Goal & Optimism Quotes Pictures
Knowledge is worth. Only, when it is of service to others...
Education Leadership Philosophy Short Success
Knowledge WorthDream brings about vision and vision acted upon brings about the realization of the dream...
Desire Dreams Opportunity Short
Dream VisionThey; who can survive the wreckage and breakage of the stormy season of Life; emerge victorious....Life
It doesn't matter how hard things might seem, you just have to keep trying and not to have 'giving..
Patience Success Positive Attitude
Keep Matter Thought TryingPain, sadness, and sorrow are not the universe's way of punishing, but of telling you to go while..Time Way Pain
Do not complain of being at the bottom, rise up. There is always room at the top...
Change Failure Hope Inspirational Leadership
BeingAs long as you are trying you are successful...
Education Hope Inspirational Youth
Trying SuccessfulEven though your goals may seem a mile away, build a mental bridge and cross it, bringing your..
Courage Education Inspirational
BuildWhen one door shuts on you, be thankful as the Universe has a greater plan to open higher doors..
Confidence Courage Faith Failure God
Heart Open Universe Door PlanTop 10 Goal & Optimism Quotes
Success is the result of multiple failures.- shiza shahid
You have to go through a few nightmares to make your Dreams come true.- Puja Agarwal
The 'secret' recipe has always been within you. You just need to find an apt bowl to serve it.- Sohil R Ladhani
In order to gain true understanding of things, one must start with themselves.- Gerald Abad
You have Tremendous Power running through Your veins. Your Heart Shines as a Light that Expands throughout the Everlasting Universe. There is nothing that is impossible for you to achieve if you will Your Heart and Mind to it. With Your smallest finger, You can knock Earth off of its axis, because You have Divine Love, Goodness, and Almighty Power moving Within Your Soul, Blasting through Your Spirit, and Engulfing the Entirety of Your Heart!- Amelia Goode
Don't let your assumption exceed your perspective of seeing things.- Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo
Be like an aeroplane, always moves forward, flies above obstacles, and only in land for refueling.- Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo
The challenges in the world today, -in Africa, Asia, America, Europe.. can only be solved by collaboration and openness. Isolating ourselves and protecting our interests, will not lead us into a good future.- Eseka Jerry
Life is like a three lane freeway, ALL lanes going forward! 120, 80 & 60 speed zones, no stopping unnecessarily, changing lanes carelessly, choose the right lane & speed.- David Mabu
Hope lies in what action we take.- Oscar Auliq Ice
All Goal & Optimism Quotes ⇑
Live, learn, play, win, inspire- Repeat- Ritesh Ranjan
Life's questions are puzzles. Life's tests are puzzles. Life's answers are self-lifestyles.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Choice is a dance of faith and strife- where dime and prime chime- hurt and loss are the carrion that make living truly an art- Pasithea
Pain is temporary, grades are forever- stevenai
It doesn't matter if a plane is ascending or descending. A plane always points up. Be a plane my friend.- Omran Jamal
Life is a stage so perform your own- Roha Sadaphule
I take one step forward for each two steps back. I'm constantly moving but not getting anywhere. So I start running, just to stay in place.- Brandon Kellum
Carve my name in hearts because marble is ever changing- Brandon Kellum
If you Don't have any work to do, prepare for yourself.. Be Fit.- Nikhil Bhadviya
I see this world in a different way, because I am a photographer.- Bizz Lamichhane
Why should one settle for average when greatness is a possibility.- Tshepang Jan Manyaka
When your pain compels you to take rest; only a Physiotherapist keeps you moving, It's not just Rehabilitation; It's Reliving- PRACHI KERKAR
One day we just wake up. We wake up and say enough is enough, but we just don't say it when we wake. We say it every second of every day. This is how habits are broken. This is how we make a change.- Lance Anthony Ambourn
Every move you make is a gamble, for best results go all in.- Ammar Samkough
If you believe that You can do great things, Don't be surprised by The amazing things You Can Do.- Baraniko Eria
You can't start over, but you can start right now.- Ben Wong
Everyone wants peace? True. Everyone wants it. But there is a difference between the one who wants it and the one WHO IS TRYING TO ACHIEVE IT.- IWillBringChange
Those who rebel and don't follow the rules will fail and end up working a small job. Those who follow the rules are the ideal, mainstream person will end up being the employers of those who rebel, which is a great achievement. And those who follow the rules but think outside the box, who are thought to be weird, will change the world.- Ivy B
I always land on my feet.. even when I get knocked on my back I always land on my feet.. because I've never lived a day where getting up was not an option - James Okeze
Live for today with your eyes on the future.- Thomas Flajnik antichimerapodal
If you allow yourself to be defined by someone other than yourself, then you have not reached your true potential if that definition is not who you are or want to become.- George A. Gilmore
Never look back.. remember with a smile. Look forward with a grin.. somethings just aren't supposed to be.- Ruth Dunne
Learning isn't always about being right. When mistakes are made, don't feel down, look at what's left, correct it, and stand up a better person- Brian Seah
Stand on land and touch the sky, this is the height of greatness..- Abhishek Thakur