Wisdom & Change Quotes Pictures

Don't hold yourself back by trying to hold up someone else that isn't willing to do it for..
Freedom Inspirational Leadership Life Truth
Trying Hold Willing
If you feel like your whole world is falling down, remember it can only hit so low until your world..World Feel Remember

Clarity is wisdom's oil. Contemplation is its comb. Compromise is its hairstyler. Composure is its..

Transformation simply means change, what matters most is not what you change but what you change..
Goal Inspirational Leadership Politics Success
It doesn't matter how rich, how poor, how cool or how nerdy you are, what really matters is how you..People Matter Act Poor Rich

Walk by a thousand mirrors before you blame someone else..
Failure Life Patience Short One liners
Walk Blame
People and things change but principles and values remain unchanged. Always uphold them..People Change Remain

Sometimes it's not people who change but the mask that they put it on. ~ Suyog Potdar [ People with..

In a world this beautiful and teeming with opportunities, it's extremely insecure to be hostile to..World Beautiful

Sorry means nothing if you've done nothing to change your actions...
Anger Forgiveness Friendship Life
ChangeOnly we can decide to allow the disappointments in our lives to rule us. We can either rise above it and keep moving forward to become the best we..
-Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
-Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Courage Dreams Failure Inspirational Life
Keep Past Grow Choice
The price of victory is patience and persistence..
Confidence Leadership Opportunity Success Truth
Once we start being brutally honest with ourselves we found we had mistaken bad decisions for bad..Being Bad

Be careful when you put your mouth on people. What they're going through today that you're..People Today Tomorrow Situation

Lions live amongst lions. Tigers live amongst tigers. Please don't ask me where to find success...Success Find

You can ALWAYS change the way you think about things. You can't always change everything, but the..
Inspirational Philosophy Success Truth One liners
Way Think Change Bring
Do not complain of being at the bottom, rise up. There is always room at the top...
Failure Goal Hope Inspirational Leadership
Children Have The Potential To Change Even The Most Irredeemable Of People..People Change Children Potential
Top 10 Wisdom & Change Quotes
Mistakes are meant to be made, however making the same mistakes over and over again is a sign of a stagnant mind- SunofYah913
The best type of judge is one's self, because this type of judgement comes without any prejudice, hatred, or unfairness.- SunofYah913
Change is inevitable. What is also inevitable is failure for those who refuse to change.- Dr Travis J Hedrick
Nothing will never change for you - until you change- G Swiss
Looking back blocks you from seeing ahead.. the key is to keep the past in your peripheral IF you don't wanna repeat it- Mekedes Endale
Everything ends for something new to begin.- M A Gaffar Prodeep
Embrace your vision, so that you will have the power to conquer the impossible.- Howard Hanniford
Change , one of the most fearful aspects. Of human existence, yet the greatest. Most profound. Means of growth.- Helen Covington
The basic is to make a point about the fact that social media should be handled as 'main part of the business' and not a 'nice to have' communication channel. That theory died along with the Isdn. - Spiros Arvanitis, Greek Internet visionist- lexmark
After every winding road, a straight road ahead- Abeer Al Jammal
All Wisdom & Change Quotes ⇑
The only hurdle that stands in the way of you achieving true greatness is yourself.- Teboho Kutoane
Commonplace is pointing out the faults of others, Rare is seeing your own faults.- Bill Gibbs
Hate is stronger than love! When you hate someone you give them your soul- Gabby Ramos
Power is God giving us the pencil of faith, and letting us edit our script of life- Kevin gerimet
Yesterday was the lesson Today is the reward - Nancy Thompson Mahler
Don't hate what already exists, you'll only end up hating everything- Lokesh giri
Real change always comes from within.- Syed Badiuzzaman
You are who you are, you cannot change what fate has made unique; you must first love you.- Mac McGovern
I wanted my life to Change, so I made the Choice, I knew it wouldn't happen just by chance.- Allen Lazar
If your life is filled with darkness, just go somewhere there is light. The darkness will slowly fade away.- Allen Lazar
One day everything will start fading away and before you know it its all gone for good; making way for new and better things- Diego J. Carrillo Díaz
Continuously position yourself among nurturers, thought leaders, and change agents.- Germany Kent
We're in a state of oblivion, waiting for the epoch of ephemeral luminescence to commence.- Vaibhav
There are three common types of care; careful, carefree and careless. Of these three types the safe, safer and safest of them is careful. Be careful in order to live long in good health.- Segun Rasaki
A Tough Journey Produces Great Results When Positive Mindset Is In place.- Samuel Okonji AKA Mc Bobby
The challenges in the world today, -in Africa, Asia, America, Europe.. can only be solved by collaboration and openness. Isolating ourselves and protecting our interests, will not lead us into a good future.- Eseka Jerry
There are times when you have to remove yourself from the environment that is contributing to your stagnation.- Lisa Ebersole Dempsey
Carrying someone else's weight is only going to weigh down on you and add stress, frustration, and pain. Choose who you work with and play with wisely.- Loren Weisman
Whatever is destined can't be changed except by hard work..- ashwin sankar
Perfectionism is another form of procrastination.- Jen Ramsey
Finish Friday Stronger Than You Started Monday- Steve Aura
The only way to be yourself is to know yourself. And to know yourself you have to see yourself. You have to understand who you are, why you are, and lastly be who you are.- Brandon Timothy Gordon
Oh, but my dear, this is not Wonderland and you are not Alice. This is reality and you are but a girl.- Natalya Mnauel
Lick your words before they lick your courtesy.- mohdmustafa99
Carve my name in hearts because marble is ever changing- Brandon Kellum
As long as any power structure exists, none cannot.- Joshua Young
We live constantly barraged by tests and curve balls is refreshing to see life simply. A plain white canvas upon which you can create absolutely anything you perceive.- Robert Baker
The thing is, everyone is messed up in their own way, some realize it and change, but some don't. We can only hope and pray that others will see their wrong doing and change it. Some will never change but don't let them ruin a world of amazing wonderful people - Brynn Alanah Lund
Even though I do not like to study for knowledge, the research that I like to do grants me knowledge.- Jose Ezequiel Montalvan Llerena
Negative thoughts are the biggest threat to human kind- Shrikrishna Deore
The point of wisdom is when the heaven takes you higher than what you expect of what you know.- Oscar Auliq Ice
Knowledge changes much, but experience changes everything.- Nigel Aldridge
It's the Stupid ones that end up becoming Wise.- Ashkan Hassani
Angels are driven by compassion deprived of instinct, Animals are driven by instincts deprived of compassion, Humans are a grip of soil and a puff of soul, driven by both, when their compassion dictates their instinct we call them Angels and when their instincts dictates their compassion we call them Animals- Fawstes Ahmed
'I love you' and 'i hate you' have 8 alphabets each, so don't be surprised if he comes to profess his today and tomorrow you see hatred being demonstrated.- Kabirat Ahmed Salihs
Little good triumphs over much evil - Shoban k
Any president should not be valued by what he did , but by what he didn't.- mohdmustafa99
Talking to strangers is like reading a new book.- Regan Howard
Character must first be developed on the inside before it will manifest on the outside..- Paddick Van Zyl
Every single human being is selfish. May he/she want it or not. We eat meat, made of animals, just to survive, not thinking about the death of our food. That's selfish thinking, don't you think? And don't start about vegetarians, they eat plants that are just as equal as animals. So don't go around saying you aren't selfish. Everyone is.- KingKing3
Everybody sees the world in a different way..- Hamdan Zefa Banda
Beauty is a feeling, not a vision. you may dress it up to make a design But a design without a feeling is unfinished.- Patrick Carter
I live for the present like a kid on Christmas- Joe Anthony Vasquez
I can open my eyes to something I've seen everyday and see something I've never seen in it before. It's a new perspective; a new meaning.. and it's beautiful- Regan Howard
There will never be peace on Earth until we realize our own insignificance. It is this imagined self-importance that has led to our downfall.- Twenty Twelve
Sometimes in life one needs time to find himself, to once again be reunited with the reality again.- nervis
It's my opinion that the human race's inherent tendency to fear the unknown, can be held accountable for much of what's wrong with the world. Perhaps it's time to embrace the unknown, so that we may begin taking steps towards understanding it. To do so, is the only means we have of ever seeing our future differ from our past.- Jesse Hayes
Everyone changes, for right and wrong reasons- but no-one forgets.- mj mansfield
They say it's good to have regrets in life that's how we learn from our mistakes.. Now if you had regrets but haven't learnt anything from it then I suggest you go see a shrink.- Max