Relationship Wisdom Quotes Pictures

You can cross the shore without getting wet but you can't get through life without tears...
Life Love Philosophy Truth heart break
Don't waste time trying to be accepted by people that you cannot see in your future...People Time Future Trying Waste

Everyone deserves a long lived satisfaction and not just the desire of a short lived celebration..Desire

Success is what you achieve, and beauty what you inherit. So it's up to you, you give importance to..
Life Love Marriage Opportunity Success
Time Give Success Beauty Achieve
Love is communication without obstacle, understanding without prejudice, and consideration without..Love Understanding Effort

An older pair of shoes that fits comfortably, beats a new pair that causes pain when walking long..
Faith Life Love Marriage Romantic
We humans fear the unknown, therefore the fear of being alone is the fear of self...
Freedom Loneliness Short Witty Fear
Being Fear Self Alone
The power of an unbroken chain created by daily persistence can be infinite..
Inspirational Life Love Philosophy Short
An unexpected act of kindness is the best. Surprise them!..
Inspirational Life Philosophy Success Truth
You should not wait for better days to come; they are already here. Life is all about attitude,..
Funny Inspirational Philosophy Success Truth
Life Remember Wait AttitudeTop 10 Relationship Wisdom Quotes
GOD does not care about the color of your skin or what job you do, he cares about your heart. So do I!- Sibel Terhaar
Stay away from people who let you down, they will do it again.- Sibel Terhaar
Privacy brings peace and security but broadcasting everything brings jealousy and envy. Choose your path wisely.- Sibel Terhaar
Let tears flow. They wash away your sorrow.- Syed Badiuzzaman
Life is a mystery, happiness and positivity are the clues- Kabir Khivan Singh
Don't judge yourself of yesterday based on the knowledge you have today.- Jared Ball
Hidden Secrets drag your Soul down, Like a Vampire in the Night it steals from you.- Mark A Gardner
I cannot give flu if I don't have the flu. Same with LOVE and RESPECT and ANYTHING. YOU cannot give something YOU do not have.- Theigasen
Love is not easy nor is it difficult. It is just YOU in a state of TRUTH- Theigasen
You starve your children not by denying them food but, through lack of discipline.- Mac McGovern
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Why do you say, 'Zombies are brain dead, dysfunctional, and have no place in society?' When, Zombies use more of your brain than you do.- Mac McGovern
The same people that help you climb higher and higher are also the people that will catch you when you fall, so don't push them away because when you fall, there will be no one else to hold you and tell you that you will be okay.- Larissa
The things we miss the most in life, are things we had but were taken away from us.- Allen Lazar
Besides God, there would be no life without a woman.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Life is larger for the ones who are capable of 'giving' compared to the ones who 'expect'- Dr Sanjeev Trivedi
Get serious about who you allow to influence you. Relationships matter and the roles people play in your life will affect you significantly, directly or indirectly.- Germany Kent
Disassociation sometimes is a beautiful thing.- Germany Kent
Those who try to impress everyone, usually end up impressing no one- the curious person
Love is what makes you feel good inside. Love is not pretending like you are blind when you should be reading the things that your partner might not see. Love is truth, honesty, communication and helping your partner stay healthy and succeed. Love is what you do to help someone you say you love.- Marie Yolande Pierre
One voice can make a huge difference- Sunday Okorie
Love becomes chaotic when someone becomes unsure of their love.- Nelson Chery
We all have what we settle for- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Even the greatest showman alive could not reveal the trick behind the magic of her eyes - TMZPoetry
Nothing will never change for you - until you change- G Swiss
There are two possible effects a woman can have on a man. If he loves her: she can effect him to be the best man he was designed to be or the monster she will complain about in the future.- Piet Ntema
Dear smokers, when you burn one stick you not only burn relationships but also burn your one and only life.- shivangi lavaniya
Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy, and make the most of where you are.- Germany Kent
Show your love to others. Share it generously.- Bret Stringham
It does not matter if you kick a good person out of your life, but be sure you never, even by mistake, keep a bad person close to you. The later can ruin your life- Sarad S Dhungel
Making new memories doesn't mean making the same mistakes with new people.- Gabby Ramos
Whoever said love isn't a bed of roses forgot that roses have thorns- Baely Gabrielle Askins
Beauty alone, will only satisfy so little - ABDULAZIZ Al DABAAN
Allow yourself to lose control. The hardest part of living is learning to let go.- Regan Howard
Do not let our pride stop us from consistently telling those whom are proud of exactly this!- Adrian McGinn
None of us is a better or worse human being than anyone else, if so it is our mind playing tricks on us!- Adrian McGinn
Only people who really love you can hate you for a small thing you do unintentionally.- Marie Yolande Pierre
I stopped expecting things from people who have nothing for themselves.- Marie Yolande Pierre
You can't expect anything from someone who has nothing to give.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Human thinking creates the virtual barrier between possible and impossible.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Beyond the boundary of possible lies impossible. Remove the boundary and you convert impossible to possible.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Emotions can make you or break you.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Persistence is performance irrespective of your feelings.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Consistency over time increases the gap, competition cannot close. - DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Embrace persistence, for it will pay great dividends- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Use your mind-power for your dream-power- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Magnified thinking augments resistance, minimizes performance.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Your soul knows when people lie to you. Ignore them like they don't exist.- Sibel Terhaar
Kindness has massive power, only smart people get it. Think about it.- Sibel Terhaar
I don't believe in revenge; I forgive and heal quietly. But I never let the same person fool me again.- Sibel Terhaar
Privacy brings peace and security but broadcasting everything brings jealousy and envy. Choose your path wisely.- Sibel Terhaar
Death is a physical loss but a spiritual gain- Kabir Khivan Singh
Death is a physical loss but a spiritual gain- Kabir Khivan Singh
Discipline breaks the chains of limitations and liberates you to your freedom.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Magnetize your thoughts by repetition and attract whatever you want into your life.- DrTJ THOMAS JOHN MD ABO DTM
Choose your friends and life wisely. It may build up or pull you down gently.- asokha
I flew because I imagined success, you fell because you imagined failure- Albara almerf
Remember that time when you offered your advice? Me neither..- The Quoted Iris
You are an extension of others. To LOVE or despise is a choice you make for either to be greater.- Theigasen
Alcoholism, the pariah feeding on the collapse of self-control befuddling the brain's sensibility; transforming intelligence into ridicule.- Mac McGovern
You are who you are, you cannot change what fate has made unique; you must first love you.- Mac McGovern
Connectedness with the unknown is God- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Loving flowers by tending plants, a way to compensate the lost love in life.- Dr N Sai Bhaskar Reddy
You only hurt when I'm gone. I was hurting the whole time I was there. The truth is I'm still Feeling the pain. But I know one day I'll be OK.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Happiness is with people who are willing, ready to work with you, not with people that waste your time achieving nothing.- Mariam Paul Obiozo
If you really want to fall in love with the most promising person then fall in love with yourself and experience it.- swati somal
Develop positive from negative and prove yourself- swati somal
Whenever you found yourself around problematic people, don't get disturbed.. have patience, back to your roots and say to yourself.. 'NO, I won't give up, I will stand and fight for me.. I will raise my words and take my step against violence.. i will spread my words to encourage'- swati somal
What I do and what I care about are the only things I'm in control of. I can't blame anyone for that.- Marie Yolande Pierre
What are you doing to make things happen for you? Have you heard of purpose? Your gift! What's your value?.. Well, whatever it is, that's your thing. Now take action.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Despite my 20 years of research into the feminine soul, I have not yet been able to answer the great question that has never been answered: What does a Women want? But at 21, I came to know Women are made to be loved, not understood.- Mujtuba Hussain
I can't be friends with jealous people. They will take you nowhere- Mariam Paul Obiozo
Relationships in your inner circle should mirror the success and happiness you seek.- Germany Kent
Sometimes, some people and some situations deserve a second chance.- Germany Kent
Going through your man's phone is like peeling an onion. There are multiple layers to it, and the more you peel them back, the more likely you are going to start crying at inappropriate times.- Mhlongo Ndumiso Julius
To say you want to make a fresh start, but reacting under the weight of past baggage and experience is the wrong thing to do, and a sure failure to the start. You have to let go of the past and treat each episode there on as a new experience, and respond like it were new.- Sapna Dhandh Sharma
I am the winning card you are using against each other.- Nouran Mounir
It's good to think about others but never forget to think about yourself simultaneously..- Aye Aye
You don't have to keep trying if you're the only one that keeps trying to make it work. You're wasting your time, it'll never work.- Marie Yolande Pierre
You never have a positive life with a negative mind, you should keep your mind as much positive and active- Anand gill
If you ask a liar to tell you the truth, you are lying to yourself.- Ana White
If your fear is whether or not anyone wants you, you should conquer that fear, if you don't, you'll start to hurt yourself more than the pain of those who've left you.- Ely Pickett
Fake friends make you know the value of good friends because fake friends are of little or no values while good friends are jewels of inestimable values- Segun Rasaki
Hit me 100 times with your fist, I'll heal and forgive you. hit me with one bad word from your heart, that I will never forget.- Allen Lazar
A young mind may not know a lot but sometimes we need a young mind to understand a lot- Ephraim jaji
Candle nights (dinners) are the best cure for broken & exhausted hearts - Malik Ahsan Ali
There's a difference between My and Mine- Leon Hurd Alexander III
Our First Love and First Friend Should Be Ourselves - SunofYah913
Learn to run your life using good life experiences from other people to avoid you ruining your life and presenting bad examples of how not to run a life.- Segun Rasaki
There are always three sides to every story: the oppressed, the oppressor, and the creator.- Segun Rasaki
To be a good leader is to be a good follower, because in the assembly of leaders someone has to lead the pack.- Segun Rasaki
Mistakes do happen as unintentional acts and these can be forgiven, but intentional wrongs are acts of wickedness and these are unforgivable.- Segun Rasaki
It's unfair to dwell on the past, because everyone remembers it differently- Cassandra Fine
If you don't have true passion for it - you will lose interest in it..- G Swiss
Too much of anything is never a good thing - unless it's real love & positivity- G Swiss
It's not about moments, events or intensity, it's all about consistency of your feelings, she fell in love with you! - Muhammad Shahwan Tariq
Never look for a relation to overcome your loneliness or weakness. Look for a true companionship where you enjoy the moments ONLY- Muhammad Shahwan Tariq
A person cannot 'act, communicate or respond' above where they are.- Marian E Currie
A man's heart cannot stand by itself, it needs a woman to hold it.- joey the poet
A compliment from a loved one weighs less than one from a stranger..- M Adonis Layne
Tolerance is not only acceptance, but celebration, of others' differences.- Emme Gerund
Love is the body's invasion by another spirit. Beloved is the mirror that reflects the ideal that the lover created within himself. Mind separates, while love unites. Love is both the consequence and condition of moral perfection. Every love has four seasons. The love which is not cooled down by mind will evaporate. Love is the victory of heart on mind. Reasonable love is a part of life, while crazy love conquests the whole life. Divine love arises from the union of love with the feeling of sacredness. Love removes the borders between reality and imagination.- Abu Turkhan
You lose trust after several disappointments. When you accept those disappointments as a way of life, a strange calmness sets in. This calmness is dangerous, and is the onset of problems- Sapna Dhandh Sharma
Never look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth Dunne
Making a difference is not about being a big hero. It is about lending a helping hand to those in need, lifting someone's spirit to those who feel down, giving hope to those in despair, putting a smile to those in tears and for just being there in times of need.- lulu topacio
'i love you' is nothing but a word.. but being told 'i love you' is more than any word that could possible be written.- mj mansfield
You are everything I could want. but, I don't want someone who is completely perfect; I want someone who is only perfect in my eyes.- mj mansfield
The greatest gift you can give someone is to understand them.- Regan Howard