Life+ Faith Quotes Pictures

Challenges do not make us strong or weak; they simply make us discover who we really are; either..
Courage Hope Imagination Philosophy Wisdom
Strong Weak
The favour of God is upon her. She does not allow any failure to stop her from flourishing. She is..

I know that I do not know, and uncertainty, certainly, is the cruelest of words...
Change Death Failure Short Time
Sometimes it takes coming close to death, to realize how much you wanna be alive ..
Change Courage Death God Short
Death Realize Alive
Let not Fate decide what man desire to change, but man...
Change Courage Desire Freedom Inspirational
Change DesireHappiness either can last for a short period of time or can last forever. happiness that can be found and lasts for a short period of time is gained..
-rodriguez chavez Love Time Feel Happiness Money
-rodriguez chavez Love Time Feel Happiness Money

An older pair of shoes that fits comfortably, beats a new pair that causes pain when walking long..
Love Marriage Relationship Romantic Wisdom
White hair are enough to keep me reminded that journey of this luxurious life has a certain end ..
Age Death Love Religion Wisdom
Life Keep Journey
It's strange to see people running after knowledge, disregarding that he himself is the source of..
Death God Hope Inspirational Peace
People Know Self Knowledge
Can we fix a work of art? The artist alone knows the why of his representation!..
Education Freedom Inspirational
Work Alone Art
Trust the timing of your life. Everything you go through is a part of your process..Life Trust Process
Top 10 Life+ Faith Quotes
The Right Thing to do, For all of us, is 'PATIENCE'- Niayab Komal
The worldly elite moves pawns kings and bishops. When Jesus Christ returns, CHECKMATE!- Hugh Cahoon
Life is more beautiful when beautiful friends are around you.- Bizz Lamichhane
Follow love when it calls, for it is God in every instance.- Theophilus
With letting go comes a moment of loneliness. Courage is understanding that moment.- Vardz77
The melting pot of life involves, joy, sorrow, and pain.- Howard Hanniford
Never Prioritize the one who generalizes you- Suyog Potdar
In one way or another we are all dreamers of a better future. Yet, how many of us actually chase our dreams? Make your dreams become a reality!- Javier Contreras
When you can, you will. Till then be patient..- Vardz77
Stars play their games, you play yours :)- Devesh Aviral Devrani
All Life+ Faith Quotes ⇑
A female is the passage of entry for a soul into existence. She forms one of the closest links between the transcendental plane and Earth.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
In a game, when you loose, you don't quit, instead you restart the level. Do the same in your life.- Shariq Khan
Life is pleasant when you believe whatever happens is for good and has purpose. - Sadashivan
Happinesss might be right behind us but sometimes we're too afraid to turn around.- Chris Peters
A good friend always teaches you something, even if the lesson isn't easy.- Dana Jo Graslie
As you allow an illuminating love to enter your abode, there is only one lamp that will shine the brightest and longest, the light of your soul.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
When one door shuts on you, be thankful as the Universe has a greater plan to open higher doors where your talent and heart will be valued and treasured.- Dr Nirvadha Singh
After every winding road, a straight road ahead- Abeer Al Jammal
Its painful when someone gives you a new identity and they kill it before the world could know- Farhad Dastoor
When you're climbing a mountain sometimes it's good to look back and say 'I've done this!'.- Owen
You can only have artificial and temporary happiness from other people, but true happiness can only be created from yourself- Garron C. Haun
Those who fear death often waste their lives doing so.- Jesse Hayes
Hate is stronger than love! When you hate someone you give them your soul- Gabby Ramos
My father built a house in heaven and sent me the directions to hell- Weqaar Janjua
Who are we to judge others and their differences, when we ourselves have our own differences, that others may also judge, and problems within ourselves that have not been dealt with- Sydney Newkirk
Disarm me from the evils of my conscious mind so I can embrace my pure soul and engorge in the peace of silence.- Maria L Monterrey
If you are not destined for greatness then life is easy..- Sidney Watkins
It's never the right time to do the wrong thing.- Bill Gibbs
Maybe there's a reason God gave me weak memory, maybe He doesn't want me to remember what I've endured.- Saad Shakeel
'Beautiful life' is a pack of irrational beliefs- Lokesh giri
If life was as simple as we would want it to be, nobody would ever appreciate life. For through life's struggles lessons are learnt, faith burst into hope and hope looks forward for tomorrow.- Dr. Patricia Ghann
Embedded aspirations only blossom once you understand that your visions are bigger than your fears, but until then, they remain buried under the veil of fear.- Wayne Chirisa
O Lord! Give me what I need, though I don't know exactly what I need.- mohdmustafa99
Human nature is not designed to be perpetual - Malik Ahsan Ali
Your expectations are nothing more than a poison bottle.. You die everyday you have one - Yashi mahendra
The culture and society are of no use that teach us discrimination and where stones are precious than hearts.- Bonny
I am not waiting for angels to arrive, I am just waiting for devils to depart.- mohdmustafa99
Friends are like degrees, the true ones are 360, you cannot expect 360 degrees loyalty from 45 degree friends.- George O Smith
Stay connected with those people with whom you feel that you're the most lucky person on earth.. !- Aayushi verma
If in some point of your life you get stuck and there is 79% chance of failure and 21% chance of success, don't think about that failure think about the 21% success. It's just like nitrogen and Oxygen, there is 79% of Nitrogen and 21% of oxygen still we are surviving. Look life from a different angle you will always succeed- Karan Mali
Your eyes are highly sophisticated projectors. Don't trust on what you see through it. Just like a movie ends, it all will vanish abruptly. Be a nonreactive watcher. Pay much attention on watcher who only will exist. Be in Love with yourself - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Would you be ready to accept, if somebody reminds you in your dream that you are dreaming?. Indeed you will not, you feel so real then. So is this life. Only the death can wake them up one day those who cannot recognize this and there's no death for those wise men, who knew this truth - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
You consider whatever you see with your eyes as true, but what about your own face, which your eyes cannot show you? Is that really real which the mirror or photo shows you?. Even If your own face is just a belief, what else exists? - FEROZ KHAN LAMIR
Experiences always explore the strength- MANOB DAS
In this world we're like pieces on the chessboard.. some of us we are pawns whereas others are queens, kings, castles and bishops but only God knows.. like players on a board do.. that when the pawn crowns it becomes 'something' on the chessboard(world). 'the world is a chessboard. '- Malatji Kamogelo Gift
You never know where a simple dream can take you.- Adriana Bilyk
Don't let your assumption exceed your perspective of seeing things.- Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo
If in life you feel like a stone tossed about in a stormy sea, remember that the rough and jagged edges of a stone are smoothed away by the rough waters. It was a small smooth stone that defeated a giant. When your edges are gone what will you be able to conquer with your life?- Dr Travis J Hedrick
It's not life that shapes our character, it's character that shapes our life. Well, that sounds good, but it's really shaped by both - Joshua Aaron Guillory
Life is a combination of Truth and myth- Dr D Vizai Bhaskar
What did not create me, cannot destroy me.- Doctor Bonginkosi Mahlangu
Whatever is happening today is happening due to our karma, karma is what we did in the past, what we are doing in present and what we are going to do in future- karan dhawan
Darkness is light in the eyes of a greater power.- Alby Steven Foster
Live, learn, play, win, inspire- Repeat- Ritesh Ranjan
Earn a repute, Learn to respect it- Ritesh Ranjan
Justice Prevails is a bigger myth than a happy wife & a good neighbor- Ritesh Ranjan
Think straight like a believer and uphold it with faith then there would be a miracle in accomplishment..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
When you're unhappy with yourself, you think of making the entire world unhappy with you only if you could. Then after 4 seconds you realize that the world has nothing to do with you being unhappy. The world doesn't even know that you exist unless you have something great to offer the people. It's all about people. So start helping people all over the world by beginning with you. Then you'll be the happiest person alive. Stop fake being happy when you don't even know what can give you happiness. Start doing something meaningful for people and the result of happiness will be yours. What are you good at?- Marie Yolande Pierre
Choice is a dance of faith and strife- where dime and prime chime- hurt and loss are the carrion that make living truly an art- Pasithea
It starts in my soul. It grows in my heart. It flows through my blood and it becomes a vision in my head, Success!- Christian Santelli
Prayer.. changes things.. faith changes people..- Babi Shakes
Life gives opportunities even at the final stage of impossibility- Namratha G
Even if things don't unfold the way you expected, don't be disheartened or give up. One who continues to advance will win in the end..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Some call it life.. I call it death.- Joseph Spell
When I look at the waves I realize not every time it meets the shore , sometimes it even ends before reaching it's destination.- shivangi lavaniya
Quitting whatever you are fighting for is not an option as you forge to eliminate all fears.- Howard Hanniford
Trials will face us, but it is how we deal with them will determine the outcome.- Howard Hanniford
Never give up on anybody, their worth is more than you can ever imagine.- Howard Hanniford
Common beliefs should prevail under one roof, for the sake of peace.- Thomas Davenport
Let your innermost and the one on top guide you, the rest shall be easy- Sipho P Nkosi
There are billions of seconds in your lifetime, and it only takes one to completely alter the significance of your life.- Christian Andrew Stites
If there is one thing that i have learned in life, it is that i hope i have learned more than one thing in life.- Stanley Williams
A child works by faith, he is not wise enough to know doubt.- Kimto Oche Emmanuel
So many philosophies in life and to have a good judgment is to use your conscience- Gerlene C Arteta
Imagine you are stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean, you have one can of pop that is still cold for now but is getting warm increasingly fast. Do you drink the pop in one sitting while it's cold and enjoyable, or prolong it and take a little sip whenever you need it savoring the drink but making it far less enjoyable. You can compare this to life. Some people make choices to live in the now and enjoy life in this exact moment and let hope and god take over from there. Others think about their future and try to simply survive. If you decided to drink the pop in one sitting you think in the now and are living life. If you chose the sips every once in a while you are merely surviving.- Adam Langlais
Let the past die, live in the present and look forward to the future- No One
No matter how hard the situation is, no matter how hard life is, always be thankful. Think of it as a challenge and have faith that God will never give us problems we can't handle. So always keep your head up and keep smiling. Don't lose hope. Don't ever give up. For every trials that come our way , we can grow and learn each day and that we should be always grateful.- Lovely Grace Bactol
Our God said , ' The rich will be richer if they give money to the poor. ' The poor confess true, but the rich are still in doubt.- mohdmustafa99
Life's like a movie, just be the director- Jérôme W.
When I was small, I always dreamt of touching the stars, not knowing how to touch them. as I grew up, I was told I could touch them with lots of degrees and riches.. then, I thought for I while and there was the answer, whenever I smile or see someone smile, a million stars light up around me.. No, I don't have a perfect life, there are many problems.. everyday is a struggle but that moment when someone makes me smile is perfect. because I forget all my worries and feel really satisfied. it makes me question what life's all about.. it is about the freedom to chose what's best for you, and when it is best for the other too, it is a good life.- Purva
Character must first be developed on the inside before it will manifest on the outside..- Paddick Van Zyl
I believe it's a Beautiful Struggle, not an Ugly Life- Alanah M Freedman
Life is what we have.. Life is what we want.. Life will never always stay, that's why we need to eat, pray, and love all day.- Criz Jordan
As time goes by, things change, people change. Those you knew become strangers, those you did not know become your trusted ones. But as long as your love and care remains, you will be ready for when they return.- Sazzey
I want to be the one you think of first thing in the morning, and before you go to bed. I want to be the reason you smile on a daily basis. The one you see a future with, and maybe someday fall in love with & live the fairy tale everyone dreams of!- Gabby Ramos
I believe a person should be who they are because in the long run, this life is going to pass over, and you will never discover who you are, if you don't.- David Figueroa
A moving man will lose energy but will always overtake the standing..- sudheer keshetty
I live for the present like a kid on Christmas- Joe Anthony Vasquez
You have to be strong for yourself', not for everyone, but for yourself. Because in the end nobody will be there with you when you cry.- isabel
In general, there are no bad experiences. For all experience have value in the quest for wisdom.- Theophilus
You are stronger than you think, wiser than you know, prettier than you see. Believe in yourself!- Noelle Meghan
Never give up because you never know who is holding on because of you.- Sarah Bridges
Never look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth Dunne
A flame from within is the brightest site, for it is a content soul that provides everlasting light.- victoria lee
Life and Death are two dimensions of something so big that the human brain and science would never be able to define it.- Dhruva Mathur
Disappointment is only possible if the expectation is realistic.- Theophilus
You can look at Depression as a test to challenge you for what's ahead- Ross McPherson
I have learned that the things that I cannot change are exactly as they should be- Dr Ina Creekbaum
If destiny has it for you, it shall be delivered unto you, no matter what.. whether you are hiding in a cave in Afghanistan or while just being carried to the grave..- saikiran
The world is not based on, fact or fiction, truth or myth, reality and fantasy. The world, is a world of possibilities, achievable goals, and unlimited imagination. In other words, don't believe or disbelieve, of what you don't know, the (only) thing you can do is be open-minded.- Jorrdan Stevens
When God asks me 'What have you done with the life I gave to you?', I don't want my answer to be 'I spent it all chasing Silver and Gold. ' - Feneau Demesmin
There is nothing that is impossible, everything is possible. You just have to sacrifice what you love to get it.. That's what makes it impossible.- Karolina
There will be very few days when I will be sad and cry but when that happens it will only have to do with the people that mean something to me- Elton Huff
Never give in to the will of life but to the will of the giver of life to lead and lift you up to his height through the waves of life..- Jim Nzepack Enow
In the presence of danger three things come to mind, fight for the future, die for what you believe in, and love what your heart says - Michael Amaki
If one has doubt or fear, the path to true enlightenment will be obscured, and that person will never ascend into god's true image and therefore thou will never pass through the gates of heaven and shall spend all of eternity in purgatory.- Christopher Joesph Agruso
I have faith in the fact that I am still alive. That is basically the only thing I'm sure of at the moment.- Jack Brown