Lies are very sweet, while truth is bitter that's why most people prefer telling lies...
Truth lie
People Truth
The real chance you get in life is chance you give yourself, I advice you give yourself the best..
Life Give Chance
Prosperity is for everyone, good health is for every one, no one has the right to choose what's for..
Do not be discouraged by things you see or hear is all things off reason..
I have some friends who were very passionate about what they do, but along they line they were no..
Days are coming when get to value things than humans...
Don't wait for the perfect one, pick any one and make them perfect...
The wise one learns more things from enemies, not friends..
I like to be myself, and I don't pretend. For instance, I care not what you eat/ drink/ smoke, I'm..
Truth Wisdom
If your eyes are real, you will always realize who is faking or not, real eyes realize real things..
I was told there is no brother/love in lagos, but so far in life I have found most love and care in..
Life Truth
Love Life Care
Whenever things get out of hand, one thing that rings on my mind is, God never forsake his people..
People God Mind Hand