Life Courage Quotes Pictures

Men's intention and capability differentiate them in action and reaction, in reward and punishment..

Challenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either..
Faith Hope Imagination Philosophy Wisdom
Strong Weak
There's a lot of light that cover amnesty unknown in the day it's when you get to the darkness you..

Sometimes it takes coming close to death, to realize how much you wanna be alive ..Death Realize Alive

I choose to smile at the world and its teeth than being grumpy and unsatisfied because anger peals..World Being Human Smile Anger

Let not Fate decide what man desire to change, but man...
Change Desire Faith Freedom Inspirational
Change Desire
They; who can survive the wreckage and breakage of the stormy season of Life; emerge victorious....Life
Only we can decide to allow the disappointments in our lives to rule us. We can either rise above it and keep moving forward to become the best we..
-Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
-Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Change Dreams Failure Inspirational Optimism
Keep Past Grow Choice
Keep your head up, and keep moving, never stop until your last breath but even then give death a..
Confidence Death Goal Leadership War
Give Keep Money Death Stop
I do not wish to follow the majority; the resources are scarce that way...
Creativity Inspirational Opportunity Philosophy Witty
Way WishMoving forward after a mistake, a wrong decision or a personal disaster can make you a better person or it can make you a bitter person.. One letter..
-John Bonds
-John Bonds
Confidence Failure Success mistake
Life Wrong Difference Mistake DecisionTop 10 Life Courage Quotes
Own up and take complete and full responsibility every single time for all your actions, emotions, etc. regardless of the circumstance- G Swiss
Comfort and Learning are antonyms, your learning starts at the end of your comfort zone- Ritesh Ranjan
Fear is a loud voice in us that holds us back. Our visions are quiet voices that propel us.- Lawrence Elango
With letting go comes a moment of loneliness. Courage is understanding that moment.- Vardz77
The melting pot of life involves, joy, sorrow, and pain.- Howard Hanniford
There is no easy road in life, buckle up, sit tight, and learn how to corner life's challenges.- Howard Hanniford
In the event where we can't be lovers, we can't be friends.- Howard Hanniford
Life is not the way only ; it's both the way and the hindrances.- mohdmustafa99
In a game, when you loose, you don't quit, instead you restart the level. Do the same in your life.- Shariq Khan
People love goats and sheeps but from lion they are inspired and feared. Sharjeel Khan- Sharjeel Khan
All Life Courage Quotes ⇑
As you allow an illuminating love to enter your abode, there is only one lamp that will shine the brightest and longest, the light of your soul.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
When one door shuts on you, be thankful as the Universe has a greater plan to open higher doors where your talent and heart will be valued and treasured.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
Fear of fear, only increases fear of fear itself- Zakia
Embrace change. have the courage to be adventurous, because you only have one ticket for this ride- El Haji Nero
After every winding road, a straight road ahead- Abeer Al Jammal
My wings are broken, but they will heal, and I shall soar- Sheils
As one grows up he learns that someone must take control of the ship he's in- Josh Darosa
You get pushed down, you get up, brush your self off, move on. The process of life- Garron C. Haun
Problems are not created to ruin our life , but to add color to it.- ronalyn morales
It is not until we are on the edge of losing control do we find out what we are made of- Kevin R Woodard
We're all reflections of what we want to see in our own world.- Jesse Hayes
To love is to learn how to let go- Gabby Ramos
The only person who can make you sad, is yourself.- Joshua Wu
The most important word in the english launguage is compromise. While we like to win, if you go all out or nothing chances are you'll get nothing.- Erik G. Roscom
Train, Prepare, Wait. For that day will come; when time bows to your resilience and those beside you, inspired by your courage.- Arun Eapen
Stay strong no matter what happens, good or bad life goes on..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
One must be extraordinary , not just an individual of the population.- mohdmustafa99
If you keep on thinking about your loss, you are a loser, but if you keep thinking about your wins, you are the winner who will win what you've lost.- xRev
Do not let situations change your fate, you decide on the fate of those situations.- k.r.chandrasekhar
We all lose to anxiety, but it is up to us to get up and face it.- Timothy Domes
In this world we're like pieces on the chessboard.. some of us we are pawns whereas others are queens, kings, castles and bishops but only God knows.. like players on a board do.. that when the pawn crowns it becomes 'something' on the chessboard(world). 'the world is a chessboard. '- Malatji Kamogelo Gift
Your dreams don't have a expiration date but your time here is limited- crystal howard
If in life you feel like a stone tossed about in a stormy sea, remember that the rough and jagged edges of a stone are smoothed away by the rough waters. It was a small smooth stone that defeated a giant. When your edges are gone what will you be able to conquer with your life?- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Failure is a myth, and having fear of myth is just a waste of time.- Bibek Das
Do not live to impress, Live to express- Koketso
You can take my phone, my car, my money, and I will be fine. You can take away my house, my future, all of my personal possessions, even my family's approval, and I will still be fine. However, if you dare take away my ambition, my passion, and my drive/motivation, I will be nothing. For then, and ONLY then, is when a man hits rock bottom - Liam Kiley
Behind a beautiful face and pretty things are dark pasts and grave secrets. Underneath pretty clothes are deep scars of the past. Behind the curtains of these long lashes were eyes that have shed tears, that almost made my breath to halt. I'm a masterpiece painted by pain, heartbreak, grief, lies, abuse and betrayal. So who are you to decide my worth? I am my own priceless possession.- Jasmin Adviento
Live, learn, play, win, inspire- Repeat- Ritesh Ranjan
Human rights violations are committed by humans, therefore it can only be us, human beings, to address these issues. We must take decisive actions today.- J B
Who am I? I am a feminist. I am a woman. I am a single mother. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a cousin. I am a Godmother. I am a great friend. I am a good self-discipline. I am a human being. I am a writer. I am a hard worker. I am a designer. I am a great listener. I am a great leader. I am a great believer of my heart, mind and soul. I am not afraid of failure. I am an experienced of life. I am who God has created me to be.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Focus is a catalyst for reality - Mabrig Korie
Life is incredible, I have it, even if I got nothing else it is better to live, I know with it I am already Filthy rich.- Karrella Jones
Everything in Life happens for a Reason. Don't Fight it but, Accept it and make the Best out of it.- Blessed Danke
The past is a gift. You know why? Because you never have to live it again.- Gabriella Yach
Even if things don't unfold the way you expected, don't be disheartened or give up. One who continues to advance will win in the end..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Sometimes, the worst things that happen to you are the best things for you in a different world that's interconnected with your own.- Nadine Khayat
Sometimes you just need time to gain the courage and bravery to open up and love again..- Vardz77
Trials will face us, but it is how we deal with them will determine the outcome.- Howard Hanniford
Never give up on anybody, their worth is more than you can ever imagine.- Howard Hanniford
In this world there is one lucky person who will love you more than anyone else in the world.. someday you'll find them!- Jessica Harvey
Observe but do not interfere, think but do not speak, look but do not touch. These are the lessons we are taught by the world in order to survive. In order to live, we must learn to defy.- Corbin Gordon
A puzzled piece like you should be where it belongs, not where it doesn't fit in, said a lot of people in my life.- Dakota Ace Hardin
The ability to smile is a product of peace and positivity and the courage to smile is a sign of growth and maturity, learn to smile once a while because it's worth it.- Melissa mhluzi
Every move you make is a gamble, for best results go all in.- Ammar Samkough
The Minute you make the choice not to do the right thing, You have potentially given away your ability to Choose what happens next- Brett Dempsay
Little good triumphs over much evil - Shoban k
Some are born with silver spoons in their mouth, some are born with bank accounts waiting for them to use, some are born with ready-made life for them, but some had to work from zero to hero to live the life they are living today.. make your own living, let your sweat serve to water the seeds of your success.- Piet Ntema
When a person says to another , 'Respect yourself ' , he means to say, 'Respect me, please'- mohdmustafa99
Behave normally even if you're dead inside, and if you deceive your friends, it might work for yourself too.- Chris Peters
In the depths of myself I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible hope, A dream so big, that I myself can not see it. Etched into my skin, like a strand of DNA, a soul part of myself. Personal. With nothing but myself to believe in, but that moment. Standing on a windswept ridge. Or hanging by the last of my skin on a sun drenched crag, in a place where nothing works. But everything is found.- Joshua Guyer
As we stand on the precipice of a rainbow nation, either falling into a cloud of peace or valley of violence, we must always understand and define our existence within our own context.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
I believe it's a Beautiful Struggle, not an Ugly Life- Alanah M Freedman
Life is short, we must go after what we ultimately want - with greed, and without shame.- Inna Shirokova
Additional risks in life is not taking risks- Jeton Lajqi
If you want something to happen, make it happen. Don't waste time and energy thinking about it- Daniel Mapoy
Pain is not the arm that breaks nor the heart that stops but the heart that breaks and chooses to continue beating cares the pain within..- Jeffrey Allen hatch
There are no limits in life. Even after you are six feet underground, your name will be remembered not for who you are, but for what you accomplished in your life time.- Jorge Estrada Rojas
Never look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth Dunne
To be successful you must not get caught in the craziness of the roller coaster ride we call life- Susan Johnson
When you don't take a chance in a situation you'll always wonder what if I did, but when you take the chance you never wonder what would have happened if you did nothing- Matt Allen Jones
Most famous people who have life easier than most are destroying their lives, while bums on the street are trying to survive even when their lives aren't so great- Paskemin
I know what I know & I know what I don't know!- Maria Turner-Heuer
You are entitled to your own opinion, wherever, whenever. Find the courage within yourself- Paige Angela Cording
You are the source of my happiness. You give me reason to breath again, make me smile once more and make me believe that life is still worth living.. I cannot afford to lose you for in you I learn to stand up. I manage to live again knowing that you are there to hold me, guide me and support me. I will never loose grip in you because you are the source of strength and a reason of my sanity..- zindy
In the presence of danger three things come to mind, fight for the future, die for what you believe in, and love what your heart says - Michael Amaki
When the tide hits high, emotional bar gets high, we become satiated with fear that calamity is near, but only the strong will bear, look yonder.. and still stand clear.- Kagiso John Sithole