Farag
Life is too short to live with regrets, for 'now' is what matters and nothing more.- Jonathan Cicherski
Words are your best weapon.- Eiji D. Kikumaru
You must be considerate by choice, not by nature.- Tamer Lokman
Judge a person by what he thinks, not by what he knows.- Lokesh giri
If I didn't have flaws, I wouldn't be real.- Lorreda C Smith
There are some good things to learn from everyone- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
It takes time and courage to grow up and become who you really are.- Linda Usman
Every answer raises another question- keven sean pittman jr
There are two easy self deceptions, trusting others easily and not trusting others- william anne
One should control his expressions to control his emotions.- Lokesh giri
Believe we can and we relieve ourselves of the greatest obstacle!- Adrian McGinn
Do not let our pride stop us from consistently telling those whom are proud of exactly this!- Adrian McGinn
Only people who really love you can hate you for a small thing you do unintentionally.- Marie Yolande Pierre
I stopped expecting things from people who have nothing for themselves.- Marie Yolande Pierre
You can't expect anything from someone who has nothing to give.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Human thinking creates the virtual barrier between possible and impossible.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Emotions can make you or break you.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Persistence is performance irrespective of your feelings.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Consistency over time increases the gap, competition cannot close. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
A country that does not value education will never be able to develop no matter what.- Dr. Patricia Ghann
Embrace persistence, for it will pay great dividends- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Use your mind-power for your dream-power- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Magnified thinking augments resistance, minimizes performance.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Just because you shepherd one sheep does not mean you have to call one who shepherds a herd greedy- Pistis Balu
Discipline breaks the chains of limitations and liberates you to your freedom.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Don't blame the God for your actions and consequences.- Syed Badiuzzaman
God is the best listener. Even a totally silent prayer is clearly audible to Him.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Tears are prayers and they are answered.- Syed Badiuzzaman
When theirs evil, you'll be their. When theirs dark, you'll be their. you are the light.- Anthuan Gabriel Walter Samudio
We are not the Bodies that we Wear. We are the ones that Wear the Body.- AiR
Ignorance is Believing that Silence is Nothing. Wisdom is Knowing that silence is Everything !- AiR
You can be the bright light to someone's darkness.- Liam Kauffman
Real change always comes from within.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Better to create rather than to execute the given- Ritik kapoor
You finally realized that life is not too long to be happy.- tina
You are who you are, you cannot change what fate has made unique; you must first love you.- Mac McGovern
Prejudice learned now encapsulates willing souls.. until only hate survives.- Mac McGovern
Connectedness with the unknown is God- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Where everyone is telling lies, speaking is listened with mistrust and disbelief.- Jason Baptiste
When those who comprehend stop caring, those who don't care will start to understand.- Michael Lanceford
The worse the winter the better the spring.- Leanne Tarrab
When I'm alone by myself I become extremely intelligent but when I'm out there with the people I just become super stupid- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
Justice, as a very important matter , should not be only the affair of justice administrations- mohdmustafa99
You create your own luck. God just gives you the thumbs up. But if it gets late, don't wait for it.- Abhaas Aggarwal
To criticize oneself is approval.- mohdmustafa99
I have never started a clash, and I have never lost out any- mohdmustafa99
The middle is the best position with the exception of holding a stick- mohdmustafa99
You wish to be a grantee , but if the matter is wishing , then wish to be a grantor.- mohdmustafa99
It's easy to become anything you want in your imagination- Tijani Kehinde John
To respect others comes from wisdom which comes from others' disrespect of you.- mohdmustafa99
Knowledge is like a book, often given, but rarely shared.- Kristopher Adam Orlowski
We all share one thing in common, our last breath will take us to the same place.- Allen Lazar
Money is security, purchase it with kindness, to be secure- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
The most sacred things are items of the mind.- Elizabeth Rhodes
A blacksmith has no need of an axe but manufactures axes for others to use..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Sin is the past, forgiveness is the future.- meranda mccormick
Nothing is permanent, Life gets better- Hailey Nicole VanArsdale
We're in a state of oblivion, waiting for the epoch of ephemeral luminescence to commence.- Vaibhav
Read to enjoy, use, store, and write. Sharing and empowering someone is most important purpose of reading.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
The right time to commit a crime is now or never..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Prioritizing leads to impactful action.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Hard Work & smart work, must be in the ratio of 55 : 45 for Success.- Nishant Shekhawat
The number one root cause for any drama is zero accountability.- Nicholas Johnson
A Tough Journey Produces Great Results When Positive Mindset Is In place.- Samuel Okonji AKA Mc Bobby
Fate moves mountains- Vivian DAlmeida
Without wisdom there is no understanding. Without understanding there is no knowledge.- Robtrice Simmons
Why is war so easy to start but so hard to finish?- Alexander Ethan Smith
It's unfair to dwell on the past, because everyone remembers it differently- Cassandra Fine
You can do anything you set your mind to.- Nick Lacoste
Before you make fun of someone else's flaw in front of others, Keep in mind yours has not come yet- Mad Jaya
Whatever is destined can't be changed except by hard work..- ashwin sankar
Darkness is light in the eyes of a greater power.- Alby Steven Foster
We all have secrets that we keep from ourselves.- Michiel Bester
Rather than wondering about the roads not taken, believe that the one you chose is the best- Anik Jha
There's always an opportunity to learn, whether it's influenced with positivity or consequences- Scherry Jean Crawford
A person cannot 'act, communicate or respond' above where they are.- Marian E Currie
Good Leaders volunteer their time in the development of others without seeking a reward- Rev. Patrick Ellapen
Doing the impossible isn't possible unless you actually think you are doing the impossible - William Wallace
Science does not know the nuances- Almat
A man's heart cannot stand by itself, it needs a woman to hold it.- joey the poet
Disagreement is often confused with hatred.- Emily Eaton
Calculate your karma before your actions- Oluwaseun Adeboye Victor
We are celebrating a victory without knowing there is a disaster coming.- Alexandru Bulai
Being hypocritical: some people never get tired of it- Dirk Johannes Botha
Our emotional response is driven by the proximity of events.- Piyush Shrivastava
Lick your words before they lick your courtesy.- mohdmustafa99
Your pen is like the paint of your life. Always painting your books and papers with knowledge..- Yashaswani Paudwal
Anyone can be a writer, but it takes talent to keep an audience.- Krystle Nicole Martin Nea
Beauty comes from within, it shines bright inwardly with outer radiance- Carmen Lesley Speak
No one is alone they always have their thoughts with them- Areeba Noor
Count your secrets before they hatch.- mohdmustafa99
Life is a dream in itself- Giobari M Atura
Play up anger , but don't be a good actor.- mohdmustafa99
In a world filled with lies, those who tell the truth will seem like saints but possibly devils in disguise.- Jonathan Devon Ferguson
It doesn't fit a forester to cut the tree down.- mohdmustafa99
It is nice to be lazy, but laziness can't make you nice.- mohdmustafa99
No matter how many years go by, I know one thing to be as true as it ever was.- tshepang edgar september
Every country has beauty.. but it's the people that make it beautiful!- Michael Lynch
In Death, We Find Love's Purest Form.- Kip Campbell Cooper
Whatever consequences or troubles you avoided, will always come back to you in another form.- KawaiiGirl
Where there's hope there's dreams, where there's dreams reality is just below.- Gr4pHiiXxZ
Knowledge changes much, but experience changes everything.- Nigel Aldridge
One cannot look at the future without looking at the past.- Dan C M
It's the Stupid ones that end up becoming Wise.- Ashkan Hassani
If you don't know whether to say 'yes' or 'No', try the 'NO' first.- mohdmustafa99
It is not god's will to decide whether you go to heaven or not. Its death's will.- Shy Nubi
Always expect the worst to get the best out of this World.- Baqar Abidi
Little good triumphs over much evil - Shoban k
One day there will be enough money but not enough love to live.- Avhidipta Mondal
Tolerance is not only acceptance, but celebration, of others' differences.- Emme Gerund
Strive but never overstep.- Victor Courage
If I do not speak I can not Lie, If I do speak there is possibility for the truth- Lily Athas
Life has the ability to convince us that once we know about something, it loses its mystery.- Marruen Mahmud
Your life is a result of your mind.- Sourabh kumar
The more you know, the less you learn.- Jesse Wayne Smith
Each Individual has his or her own idea about how much is too much - Zohaib Nawaz Tarar
Literate doesn't only mean giving your own ideas, but to understand others' ideas too.- adnan k
To change one's true self one must bend it to his will but not disguise it- Aditya
Live for today with your eyes on the future.- Thomas Flajnik antichimerapodal
A living ant is better than a dead elephant.- isaiah adukwu
Today is the start of a new tomorrow!- Faye Stevenson
You take care of earth, earth will take care of you.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Cliches are conversation Killers.- Ryan W. Johnson-Zlotoff
Assurance foreshadows Victory.- Mitch Grillz
You are really educated if you are a good listener no matter you have a degree or not- A Mehta
Make Friends not Enemies, Build Bridges not Walls, do this and you will never fail- chester guerrero
Winning the heart of enemy is more valuable than winning the battle.- harbinderjit singh bajaj
If people acted smarter, the world wouldn't be considered so stupid to live in.- Jovonta Battle
Everything doesn't deserve a response, so learn what's worth responding to- Kennisha L Crawford
The greatest gift you can give someone is to understand them.- Regan Howard
Freedom is what we have only in our minds.- Regan Howard
It doesn't matter what people say about you only what you say about your self.- bryce dias
Reminiscing your past is awful waste of present, unless present is going awful bad- Lokesh giri
Why is it so difficult to deceive someone else, even when we are deceiving ourselves from so long despite knowing ourselves so well?- Lokesh giri