Friendship & Relationship Quotes Pictures
Solitude, Is the fastest bullet. Isolation, Is the sharpest blade. Loneliness, Is the Deadliest poison. However, Companionship, Is a bullet proof..
-Arakon Yumo
-Arakon Yumo
Heart Hope Inspirational Loneliness Peace
We who are BROKEN find sanctuary in BROKEN others as only yourself can be seen in sorrow's mirror..
Heart Loneliness Poems Sad Short
Find Broken
Never blame anyone in your life Good people give happiness, Bad people give Experiences, Worst..Life People Give Bad Happiness

Make a difference today.. lay aside petty disagreements and arguments.. tomorrow may be too late...
Family Forgiveness Inspirational Leadership Life
Today Tomorrow Difference
There is nothing wrong with admiring beauty, but it is a beautiful attitude that connects people..People Beautiful Wrong Beauty Attitude

The hardest part after being hurt isn't healing; it's learning to trust again...
Change Forgiveness Heart Hope Love
Being Hurt Trust Learning
Let's not tear one another down but build each other up.. determine to make someone's life better..
Anger Forgiveness Hate Love Marriage
Life Build
To know who you really are, you should ask a true friend who dares to speak truth to your face...Know Truth Friend Face Speak

Everyone will praise when you are in the peak.. those who are with you even in the toughest..
Philosophy Success Truth Friends
Love the way you would want to be loved.. Never not love and end up wondering why you're not being..Love Want Way Being
I thank God for the gift of friendship, the kind that you don't get to meet or talk to everyday and yet when you see them in person you will be..
-Gladys Gallentes People God Want Way Day
-Gladys Gallentes People God Want Way Day
Top 10 Friendship & Relationship Quotes
It does not matter if you kick a good person out of your life, but be sure you never, even by mistake, keep a bad person close to you. The later can ruin your life- Sarad S Dhungel
Everyone comes with the baggage, but sometimes it is best to just leave it at the airport- Beau
Don't judge a person by his religion, race, relatives, friends, country or caste but by his character.- shiza shahid
Sometimes you have to let go the people you love in order to protect them- Daleen Irshaid
Making new memories doesn't mean making the same mistakes with new people.- Gabby Ramos
Appreciate What You Have Before It is Gone. What You Have Today Might Not Be Your's Tomorrow.- Diandra Hayden
A meaningful friendship is worth more than a so-called companionship - Muhammad Shahwan Tariq
Don't lose your real friends while trying to impress the fake ones.- Anthony Ubokudom
If friendship is clothes , wear the oldest.- mohdmustafa99
Since enemies' corner is negative doom I decided to shift to friends' zone positive mood..- Ikulabi Anikulapo Ikuforiji
All Friendship & Relationship Quotes ⇑
Reflection, that's what makes love natural, because its self reality we see in others..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
A 'bad friend' is not necessarily a teacher of evils, you can take him or her as a student who wants to learn decency from you.- mohdmustafa99
Some people hurt by words & some by action.. But the biggest hurt is someone ignoring you when you value them more than anything else - Manas Rajendra Jadhav
You made your friend leave you to your antagonist , Why then do you accuse him of treachery?- mohdmustafa99
Our First Love and First Friend Should Be Ourselves - SunofYah913
If you are happy loving yourself, loving the other is not possible , because you cannot cheat on yourself- john joseph porro
Too much of anything is never a good thing - unless it's real love & positivity- G Swiss
Difference between a relationship and friendship in our generation? Well, it's quite simple.. In friendship, you don't have sex.. .. as often.- Robert Zeleznik
A compliment from a loved one weighs less than one from a stranger..- M Adonis Layne
If you make the management of people an exclusive you will find that it works with great effect both ways.- Michael Eric Jones
To allow people to develop their potential is an act of generosity- Michael Eric Jones
Being true to oneself may alienate some but will attract intrinsic kin.- Randy
We're taken hostage by the ones that we love.- Brandon Kellum
Sometimes the closest people in your life become your everything.. only then to realise you don't have much.- Imraan Van Kesteren
To love a dear friend is heartbreaking when not knowing if they feel the same way about you.- Basil Tong
Love is a crime if you don't abide by its rules and regulations.- Oscar Auliq Ice
People with low self-confidence and self-esteem often feel nervous about antagonizing others and tend to rate others' needs more highly than their own.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Love is one of the strongest feelings one can ever have. It comes over you all of a sudden and totally absorbs before you manage to realize the fact.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Sit beside me; I don't want you to be my neighbor, but my partner.- mohdmustafa99
If you over turn my heart you'll find more love.- Joe Cervantes
Imagine a world full of happy people, show someone love, make someone happy, be the best you can be, lets build a happier world- Amukelani Hlangwane
If I were to lose you, I would lose my mind. The world I see is not a world I can survive without you. I see a life ahead with you next to me always.- Angel Bayz
You have to choose, either to be my something or my nothing.- mohdmustafa99
It's not going to get any better without your love.- Joe Cervantes
Your fun is not dependent on anyone else, but the right person can amplify it- Gregory K. Paragh
Being emotionally attached to someone who doesn't give you clarity will always leave you feeling empty.- Macmillan
As time goes by, things change, people change. Those you knew become strangers, those you did not know become your trusted ones. But as long as your love and care remains, you will be ready for when they return.- Sazzey
You lose trust after several disappointments. When you accept those disappointments as a way of life, a strange calmness sets in. This calmness is dangerous, and is the onset of problems- Sapna Dhandh Sharma
Today's new friend, tomorrow's precious treasure and high valuable gift.- Dalal Yousif
The truest friends I've had in my life can withstand a distance and still embrace our closeness; Make memories with me while always moving forward; and no matter how many days, months, or years we've been apart still hold me true to their hearts and naturally the time we share is never measured by length but my meaning!- chelsea rae powell
Care and love me like a mother, be strong like a father, protect me like a brother, tease me like a sister, pamper me like a baby, hugs me like a friend, kisses me like a lover.- Vwsy
Love is like a sick dog that you have had forever , you want it to survive but yet you don't want it to suffer.- Tayler Scott obrien
The same way I could live when I didnt know you, I can live without you after letting you go, But the only difference is before knowing you I didn't miss you while now I do- Daleen Irshaid
There will be very few days when I will be sad and cry but when that happens it will only have to do with the people that mean something to me- Elton Huff
A relationship is worth fighting for, but not if you are the only one fighting.- Eric Mayle
The greatest gift you can give someone is to understand them.- Regan Howard
Your heart searches beneath the skin and goes deeper than your eyes can see, your eyes will judge but the heart is never wrong just give people a second chance..- Bethany Hope Skinner