Short Hate Quotes Pictures
We always want to give people a piece of our mind rather than have peace of mind..
Anger Love Truth Wisdom One liners
People Want Mind Peace GiveMillions of dollars are spent every day to prepare for war. How much to prepare for peace?..Day Peace War
At times our thoughts begin to shake because we seem to loose faith and replace it with hate...Hate Faith
When hate fills your mind don't forget you have a heart...
Heart Imagination Philosophy Fear One liners
Heart Mind Hate ForgetWe both enjoy if we don't hate each other, We both coexist if we don't hate each other...Hate Enjoy
Top 10 Short Hate Quotes
Do not hate yourself or others, there is already enough hate in the world.- Victor Courage
You couldn't speak the truth, if it climbed up your throat and crawled out of your mouth.- Cory Powell
There is no place like home, but home isn't a home if your loved ones are gone.- Tayler hansen
You know it is wrong when you did it without happiness.- Brandon McCulloch
There is a lot of difference between 'hating' and 'not liking'.- Bipin Kumar G J
Only people who really love you can hate you for a small thing you do unintentionally.- Marie Yolande Pierre
Prejudice learned now encapsulates willing souls.. until only hate survives.- Mac McGovern
We are all going to be hurt if we hate each other.- Ojo Yusuf Abdulazeez
Love what others hate; and hate what others love , but keep arguments away from these choices- mohdmustafa99
I don't hate idiots outside lecturing halls of a university.- mohdmustafa99
All Short Hate Quotes ⇑
Coercion also means to do what people do not want you to do.- mohdmustafa99
A Breeze of love is the straw that broke the camel's back of hate.- mohdmustafa99
Girls are very quick to exchange repugnance.- mohdmustafa99
Wives do not like their husbands being 'hit under the belt'.- mohdmustafa99
Love from the first glance, but hate after several glances. - mohdmustafa99
Disagreement is often confused with hatred.- Emily Eaton
Being hypocritical: some people never get tired of it- Dirk Johannes Botha
Hero gets the glory , Villain gets the girl- Zaheer Soosiwala
Easy to hate who loves you, Easy to love who hates you, Difficult to hate who you love!- Tewelde G hawerya G meskel
I found three kinds of people in life. Some need Respect, Some need Attention. The rest are MEN!- Ebenezer Michael
Dearth enters when you close your door.- mohdmustafa99
Corruption makes uneatable things easily eatable.- mohdmustafa99
If you give a s**t, you get hurt- Jihan Heenkenda
Don't hate on me, hate on yourself- George Poulos
Love many and many will hate you. Hate many and more will hate you.- Victor Onaola
You are my best-friend but I'd say you are my hero! You saved me from everything that happened to me!- Shona Kalolo
Many choose to be the assassins of my feelings and I always get assassinated- Farhad Dastoor
Never take revenge on someone; for it will never solve warfare.- Basil Tong
Hate is an illusion of fear- Alex Gaddini
Life is actually another nightmare in the making- Natalia