Inspirational Leadership Quotes Pictures

Don't hold yourself back by trying to hold up someone else that isn't willing to do it for..
Change Freedom Life Truth Wisdom
Trying Hold WillingThere is a difference between a manager and a leader. Anyone can be a manager and tell others what to do; there is no investment and no reward. It..
-Dr Travis J Hedrick Time Difference Leader
-Dr Travis J Hedrick Time Difference Leader

Clarity is wisdom's oil. Contemplation is its comb. Compromise is its hairstyler. Composure is its..

Transformation simply means change, what matters most is not what you change but what you change..
Change Goal Politics Success Wisdom
Keep the ice in your mind and fire in your heart....
Confidence Faith Short One liners
Heart Mind Keep Fire
Bring me down, I will rise until you take a seat and watch me fly..
Confidence Courage Faith Hope Short
Bring Fly
Make a difference today.. lay aside petty disagreements and arguments.. tomorrow may be too late...
Family Forgiveness Friendship Life Love
Today Tomorrow Difference
The world is yours for the taking. You need only find the will within to seize it...World Need Find Taking

Do not complain of being at the bottom, rise up. There is always room at the top...
Change Failure Goal Hope Optimism
BeingTop 10 Inspirational Leadership Quotes
Training will prepare you for any condition possible. Those who refuse to train. Refuse the success of tomorrow.- Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo
Blind is the man who thinks he knows it all. Blinder is the man who follows after this man blindly.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
No one is to blame for your future situation but yourself. If you want to be successful, then become 'Successful'.- Jaymin Shah
Great customer service is as universal as love, Everyone wants it, and everyone knows when they are not getting it- Mike B Piazza
There is no shortcut for hard work that leads to effectiveness. You must stay disciplined because most of the work is behind the scenes.- Germany Kent
Doing what is GOOD is not as good as doing what is RIGHT..- Atayero Rotimi Johnson
Anger to anger is fuel to fire, Love to anger is water to fire.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
When people cannot see the possibilities it's because they have no vision of the opportunities.- Michael Eric Jones
Continuously moving the carrot only leaves one exhausted and with no focus.- Michael Eric Jones
Being beautiful on the outside, is no excuse for being ugly on the inside.- Amelia Goode
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You are only confined by the walls that you build around yourself , not by others.- Austin A McCarty
In one way or another we are all dreamers of a better future. Yet, how many of us actually chase our dreams? Make your dreams become a reality!- Javier Contreras
Because words have deep meaning, Tweets have power.- Germany Kent
Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy, and make the most of where you are.- Germany Kent
Give yourself permission to evolve. Become a philosopher; come up with your own interpretation of life & stop accepting someone else's as your truth.- Germany Kent
Twitter is a vessel that we can use to share positivity to others through our timeline one tweet at a time.- Germany Kent
Say something worthwhile and people will listen.- Germany Kent
An achievement award is not the end goal; but rather a symbolic confirmation of your potential future success- Wayne Chirisa
When I say 'WHAT IF' to myself.. the possibilities are that.. I can even change the world!..- Lalith Bhonsle
The basic is to make a point about the fact that social media should be handled as 'main part of the business' and not a 'nice to have' communication channel. That theory died along with the Isdn. - Spiros Arvanitis, Greek Internet visionist- lexmark
Many people have a degree but only Very few have a VISION.- Sourabh kumar
Sometimes you have to lose in order to win' 'A veces se tiene que perder para poder lograr ganar- Gerardo Ortiz
Failure is just a failure unless you fight it back and turn it into a huge victory.- Dalal Yousif
In order to be someone, you must first be yourself.- Darab Imteyaz
Everyone is born the same way but not everyone starts the same way..- Paul Peshkov
Unlike the Future, History doesn't give you a second chance!- Allen Dunbar
Never be a follower, be a Leader because one of thease days you will lead yourself to something extraordinary- drake lummus
You can't help someone by changing them, but what you can do is give them some motivation or an opportunity to succeed.- Garron C. Haun
It is not until we are on the edge of losing control do we find out what we are made of- Kevin R Woodard
If religion is an illness, education is the cure.- Jesse Hayes
If you are not destined for greatness then life is easy..- Sidney Watkins
It's never the right time to do the wrong thing.- Bill Gibbs
If you have dreams, don't keep excuses, if you have excuses, forget about the dreams.- Tahir Danish
Developing an aptitude for progressive thinking in a team, sets a key platform for future success.- Wayne Chirisa
We aspire to be great, but very few desire to go to great lengths, to do the great things that will make you the great person you desire to be. - Wayne Chirisa
Effective economic development is fostered by a resourceful society- Wayne Chirisa
Where dreams and opportunity collide, the future is realized.- Mike Taberner
Learn to run your life using good life experiences from other people to avoid you ruining your life and presenting bad examples of how not to run a life.- Segun Rasaki
Life has many ways to live, but don't hope all the ways will take you reach the destination.- Vishal Vemul
Our ability to adapt has been the key to our evolution. A school that has less of that will eventually perish.- Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo
Be like an aeroplane, always moves forward, flies above obstacles, and only in land for refueling.- Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo
People will only reach as high as the standard is set. It is the leader's duty to set the standard high, but then to come behind them to help them reach that standard. This is true motivation and true leadership!- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Change, for change's sake, is a recipe for failure.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
To be a good leader is to be a good follower, because in the assembly of leaders someone has to lead the pack.- Segun Rasaki
Truth, honesty, loyalty, respect, kindness, determination.. these are the attributes we should live out daily and teach our children.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Behind every innovation there is a creative brain- Praveen Goyal
Be firm on the ground and aim for the sky- Suyog Potdar
Eliminate energy-zappers and replace them with energy-boosters - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Today's present is tomorrow's future - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
You are the Strongest Dad, you never give up, you are my Champion. You give me Strength when I am weak. and that makes family worth fighting for!- Joanne bustillos
Earn a repute, Learn to respect it- Ritesh Ranjan
Live your life, play your sport, inspire generation- Ritesh Ranjan
Life is a mission, not all missions are for you, choose yours- Ritesh Ranjan
Choice is a dance of faith and strife- where dime and prime chime- hurt and loss are the carrion that make living truly an art- Pasithea
Focus is a catalyst for reality - Mabrig Korie
A person cannot 'act, communicate or respond' above where they are.- Marian E Currie
Rekindle the light of lion in you and be on the brave of your voice..- Kayode Seyi Tayo
Bringing your dreams to the conscious mind is the first step to them becoming reality- Simone Williams
Only thunderstorm tests the strength of your house, in the absence of storms don't think that all is well. Shifting furniture and all movable when it pours through the roof is not a way to solve the problem. Maintenance is the only way- Chester Makana
If you think I am a freak, weird, and abnormal.. then I am doing my job well!- Amelia Goode
The sign of a strong leader and entrepreneur is one that has the ability in the midst of chaos to be able to leverage opportunities to attain success beyond what was originally contemplated.- Marshall Krupp
Think big and think positive, because you are the architect of your own future, what you see in your mind's eye is what you are capable of doing in the near future- Emmanuel Essien
While everyone is so preoccupied with making a living, why not go crazy and make a difference instead? - Nompumelelo P Mabuza
Get Education Because Readers Are The Leaders..- Masood Ahmed Rahu
The lion rules his house The tiger rules the kingdom- Benyamin Farkas
The success of one's political struggle depends largely on how fast one can run and to what extent one can run- Abdullateef Taiwo G
You can't start over, but you can start right now.- Ben Wong
Speak up for the Silent; you may be surprised to discover how badly they need you- stop bullying
If you can't be good at everything then at least make sure you are good at something.- Ryan Van Zyl
Pretend to be happy and eventually you will believe that you are.- Germany Kent
I won't channel my mind to what society has taught me instead I'm going to teach society something.- Ashley Francis
If all we focus on is the end results we will lose sight of our main objective.- Jesse Childers
When you are doing things to better your race you are called a racist When you are doing things to better your gender you are called a sexist When you are doing things to better yourself you are called an egoist When you are doing things to better your community you are accused of being clannish When you are doing things to better your soul you are called weird Pulling yourself and others together on any level for any reason is one of the most threatening things one can do. There will always be someone to criticize or even lie to try and rob you of your efforts and reputation. Always expect resistance, push back and blockages, but NEVER stop doing things better.- Candi Taylor Jeter Ed S
Those who make a difference.. Know they must be different- Colette Degraff
Actions are well said than words themselves.- Sadiea Akbar
Make your life a message for others, do something different , faster than others.- Sourabh kumar
Enemies will always be around. Don't react! Instead show them they are worth your success.- Msk
Not everyone is living the kind of life you want to emulate. You also do not need to impose your own criteria for successful living on others. They might have different priorities that don't necessary match your own.- El Haji Nero
A truth seeker attracts great minds and knows it is wisdom that binds them- Dennis James Deegan CTM
I don't have to sing to be the voice of my generation- Nishel Specht
I am the king of my own kingdom & you are the slaves of others' state.- Atif Maqbool
Don't establish your opinion by listening to one Person's story.. remember there are always two sides of the story.. one side is hidden while the other side is told.- shiza shahid
There is no excuse, none people, no law is stopping you from being successful, it is you yourself who rules to be a failure.- Ai Ling
Nobody is perfect. Perfection motivates you.- Ai Ling
Believe you can, and you will - Luke Henry Vanlauwe
I once met a man he told me if you have your faith then nobody can come in your way and soon you will become a leader!- Maria Farag
Learning isn't always about being right. When mistakes are made, don't feel down, look at what's left, correct it, and stand up a better person- Brian Seah
No one knows anything until we accept the fact that we don't know anything and that's when we truly know something.- Latia Hemphill
Anything that means Everything to you in life that's worth having requires a process. It's called a Journey. Can you handle the ride?- Kennisha L Crawford
Don't follow your life, lead it.- Ruben Castro-Medina
A person who lacks direction and drive in life will tend to blame the next person for his failures! Your success is yours no matter what or who is in your life.. take ownership of your failures and give thanks to your accomplishments!- Christine Arrington
If God has bestowed you with a responsibility, then he certainly has given you the strength to handle it.- Bipin Kumar G J