
Well your vessel is alive, thats all that matters, and honestly,:

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Well your vessel is alive, thats all that matters, and honestly, I'll tell you one thing, if you're not dying inside at least a few times as time passes by, then you're not really living. There's billions of stars and billions of people, a star only shines after it dies, just as a human unleashes insanity or enhanced capabilities when they've died enough times and meet the right ass holes. -Scxio

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Published On: November 10th 2017, Friday @ 1:26:08 PM

Total Number of Views: 70

Categories: Age Anger Business Change Confidence Courage Creativity Death Desire Dreams Faith Failure Goal Heart Hope Imagination Inspirational Leadership Nature Opportunity Optimism Peace Sad Short Truth War Witty Wisdom Youth Fear

Keywords: Billion Capability Die Die Enhance Hole Honest Matter Star Time Unleash

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